Summer it is overcast today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












2024summer1:前年网络发现,体育宝贝,天空达人. 你跪着,当然也不是爱情啦。承认错误?可以接受。





2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


I think these gifts for primary school students are first and foremost to be accepted by the principals of every school in the world. Elementary school students will not make such judgments, and only if the principal is familiar with them, then these can be implemented. If the principal is not open and accommodating, then it can only be delayed for a generation. It can be said that you are a sinner for all eternity.

Today, when we regard enlightenment or not as the most important issue in life, we realize how much happiness enlightenment and how much disaster and pain and troubles enlightenment will bring to life.

When we humans are educated, we never do enlightenment as an important thing. Then the education in the past was dark education, and now the enlightenment education I advocate is the light education, which is an education system with the Dharma Yijin Washing Sutra as the beacon. I think every elementary school principal should hear what I say.

Some people say that people in the past did not know this, and it is not that they had to use darkness to educate children and teenagers. So, today, we should raise enlightenment to the highest level and try all kinds of ways to make students as enlightened as possible. The system of enlightenment was established.

Elementary school students, contact with senior leaders, various celebrities, and communicate with these people, it is easy to become enlightened.

Why didn't we realize this before?
First of all, what a 3-year-old child doesn't understand, he understands at the age of 5, what he doesn't understand at the age of 5, what he doesn't understand at the age of 10, what he doesn't understand at the age of 10, what he doesn't understand at the age of 20, and what he doesn't understand at the age of 20 at the age of 40. When you reach the age of 40, the ancients said that forty is not confused, that is, at this age, you basically understand the things of life. Everybody feels that way.
Therefore, life is originally a process of enlightenment, everyone is accustomed to it, what children don't understand, adults understand. I thought this was life. It's all like this.
But forty is not confused, there is still a long way to go before enlightenment. Forty is not confused, but it is not confused about social issues. But for the natural world, for the whole world, and for the universe, it is still far away.

However, we have seen the fact that the cats in the monastery have begun to worship the Buddha and have begun to eat vegetarian food. Apparently this cat realized this. Just like people, they understand this truth.
But is the cat's brain enough for the cat to do such an outrageous thing? But the brain of an adult cat is not as developed as the brain of a one-year-old child. How can cats understand the things of worshipping Buddha and being a vegetarian? The revelation to us is that although it is a brain like a cat, the cat is enlightened. Enlightenment doesn't depend on your age, it's not about whether your brain is an adult brain. But when you become enlightened, you know a lot of things and understand a lot of things. Show that your intelligence has improved a lot.

So, the enlightenment I'm talking about here is not just the enlightenment of adults, but the enlightenment of people of all ages, including children and adults. And the focus is on the enlightenment of adults, that is, the enlightenment of people after the age of 20.

We asked why the cat was enlightened, and I already mentioned it, that is, I passed the soul level and then became enlightened. Therefore, I define that people who have reached the soul level are naturally enlightened. Unfortunately, you know the word soul, but you don't necessarily become enlightened. Everybody's the same.
Therefore, life, after moving from the system of the body to the system of the soul, is enlightened. But how do you go from the physical body to the soul system?

How can we make adults enlightened? Enlightened like a monastery cat?

I've already told you, this is the set. You can stick to it for a few years. It is through this method that the Buddha attained enlightenment.
Also, we also know about meditation, and you can do it for a few years. And we know yoga, you can stick to yoga for a few years. And we know qigong, you can stick to qigong for several years.
Both children and adults can practice. There is a yoga festival in India every year. This is the first of its kind in the world. Whether it can be set up today, the Dharma Yijin Washing Pulp Gong Festival, a festival all over the world. Isn't this the first thing to be implemented in the NASA work department, because first, the NASA office was selected as the best place to work, and second, NASA exercised the Dharma Yijin Pulp Cleansing Gong to become the first group of enlightened people.

Why do we choose these things that not many people in the world knew about 50 years ago to exercise? Do you think that this will lead to enlightenment?

First of all, meditation, yoga, meditation, these almost all come from ancient Indian wisdom. It has also been inherited by modern India. This is the experience of Indians for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years. And now, countless people have implemented these exercises, and they have also been effective, proving that these are true. In fact, human beings have recognized the benefits of meditation, meditation, and yoga, and now there is a trend of practicing yoga all over the world. I think everybody knows that. But there are fewer who insist on exercising for a few years.

The first effect is to drive away troubles and anxieties. second, exercising has reduced many common diseases; thirdly, the intelligence is developed and the intelligence is improved; Fourthly, it is to make you enlightened, different levels of enlightenment.

The human brain, after a question is repeated many times, understands why? It is because the axons and dendrites of human brain cells sprout and grow all the time, and thousands of new connections are formed in a second. Repeat many times, connect more, and it is easy to understand. From subtlety to fact to flesh. This also explains the subtlety, which is actually a time when a nerve is connected, and the fact that the physical body is often a group of nerves connected when the two are connected. Often when a correct thing is understood, there is one, a new group of axons or dendrites that arise and connect. And the more correct things are, the easier they are to be absorbed by the brain, because the logical structure of the correct things, the three-dimensional structure, and the natural structure of the brain's network connection are similar, so they can be better understood and absorbed. This is the Heavenly Dao, and the Heavenly Dao is in the structure of your brain's connections. This is why justice and mindfulness will gain the trust and support of more people, because it is easy to form a similar spatial network structure in the brain, and this structure is the same or similar to the structure of nature and heaven.

If you believe in God, you will naturally have such a brain connection network, and with such a connection, then you will have such a mind that can turn here, otherwise it will not work, it will not be understood. When we talk about God, it is often the ceiling of our problems, and after touching this ceiling, we will return, otherwise without this ceiling, without this high space, then basic things are not enough to have such a back and forth space. You can't understand, and you can't trust. Without touching the ceiling, but encountering some low-level experience, the connection of interests, then returning, this is the result of bringing, narrow space, and errors in judgment. Ghosts and gods are the ceiling of all kinds of things for human beings, and when they get here, they will return. Therefore, there is a lot of space for human beings, because ghosts and gods are very free, such as God, who has the right to life and death, and the right to create the universe. Returning here would be the right choice. Otherwise, what is the ceiling of your thinking questions? If you've introspected to this extent, you know. Those dirty, low, national, profit, gourmet, beautiful, power, money, etc., when you think these as the ceiling of your thinking, when you encounter these concepts and return, you naturally know what your life will be like. It's not theism, it's atheism. It's called the ceiling theory of thinking.
The ceiling of people's thinking is different, and the results are often different, and they vary greatly.

This theory also explains which ones are fake and which ones are real in American blockbusters. Because new things are rarely connected, it takes a process. Familiar things, on the other hand, are two things and multiple things connected by a large number of neural connections.

It can also be seen that everything in the field of creation is produced by one or two connections, which is the material basis of inspiration. It is also a way of thinking that creates a way of thinking that grasps the main factors, and a method of spiritual experience. Because there are only one or two nerves connected at times, it is very subtle and fleeting. Coarse nerve connections, this is the way of thinking in many countries. It's also the way of thinking of the flesh. But the soul can also tell you that the first time you encounter God, it is also when one or two connections arise, and there seems to be nothing. Subtle, fuzzy. Because the soul is this subtle being, like when one or two nerves protrude out of the connection. So, when one or two dendrites and axons are connected, this situation exists, but you don't believe it. Why? It's too subtle, it's fleeting, it's gone. This is the subtle difference between atheism and belief in God, and it is also the bridge. It is almost impossible to distinguish between believing in God and not believing in God. But this is the way of heaven, which naturally exists. Believe it or not, it's just your dictatorship.

For example, if you come across the city gate with a bamboo pole, this is the ceiling from which you think about the problem. If your ceiling is God, and you are used to returning to the God's step, your degree of freedom is much greater, and you naturally wonder why the bamboo pole should go through the door? Because God is infinitely free and free from all constraints, therefore, when you pass through the city gate and you restrain God, God will naturally think that there is something wrong with you. You can see that this is a mode of thinking, and it is not for you to believe in God. But when you reach the level of God, you have this way of thinking, otherwise can you replace God with something else, but the meaning and effect are the same. This is the fact of the universe, and we cannot deny it.

For example, the way of thinking of birds, when they see the grain on the ground, then the next step is to eat it. But when a person encounters food on the ground, the second step is whether it is safe or not, and then he eats it. But Westerners, when it comes to food, their second step is to thank God before they go to eat. The thinking ceiling is different. As for the heavens, how big the scope of God is, and how strong the accumulation of neural connections will be, it is the world of people who believe in God.

Here I want to say that before falling in love, you must learn the three most important points of this month, the method. Otherwise, the relationship will fail and may destroy you. Once you know that you are out of love, you must soon tell others, through evaluation, set up a barrier to stop this infinite impact. The faster, the better. After that, meditate, or operate with awareness, discarding, disappearing, emptying these negative feelings, emotions, things. Repeat until confirmed. After resting for an hour or two, relax, this is when the operation works better. When you wake up from a dream, when you just wake up in the morning. Third, travel, or do something else with your heart. The same goes for setbacks. This is the flip side. If it is positive, it also tells us that when you believe in God, the power and effect will be far beyond your understanding.
10:52 2024-05-27





















10:52 2024-05-27