Summer it is sunny today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:






















To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            

We analyzed how important it is to have the right mindset. In particular, the need for a concept of development is important. The next step is to plant good causes. Almost everything in life depends on you, whether you are planting good causes. Because your words and deeds are the cause of future results. Even a subtle thought will have a result in the future. It can also be said that a good thought is a good cause. With such awareness, then there is a correct concept.

With the right concept, you can guide and control the entrance and exit of your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, and movement, so that you can get on the right track.
Otherwise, how to control this entrance?
In ordinary life, there are a lot of common sense and laws, through the personal education of parents, through school education, and social education, but in the final analysis, they are all generated from the entrance and exit of our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, and movement, so if you consciously control this entrance, then you have fundamentally controlled yourself, and knowing this truth is stronger than knowing the precepts.

However, I have also seen that some concepts on the Internet, and even some book concepts, the more dirty, dirty, ugly, and shameless you are, the easier it is for you to survive and the easier it is for you to exert your intelligence. It's also a bestseller.
Actually, this only involves one important content, which is inner freedom. The more freedom you have, the easier it will be for you to survive, the easier it will be for you to use your intelligence, and the easier it will be for you to get your work done creatively. Therefore, to understand freedom as a dirty, ugly psychology and behavior narrows the scope. Actually, it's not free.
Our freedom is not expanded by these dirty, ugly mentalities and behaviors. However, there must be heaven and hell in our spiritual world, and this is the dimension in which we expand our spiritual freedom. Not only that, but the properties of our gods, we know all kinds of gods, all kinds of properties, which expand your freedom, so believing in God has a thorough foundation for you to expand the freedom of your inner world. Especially supernatural powers, we learned about Sun Wukong, he has 72 changes, but this is also a small supernatural power. It's better to have the Buddha's coaxing, Mi Bei Mi coaxing, these six words are supernatural. Moreover, as I have already said, Avalokiteshvara can become an ordinary person in the streets and alleys at any time and transform you. This is also a supernatural power. We have also seen that the high monk has been rainbowized, which is also a supernatural power.
And the highest achievement, God can use nuclear weapons, just point to a stone, make the material molecules of this stone change, and release energy, forming a nuclear explosion. This is also a supernatural power, but this is beyond Sun Wukong's supernatural power. It's beyond what we generally understand. The greatest supernatural power is that after a thought, a new universe is formed. Because of our Big Bang, we don't yet know if there was God or the Big Bang first. If there is a god first, it must be a universe created by God. It's the same story in the Bible. But can you imagine that God created the universe? Compare this kind of supernatural power with ordinary supernatural powers, and you will find that you have to be imaginative to accept these things. Of course, it's not easy for you to accept this, just like it's not easy for you to believe in Buddhism, it's very difficult for you to believe in Buddhism. It's also hard to believe that God created the universe. It's also hard to believe that God created the universe. What a degree of freedom this is, beyond human society, standing in the cosmic civilization.

From this, you can see that this is the existence of your true freedom of wisdom. If one person feels different from another, you feel that the person's degree of freedom is different. It is generally difficult for you to notice this characteristic of this person, and this characteristic is not given a name by human summaries, which is called degrees of freedom. Therefore, you just look at whether a person is free and easy, in fact, it is to tell you how a person is free. However, once you have the concept of freedom, you will be able to feel and evaluate a person very well.
The size of a person's degree of freedom determines the size of his or her ability. If this person's degree of freedom is not only in the field of survival, but also in the field of human nature, and in all fields of society, there is a great degree of freedom, you will find that such a person almost does not exist. However, you will also see that your degree of freedom is reflected by her or his supernatural powers, and the greater the supernatural powers, the greater the degree of freedom. The more power you have, the more freedom you have. When the economy is strong, there will be more freedom. However, when the economy is strong and there is freedom in life, there is not necessarily a degree of conscious freedom, and there is a degree of freedom to believe in God, and such people often do not believe in God, so their degree of consciousness freedom is very narrow.
Some people say that why you should know God and why you should believe in God is actually telling you that your soul has a low degree of freedom. Of course, they don't think that they are still thinking very limited, they think that their imagination is so developed that they can participate in any topic on social networks, what a degree of freedom of thought. However, they have no interest in God at all, so their freedom is also the freedom of life, not yet the freedom of the soul, the universe, and the freedom of consciousness. Some people say that participating in all topics on social networks is beyond the freedom of ordinary people. It can be seen that this degree of freedom is actually a false degree of freedom.
Drinking and talking is a kind of freedom in life. On the football field, the moment a star scores a goal is a manifestation of freedom.
The core feature of AI today is that it has a wide degree of freedom. When giving a view of a problem, it is very comprehensive. Touching all areas of humanity.

So what is the degree of freedom that guides human beings, that is, our mind, the degree of freedom of the mind is very large. Take control of all your information. It is already on the basis of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.
But the only difference is that different people have different scope of mental awareness. That is, the degree of freedom of the mind is also different. This is determined by a variety of factors.
When you are a person in life, the scope of your awareness is the scope of life; If you are a doctor, then the scope of your awareness is also the scope of the doctor; If you are an engineer, then the scope of your awareness is the scope of the project; If you're a scientist, your range of awareness is the physicochemical energy range. If you believe in God's perspective, your awareness expands infinitely. When you study the movement of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, and mind, you will realize that, fundamentally, the scope of your perception is already very large. What you don't realize, what you don't feel, will be felt. Only when you feel it, can you perceive it, and only then can you find the problem, control the problem, and solve the problem. When you are not aware of the problems in this area, you do not have such awareness.
All civilizations in human society are aware of these problems and then change. From the weather, to the sun, you are aware of it, and you can change. Climate issues, environmental issues. You can't put all your eggs in one basket, and there is an exploration of Mars, an immigrant to Mars.
When you have the sense and understanding of God, the depth of your perception is completely different, although some are vague, but your tentacles have extended beyond society, outside of humanity. You will feel that there is at least one more possibility.
So, when we study the Heart Sutra and the Vajra Sutra, the depth of things you feel is different. Children don't care about their thoughts, but adults notice their thoughts, especially after learning Buddhism. If you are walking in the forest, your thoughts are very important, and whatever thoughts come to mind. The subtlety of your perception is already very high. When you have supernatural powers, the activity of the insects is like thunder. You will feel the feeling of the bug, the pain or the pleasure.
The soul is out of the body, and when you go to the spirit world, you think about your degree of freedom, the increase of the geometric order of magnitude.

If you have this degree of freedom in your heart, then you will be able to do everything in one place, and one point will drive the whole surface.
Therefore, the new Heart Sutra came out, but the consciousness and laws that control this entrance and exit are not mentioned in the Heart Sutra. It is just that exercising consciousness can become a cosmic god. However, perhaps after exercising your consciousness, you have become a cosmic demon. However, the right thing always has more right results, which is natural, as if controlling these entrances and exits is the essence of life. The most fundamental thing. Any civilization, any nation, any country, is controlled differently from this entrance.

Of course, we have to mention genes, because only genes control all this. If the genes are different, then the traits expressed are also different. Therefore, the most essential problem is the genetic problem. Everyone's genes are different. The phenomena and laws of human society are determined by the structure and laws of genes. How much freedom you have is naturally determined by your genes. But even chimpanzees have intelligence, but they have a strong memory, which makes up for their lack of intelligence.
With this gene, there is an emergence. It's a completely different level and function.
However, genes are set at birth and do not change much. However, mothers who have given birth to children have kept their children's genes in their bodies for decades. And as long as it is sexual intercourse, it is possible that the man's genes will remain in the woman's body for a long time. So, you say that genes can't be changed, but it's true that a woman's genes can. The average life expectancy of women is 10 years longer than that of men, which is a manifestation of genetic freedom. The more children you have, the more likely you are to live longer.
Human beings have reached the era of editing genes, and plants already have them, called genetically modified foods. So to revolutionize humanity, human genes must be more rational and intelligent. Probably, this is something that humans will be studying for hundreds of millions of years in the future.
But can you bring out all the existing genes? You have to reach the freedom of the soul, then all the properties of the genes can be brought into play.

Of course, with the degree of freedom, then your correct concept can be formed. This, in turn, is used in your access control. Of course, when your degree of freedom exceeds a certain limit, then you will naturally always be able to form a god, not a demon. After mastering the fate of all living beings in the universe, you are a god, can you be a demon? So, the parallel universe may be a little different.

Because the scope of the universe limited by the speed of light is still very limited. As long as you use infinite speed consciousness, such a universe is much larger. So, the tools at our disposal determine the scope of our consciousness. In addition to consciousness, there may be abundance, but what kind of world is this? Human science has also been aware of the existence of consciousness for nearly a hundred years. But the Buddha was already studying consciousness. Therefore, the most important thing to control the entrance and exit is to control the thoughts, and give full play to the performance of the thoughts.
9:58 2024-05-12









9:58 2024-05-12