Summer it is sunny to rain today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。

 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:






















To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            

Let's start with the explosive news that has been popular on the Internet recently. I think that will change the situation in the Middle East. Because this is a study from the field of genetics. The popular theory is that all people in the world are from Africa, and this result is also obtained through comparative studies of the genes of people around the world. And genetic research has new results.
And now, the American Johnson. The Hopkins University research team sampled the genes of the current Israelis and sampled the genes of the current Palestinians. They found the fact that:
97.5% of the Israelites had no genetic fragments of the ancient Hebrews at all.
Eighty per cent of Palestinians have the genetic heritage of this ancient Hebrew.

The ancient Hebrews are the ancient Jewish people to whom God gave the Promised Land, the protagonist of the book of Exodus. These ancient Jews, due to changes in the society and environment in which they lived, abandoned Judaism and converted to Islam. The descendants of these people are the vast majority of Palestinians today. Therefore, the vast majority of Palestinians today are the real Jews.

And the Israelis of today are not descendants of the ancient Jews. The current Israelis, Khazar Jews, descendants of the former Western Turkic Khazar tribes, from southern Russia, who went into business and later converted to Judaism. So the vast majority of Israel today is not really Jewish. Since anyone who believes in Judaism can be a Jew, Jews today are almost a hodgepodge of races around the world.

From the combined advantages of the Israelites now, we can see how obvious the advantages of mixed blood and genetic crosses are. The true Jewish people, who have long been purebred, have lagged behind.
And now Americans are the most genetically mixed country in the world, and people from all over the world live in the United States. This is the most basic driving force for the development of the United States.
Let's take a look at human history, whenever a large number of various ethnic groups gather together in a period of time, that is, when the situation of genetic mixing is widespread, and it is also the time when the economy and civilization of this region are the most developed. And after the consumption of these genetic hybrid advantages, the people who remain closed and purebred for a long time will fall behind.

There is also a law that the people who often do business around the world are often excellent people who have exerted their intelligence. Compared with those who do not do business, their IQ has not been brought into play.
For example, Jews today can be said to be synonymous with businessmen. Thus the intellect of the Jews came into play.
Of course, some people say that a nation that is at war regularly has also brought into play the normal intellectual level of the nation. Through war, it is always possible to naturally select a group of people with relatively full intelligence, and summarize a lot of the war wisdom of human society. And this wisdom can be used in other areas of peace. And now Israel meets this criterion. Of course, I'm not advocating war. But I am an advocate of economic global exchange and development. For example, the law discovered in war: development is the basic method of solving all problems. The EU does not have this concept. Neither do the Americans, and most countries in the world do not have this idea. Development is a system of proactive behavior. It seems that the Israelis also had this idea after the outbreak of the war, but it was no longer after the war. If there is such a correct concept after the end of the war, then it should be implemented on the initiative and planted a paradise of good roots.
If the United States has the concept that development is the basic method to solve all problems. Then the attitude of the United States towards the world, towards its competitors will be different.
At the same time, future developments are unknown. This is also an important reason. Humans are afraid of the unknown. It affects the current concept, but when you have the concept of development, you will find that mutually beneficial cooperation is the trend of the future. The classification of national functions is the trend of the future. While some countries are aware of the concept of development, they do not have the concept of functional classification of countries. Bring contradictions and problems.

However, whether it is economic development, or the development of war, or the expansion of Buddha, an important core factor of God's belief is that the free development of human spirituality is not closed by geography and thought. The child I saw was a smart, watery child. And not like wood carvings.

For example, in Einstein's diary, he recorded his imprint and evaluation of the people of Shanghai, China. Apparently, in 1922, he passed through Shanghai twice on his way to Japan. It is a social reality that has no spirituality, and even children are not spiritual. Obviously, Einstein did not look at the development of the problem, nor did he predict the future.

The distant hybridization of genes is to illustrate a basic truth, not rigid, there is living water. Genetic richness is an inevitable law of national survival. It is the basic guarantee for the emergence of a nation's civilization. But how the genes of the world can be hybridized is because of the next important thing, the global economy. Trade routes, economic corridors, maritime transport corridors.

Economic development, in fact, is the all-round development and development of human nature. When a person's humanity is fully expressed, the person's intelligence can be brought into play normally. In this way, the real social content can be discovered. Never heard, but seen. Moreover, when the global economy is exchanged, it can be reflected, personnel exchanges, wisdom increases, and intelligence is brought into play. Because when you see completely different people, you will naturally bring out your original abilities. Similarly, a boy meets a girl. And when a person of one nation meets a person of another nation in another country, this nature is expressed. The expression of nature is better than fake, and it is better than pretense. Because when you meet new things and people, everything starts from zero, which is conducive to us to bring out our true nature and reflect the truth.

All religions, all gods, and all organizations, including human nations, nations, schools, and corporations, have one thing in common, which is to achieve everything desired by controlling and managing the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, and movement of human beings. The movement here is the behavior and the action. This is also the core of the New Heart Sutra. There are many sects of Buddha. There are many sects of God. However, everything is at the same core: it is achieved through the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, movement, development, change, and realization. Both the inner world and the outer world are using the same human body system.

The inward world, such as chanting the Buddha. The outward world, such as economic activities, all social activities, are realized through our actions and relationships.
So, I found out that this entrance, controlling this entrance, is controlling everything, and examining this entrance, the direction is determined, and the right concept is required to determine the direction.

But there may be a temporary contradiction between the act of controlling this entrance and exit and the high level of human abundance and freedom that I advocate.
For example, chanting Buddha is quite one-dimensional, which is why I doubted this when I was young. is so singular and has no richness, isn't it terrible to come out of people's thoughts? Contradictions and inability to adapt to the environment can be the reason. But now we know that with such a wealth of information accumulated in life, without a single major information, it seems very messy. So now, after the age of 40, I am also chanting Buddha. Maybe young people are not suitable for chanting Buddhism. The main thing is to restore a calm inner world. Because we know that to settle down is to empty all the thoughts, and there is almost no information moving in the thoughts, and when there are no thoughts appearing, when you concentrate on one place, then it is the time when the mind and body are highly evolved, and it is also the time to relax the body and spirit. To achieve complete relaxation of body and mind, no stress, no worries, but a faint joy. All the functions of the person are restored, and the vitality is multiplied. From singularity to man's own richness and freedom.

So, there is a temporary contradiction between freedom, abundance, and single-mindedness.
Of course, everyone wants human society to be free and rich. However, I also realized that everyone is single-minded, which improves wisdom and function. Believe in Buddhism, believe in God, and get God's help.

Of course, you will find that this is a way of thinking and categorizing people's existence.
If it's safe to survive, it's okay to be as stupid as you are. The more purebred the more singular, it's okay. Of course, there will be dementia people when close relatives get married. There are still limits.
But if you want to survive the earth, you want to live the universe, then you need diversity. Of course, not everyone is diverse. Rather, each person has specificity, such as believing in gods and Buddhas. It's just a matter of dividing people into different categories.

For example, military personnel are a very important category. Even bees have a division of labor. That is to say, the basic genes carried by each person are the same, which is what I said, the control system of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, and movement. It is also a microscopic system, which belongs to the laws of the quantum realm. But it is necessary for each person in society, to belong to different categories, to form different groups, to adapt to our human society, and to adapt to the human environment. Just like the human body, the cellular hierarchy is similar, but there are eight major organ systems. Organs are one level higher than cells.

Therefore, from this point of view, the real wisdom is the classification of human society. For example, today's mobile phones are equipped with many categories of apps.
Today's big city management, human management, is actually a proper classification. When categories are created, it is easy to benefit from each other. Otherwise, it's chaotic. Therefore, the richness of commodities, as well as the richness of categories, this is very important in the setting of human society. When you see this law, you have to apply and use it.
There are many religious denominations. There are many gods. It also conforms to the current human beings in various situations. For humans.

Now humanity is still chasing aliens. That's a big category. However, if you believe in Buddhism, you will know that the spiritual world of aliens and the spiritual world of human beings have already communicated. When technology developed, human beings could communicate directly with the spirit world. This state, many aliens are in this state. Therefore, when we communicate with aliens through the spirit world, we are communicating with the spirit world of aliens, and we are also communicating with aliens. It's just that there are no more people in the human race who have contacted the spirit world, so a small number of people in the human race can communicate with aliens through the spirit world. This is a historical fact, and it is also a fact of human society today.

In this way, we see that one is the classification of human society. One is the level of human society. Believing in God and Buddha is necessary for everyone and belongs to the cell level. And the work and survival of human beings must be classified, belonging to the organ level. The functional classification of countries is also an inevitable trend. For example, the natural management function of the United States over the world has already been formed. The economic development function of some countries has also been formed.
Of course, the development of the economic market can be regarded as the cell of every country. The functions of the state belong to the organ level of the state. The market underpins the function of the state.
Human beings are a world of multiple patterns, a combination of patterns. Together, we can complete the operation and survival of this huge organism.
This naturally involves exploring the moon and immigrating to Mars. This part is made up of a microcosm of human beings. It's as if the human body is a small universe. Therefore, to explore Mars and immigrate to Mars, human society must be fully functional, including gods and Buddhas. There is also a need for a sense of adventure. A spirit of cooperation.
11:37 2024-05-10




















11:37 2024-05-10