Summer it is rain today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












2024summer1:前年网络发现,体育宝贝,天空达人. 你跪着,当然也不是爱情啦。承认错误?可以接受。今天我这里阴天啦。主人在这里哈。还有一些存在的问题,你的错误有三个?我认为你道歉了,可是你是不是在道歉?呵呵,心啊,看,是不是,你在海滩上,教室里,这就是你的招牌动作了,不是什么道歉啦。三个错误,你认识到几个?两个?一个?我们还是保存这个问题以后面谈吧。这里说不清楚,也不能说。因为这涉及到几个国家的私事。o,认识到三个啦。好。如果面对面谈,就没有这么模糊和复杂啦。你要理解啦。要开心啦。我在关中,不在关东啦,欢迎你来。





2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


We see these food, clothing, shelter, transportation, revenge, pleasure, comparison and competition, basically this is human instinct. Social development, driven by human instinct, is economic development. The catering industry, the clothing industry, the hotel accommodation industry, the travel industry, this is all human instinct. Revenge, such as Israel's revenge on the Palestinians, is instinctive. Pleasure, marriage, music, good food, clothing, housing and transportation are all there.
Basically, in the human world, these things are pervasive in human society. No exceptions.
What drives humanity forward is competition, competition between different people, regional, national, and international. In short, from the prosperous, to the prosperous, to the decaying; There are also competition failures. That's the loser mode.

So the biggest loser mode of mankind, such as Japan's defeat in World War II, then he is not in loser mode. Many people say that Japan is an exception. But Japan is also a typical loser model. Defeat, enslavement, terrorism, economic development, development of nuclear weapons, challenge the United States, freedom and equality. You will find that these elements are more or less present in Japan. And there is no order, there is a mess. It's not obvious. It can be said that these link elements are developing.

There was certainly enslavement, but the possibility of slaughter after defeat was offset by the enslavement of another country. The development of the economy is a very obvious feature. However, the development of terrorism and nuclear weapons is not obvious. Perhaps for Southeast Asians, Japan's worship of the Yasukuni Shrine is a sign of terrorism. Japan's desire to abolish its pacifist constitution is also a sign of terrorism. Even the development of armed forces, converted into aircraft carriers, is a sign of terrorism. Of course, there are also people who have suggested that Japan should develop nuclear weapons, and although Japan does not have nuclear weapons, its technology has already been achieved. If you say you want to build a nuclear weapon, you can build it in a year or two. Although it is an ally with the United States. But we see that it is a display of freedom and equality. So, you'll see that Japan has every aspect of the underdog mode of performance. are developing evenly and slowly. The cause of failure, very powerful existence. The causes also determine the development of Japan.

Therefore, the state of the world is the state that I am talking about, the so-called contradiction between the two systems in the world, which can be ignored, and at most it is just to describe some phenomena in the economic field, because in the end they are all governed and described by the law of the loser model.
And at the heart of the loser model is the loser. With this loser, that's why everything that followed and events was decided. It's as if we have made up our minds since childhood, and we have been working hard for our ambitions throughout our lives, and in every link of our lives, there will be such subtle things related to our ambitions.

And the loser mode, the psychological shadow of the loser, is always there. Everything that will shape the future. Therefore, when a country especially expects a strong country, especially wants to have a strong army, you will find that this is led by the loser model.

And this psychology and thinking, forming a coalition of losers. Anyone who sees a loser will help and win them over. For example, the African continent, which was plundered by the slave trade, naturally became the basis of the League of the Losers, and the expansion of this idea became the basis of the League of the Proletarians. The proletarian is the loser. Trump was convicted of 34 felonies and became a member of the Losers' Alliance, and even because of the obvious formation of this Losers' Alliance, Trump's approval ratings have risen.

Because the world, the world, all regions, and all countries are full of losers, and losers are easy to instinctively identify with each other, which is the natural formation of the loser alliance. It is also the formation of the so-called alliance of proletarians. In fact, the proletarian is only one type of loser.

However, with the development of human science, the degree of our human understanding of nature has increased, and the mastery of natural laws has also increased, mechanized, and multiplied; Electrification is multiplying; Network intelligence has increased exponentially; We have seen the emergence of batches and batches of successful people. That is, due to the development of the economy, it has brought people a certain amount of successful satisfaction. The rich second generation is born rich and has never felt like a loser.

The loser model is evolving, and individual experiences are different, resulting in different factual foundations, not necessarily starting with the loser. However, the fate of the country is firmly in control of the loser mode. When the 8 steps of the loser mode have not been experienced and completed, they are still in the loser mode. And globally, it can be said that only the United States went through the 8 steps of the loser model and finally went to the top, which is the basis of democracy, freedom, equality in the United States. So, the United States is a supernation, and it is also unique, and it is different from other countries.

There are many countries that challenge the United States. The United States can hardly take care of it. Every country compares itself to the United States and wants to surpass it.

But as I said, freedom, equality, this is the level of the soul, that is, in a certain sense, the United States operates in the laws of the soul. But other countries are still struggling with the physical system. Far from it. The physical mode will not go far, it will inevitably collapse, it will inevitably be replaced by the soul.
However, the loser mode allows you to fall deep into the physical realm, into the realm of low-level economic development.

Trade wars, in fact, are manifestations of the enslavement of the losers. Is it in the economic field, in this subset, there are also a series of 8 steps of the loser model? Definitely.
When the loser appears, the laggard appears, and when they are enslaved, they are surpassed, they are sanctioned by the economy, and they are subject to trade wars. So what does terrorism mean in the economic sphere? Economic crisis? What does economic development refer to in the economic field? It is freedom, the development of high technology. Because the core of the economy is freedom, a free market economy. And now there are high-tech, there are mechanical, electrical, networked, and intelligent systems. And what about nuclear weapons in the economic sphere? Be at the forefront of the times and attract capital to your side. From the market economy, it has crossed over to the financial field. Nuclear weapons in the economic sphere are investments in high technology and can make money quickly. Who are the challenged in the economic field? The most dynamic economic system. A system of states, or a system of unions, such as the European Union. What is the ultimate meaning of freedom and equality in economic development? When will humanity reach this height? Has the United States reached this height?

I think that in the future, freedom and equality in the economic field will mean the freedom of everyone to have any goods, freedom to travel, freedom to have children, freedom to raise children, and freedom to educate. At this time, people's instincts will change somewhat. It has disappeared from comparison, from competition, and from the pursuit of food, clothing, housing and transportation. This is probably the highest level of human economic development, and we should maintain this level as much as possible and continue to develop and sustain. How many years will it take? 500 years?

One of the most important levels of human beings today is that higher education is a very small part. It has led to social competition and comparison. With the development of AI, every person born will have an education package that meets the requirements of lifelong education. As long as the current courses at all levels of human education are reasonably classified, sorted out, and copied into countless copies to be managed by AI. This requirement is basically met.

Of course, the freedom and equality of the human economy have been achieved, so what does human society mainly do? All of this can basically be done through AI, but what exactly do humans do?
Obviously, the soul realm has been developed, and he has progressed in the soul realm and cultivated his soul, not just the physical body.
At this time, it is very convenient for human beings to enter and leave the spiritual world? But it will take about 50,000 years.

When there is economic freedom, it is also physical freedom. At this time, the main thing is to go to the soul realm. The center of gravity and consciousness will go to the realm of the soul.
That is, my series of articles will be useful for at least the next 50,000 years. can be used as a guide for the soul.
This series of articles is also a guide to living beings from the body to the soul.

That is to say, the loser model, which can also be used in the economic field, and we use the loser model, which is used in the human field, especially in the field of national development, international relations, and regional contradictions. However, we found that this can also be used in the economic field, and finally let us see the freedom of food, clothing, housing and transportation. Thus it will inevitably open up the next future of mankind, a world pattern with the soul as the theme. And what we are advocating now, the five types of methods of enlightenment, are actually to let us embark on the freedom of life, so that the economy can be free, so it will take about 50,000 years to develop the economy.
And we have different understandings of the degree of economic freedom. Eventually, the planet Cygnus is 438 light-years away from us, a universal machine that can come up with anything we want. There is also the freedom of travel, anti-gravity, everyone has their own personal scooter, fast and stable. Raising the next generation, education, is also done automatically with the help of AI, or it is enough to implant chips. Enough copy memories. More likely, we have experiences and memories from our past lives.

And then we see that the loser mode, and the loser league, are all because of this law, and the strength is increased. In itself, it is also increasing the chances of survival. So in the final analysis, it comes down to the realm of physical intelligence. Don't just see these, but also see these eight steps, the final trend. At the same time, we should also see that when the world economy is developed, the loser model dissolves and dissolves, and only freedom and equality become the core concepts of our planet. I also had to be free in the vast, huge realm of information, that is, the realm of the soul.
10:42 2024-06-02


















10:42 2024-06-02