Summer it is cloudy today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:






















To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            

We have analyzed the state of human existence on Earth in general. Now most countries are based on mutual benefit. This is one of the correct ways that human beings see things. That is to say, in order for the human world to develop, we must first have a correct view and concept. And to respect the real, to be based on the real. This is the general structure of human society. Everything exists in this framework.
At the same time, we see that where there are contradictions and problems, and where there are wars, they are not mutually beneficial, but unilateral. And they don't know that they're doing something wrong, and deep down they think they're doing something bad. So be bold and slaughter so many people as a balance in your own mind, otherwise they will think that it is more dangerous and may be wiped out by the enemy. So it's fake, and more people need to be slaughtered to prove them right. If it's right, it's enough. It can be seen that this group of greedy people has the standard of doing things in their hearts. Be brave and look at the feedback of the world before you invade and slaughter. There is no basic standard of good and evil at all.

However, there are deeper contradictions in the world, which are distributed in a ladder-like manner, with high-level deep layers and low-level ordinary levels. Therefore, we are mutually beneficial at the ordinary level, but it is difficult to achieve mutual benefit at the deep level. Deep-seated problems become the highest level of human social structure, and then there are different levels of things and problems distributed in the following steps.
For example, when it comes to God, there is a clear contradiction between Judaism and Christianity. Because Judaism does not recognize Jesus as the successor of God, it has never confirmed this, and it is still opposed. But Christianity is based on Jesus, believing that God is the Father and Jesus is the Son. These things are difficult to form a mutually beneficial model. Bring deep-seated contradictions and hatred. It plays a fundamental and decisive role.

Therefore, it can be seen that things about God are the highest level of human society, and they are also deep-seated problems. Some countries don't involve God at all, so they can only follow and watch the excitement.
And then there are the real and correct ideas and perceptions about the world. For example, if we do not know what is true and what is right, we can form a so-called correct view through differences in social systems, through the use of national force, and through war. Of course, the victor is considered so-called right. Not necessarily. As a result, even if the country wins, it still cannot bring the correct concept and method system for understanding human society and the universe. There is also the concept of relying on the state system to judge what is true and what is correct, and this kind of noble system that prevails in mankind is the correct view and correct concept of mankind. But in fact, I have long analyzed that these social systems do not contain God. Therefore, relatively speaking, this social system is also an incorrect system, but it is a step ahead of the ancient past. However, with the development of society, these incorrect ideas will accumulate and slowly harm human society. Because obviously, the highest level of human beings' divine system, this social system system, does not contain it, and in the face of real human beings, it brings this social system system into a false system. At best, it is also partially correct. Locally correct. When facing the human social system, it seems to be much behind. I can only follow and watch the excitement.

And we have also analyzed that when the economic system is highly developed, it is not the true meaning of human society. However, these countries also regard this economic development as a representative of the development of advanced human society. Apparently this ignores the existence of the system of God. It is possible that by chance, when they are at the forefront of human beings for a short period of time, they will know what nature is doing to them. Let them realize that it is difficult to face the natural world in a society without God.

So, you will form a whole framework system and conceptual system about human society. Human society is dominated by the concept of truth and correctness. With these correct concepts, and the knowledge of the truth, human beings have come to know themselves and the universe. At this time, a consensus can be formed and a harmonious human social relationship can be reached.

And the biggest contradiction in human society now is the contradiction and problem between the gods of faith.
Then there is the second biggest problem of human society with contradictions between social systems. Both sides do not trust each other.
Third, the contradiction between human social economy and economy has become a universal contradiction, but human beings have discovered the law and method, that is, the mutual benefit between the economies is the mainstay.
Fourth, the contradictions between human societies are mainly determined by human quality and spirituality. And the quality and spirituality of human beings are slowly improving.

So, we see that this level does not come out when. It is easy for us to think of the mutual benefit between economies as the mutual benefit between institutions and the mutual benefit between gods. In this way, it is not suitable to use small things to cover big things. You just have to look at that.

Moreover, I have seen many great monks, Christian bishops, and the supreme leaders of Islam, who when they are together, believe that all religions can live together on an equal footing. This is a basic situation. Respect each other and do not influence each other. At the very top, they can do it.
So, why is it difficult to get along with Jesus now, maybe there are fewer people who believe in Judaism, mainly Israelis, and if you look at Israel's treatment of Palestinians, you can see that they can't treat other religions correctly. At the same time, Jesus was betrayed by Judas, the Jew, and crucified. This historical grievance, the relationship between Christianity and Judaism is difficult to balance. They read different Bibles. Judaism reads the Bible, the Old Testament. Christianity, on the other hand, reads the Bible, the New Testament.
It can be seen that the way great people are treated in the world, in human history, especially the way God is treated, can affect the next thousands of years. For every generation, this is something to be carefully considered. It is believed that the Holocaust of the Jews during World War II is also related to the betrayal of Jesus by Judas, a Jew in history. The attitude of the Israelis towards the Palestinians now is the attitude of the Israelites towards their own God. So, the Israelites didn't know how to deal with God, who was himself, his own heart. To treat others is to treat yourself. Because this is a widespread problem at the national level.

Then there's the relationship between social systems. If this problem is not properly resolved, then a new world war will be formed. One would think that this is the highest principle, the highest dream, the greatest thing, and it is natural to sacrifice for it. and ignore the true and correct concept of human society. It's really not the same. This is a fake.
The pillars of the social system are economic relations, and inferior economic relations, economic relations of exploitation. If the social system had arisen in the context of mutually beneficial relations in today's world, this theory of social system would probably be different. Therefore, it is a very important concept of what environment produces what theory. In particular, it is obvious that we ignore other social phenomena, and the laws of judging and summarizing only the environment of economic phenomena seem narrower and more ignorant.
Originally, the highest level of human society was the level of God, but the social system believes that the highest level of human society is the most ideal social system. Obviously, it is different from the perception of people in history and the perception of people in modern society, and even contrary to it. It denies the reality of God at the highest level of human society, and also denies the system of human contradictions dominated by God. Especially through the Middle East, the existence of the divine system has influenced the whole world. When we focus on the Palestinians, we are concerned about things in the realm of God. The system-centered state ignores these divine systems and is independent of the world, thus dreaming of ruling over humanity. Obviously, the ambition of such a system may not be suitable for human society.
Moreover, the important point is that the law of this social system conforms to the law of returning to the light. This is something to be wary of.

At the same time, if we look at the future of mankind, it is a society dominated by spirituality, and a new generation of science, represented by finger literacy, is taking shape. The story of an interaction with an alien. If everyone's quality is relatively poor, no social system will help, only the quality of real people, people's spirituality has improved, we are suitable for any social system, and it is the same without a system. Because the standard by which a world is measured is not the system, but the human heart. It's the spirituality of man, especially in the more distant future, when we all ascend to the soul, that kind of human being, a completely free human being. Beyond any of our institutional dreams. Institutions are dead, human beings are alive. At that time, everyone will also be close to God.

There is another problem, that is, when the contradictions between systems are decomposed into specific contradictions, the distance between them is relatively far, so it is difficult for many people to see clearly the specific contradictions, which come from the contradictions of the system. This problem is more serious. Almost no one recognizes. This again involves human wisdom, subtle accumulation, and subtle relationships. If you don't believe in God, you're still ignorant in this area. Therefore, to resolve the contradictions between systems, we also need the wisdom of the Buddha and the laws of the subtle realm.
One more thing, this law: whether it's fake or true, as long as you believe in it, and when you do it, you will see that you will be echoed by people. can also be successfully implemented. That's what you think everyone around you will know, just subconsciously. This makes you make the wrong judgment. Think that the minority obeys the majority. This is the core problem of the system and the cause of the contradictions.
This can only be promoted head-on when you believe in God.

When the human framework is clear and we understand this, then we will not be constrained by these so-called laws, and we will not solve problems with such things as high standards. Human beings will take the truth and the right concept as the standard of every era. Advance the evolution of humanity, improve human intelligence, and enter an interstellar civilization.
9:50 2024-05-07












9:50 2024-05-07