Summer it is sunny today 3 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            

Everything, we mainly say, from the consciousness and concepts of war, to the economic field. The essence of the key ideas and strategies in war is development and change, and they can reach the economic field. Some countries do not have the consciousness of economic development, thinking that when society develops naturally, it is developing the economy. However, to develop the economy, it is necessary to first build roads, and then to telecommunications, electricity, networks, markets, finance, and so on, and the introduction of foreign capital is a very important method. With this awareness, we rush in this direction, although the future is unknown, but the problem can be solved. This awareness is also shared by Indians. The story of a 16-year-old girl in India who became famous by singing, but divorced her parents, development is the core, and rushing forward is the core. When you want to build a city again, you will know what these elements are, what is active development, what is economic development, and apply all the experience and wisdom accumulated by human economic development. If you don't have the experience of building a city, let's start developing the economy from the special zone, but we must bring in human resources. Draw a blueprint and let everyone do it together, and you will also get a Nobel Peace Prize medal.
It is to suddenly stop the war from the current state of war, and then enter the development of the economy and the establishment of a paradise of good causes. As long as this thought and behavior is open, take action. Israel will never again be attacked by surprise attacks by the Palestinians. That's how big things come about, and that's how complicated situations are brought out. This is how the future of peace in the Middle East has begun.
If you have not yet attained this fundamental wisdom in war, you have to look at your present conduct in war. Because the war has begun, take the initiative and use all your wisdom. So, you have to be aware of the great significance of your own initiative awareness. This is development, resolute development, moving forward. This is the realization of knowing oneself. Maybe get used to it, the outbreak of war, that is, military operations, the destruction of the enemy. But the subconscious of these actions is developmental action. We're going to rise to that height. Recognize the wisdom embodied in the meaning of development, initiative.

Then there is the development of the economy. introduction of foreign capital; Introduce major companies, various companies, factories from all over the world. To create a free platform for these, to create a safe platform, the development of free zones is necessary in order to attract all kinds of entrepreneurs. It is necessary to create a special area for economic development. What economic development is is still important. The elements are complete. However, the starting point and the basis for all of this is the creation of the name Paradise of Good Causes, which is very important, and the introduction of the appropriate Palestinians, and the Israelis are also very basic. Don't forget these roots for the sake of economic development.

The basis of all this is to start from zero, and not to have preconceptions about yourself and others. Hatred, hatred. The light has seen you, and peace has begun. Economic development began.
But the first people who enter the paradise of good causes must be carefully vetted, and they have such an inclusive and visionary vision. Palestinians and Israelis do it 1:1.

About this operation, it was abrupt. From three sides.
One is that this kind of grand plan that I offer is that it suddenly came, and Israel suddenly entered into peaceful economic construction. This has to be sudden, so that it can completely change people's perceptions. It can be difficult, but we're going to start with the hardest. Learn the story of the 16-year-old Indian girl's movie.And the country's strong military will escort the voyage.
And then there is the possibility that Israel will also be attacked by Hamas, which is also a mutation.
The third is the results of genetic research from Hopskin University, which is a more basic and sudden change, and I think that if Israel does not quickly enter into economic construction and build a paradise that is beneficial to Palestinians and Israelis, it may be that this mutation is the fate of Israel, bringing about the beginning of a tragic fate, and it will be even more difficult if it is mistaken for the descendants of Russians. Americans may change. Now the global population has not digested this information, has not yet made judgments, and has not yet acted. For hundreds of years, this was the most important turn of fate. Harshness and urgency.

When we talk about everything, we mention that consciousness comes from the soul, not from the brain cells.
In fact, the life of the Buddha was 49 years of preaching. It is the process of shifting the focus from the physical body to the soul. All his scriptures tell people that wisdom is transferred from the physical system to the soul system. and how to manipulate the soul.

And I told people in the New Heart Sutra. Empty yourself of the things of your heart, as long as you manipulate your consciousness in this way, then the result is very different. Because this is the process of shifting your focus from the physical body to the soul. The process is to sit quietly and relax, and then the mind causes everything that has drifted into your consciousness to disappear, dissipate and empty. Although the memory is still there, it has been separated from the body and has become the memory of the soul. There will be no pain in your soul, and pain is produced by the body, not by the soul.
And our whole life is a huge memory, which is covering our soul consciousness at all times and driving away our soul consciousness. So what kind of person you are depends on how much your soul is covered. The less you cover, the wiser you are.
Books written by those who struggle with consciousness and thoughts in the physical realm are still very popular, such as don't sympathize with the weak, the reason why the weak are weak must have a reason, help the weak, and the fate of the weak becomes your destiny. Everyone is a Buddha, not a weak. Get up close, and you'll know that your wife is like a tiger and a leopard in the physical realm. This kind of consciousness, including Mr. Lu Xun, has no soul consciousness at all, and is completely struggling in the physical memory system. and human civilization is relatively inferior. Doesn't it feel like you've crossed countless eras?
A nation without God is thus deeply trapped in the wisdom of the flesh, and it is difficult to get out of it. Therefore, I advocate starting from 0 and entering the age of the soul in the Middle East, the age of God. That is, first of all, there is a time of peace, and then there is a paradise of good causes.
Look at my new Diamond Sutra, my New Heart Sutra. Let you fall into the realm of soul civilization and enter the level of cosmic civilization.

At the same time, you must also know that words have a limit, and we cannot be imprisoned by words.
Many middle school students have the experience of staring at the text, and after a while, you feel very strange, and the text is not the text. It feels like this, but it's subtle.That is to say, when you use concepts to derive the truth, your concepts, words and words are all fixed, but in the universe, which thing is fixed, what is fixed is just a kind of human cognition. Therefore, when I read the articles written by those scholars, I feel very strange, the accumulation of these words, in fact, through words, you understand the world, and when you abandon words, then you are really enlightened, really wise.
However, we have also seen a special case, when the finger reads the Buddha characters, we do not see the Buddha characters, but see the people who shine. A human figure that shimmers with golden light. So, you should also be aware of the limitations of words.
The world is three-dimensional, not literal.
So, when reading my new Heart Sutra, you have to know what the text says and what the realm is. Then he discarded the words and entered a state of concentration, thus raising his soul.
9:32 2024-05-14


然后就是发展经济。引入外资;引入全球各大公司,各种各样的公司,工厂。给这些建立一个自由的平台,建立一个安全的平台,免税区的发展是必要的,这样能吸引各种企业家。要创造出来一个经济发展的特殊区域。什么是经济发展,依然很重要。要素齐全。但是,这些的出发点和基础,就是创立 种善因乐园 这个名字非常重要,引入适宜的巴勒斯坦人,以色列人也很基础。不要为了发展经济而忘记这些根基。


一个是我提供的这种宏图是突然到来,以色列突然进入 和平经济建设。这一点必须突然,从而能彻底改变人们的概念。可能难度很大,但是,我们就是要从最大难度开始的。学习那16岁的印度女孩的电影故事吧。而且國家的强大軍事會保駕護航的。


一个民族没有神,就这样深深的陷入了,肉体智慧里,而且难以脱离。所以,我提倡从0开始,进入中东的灵魂时代,神的时代。即首先要进入和平时期,然后是 种善因乐园。

9:32 2024-05-14