Spring it is cloudy today 2 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:










































To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.






Through the analysis of the ancients' easy tendon and marrow washing skills, we are once again told that the subtle accumulation of consciousness will have great and brilliant results. Some thoughts accumulate very single and long-lasting, such as love. Although it is difficult for many people to say exactly what love is, the accumulation of this idea of love begins when your sperm and egg are combined, so the accumulation of love will eventually make you enter heaven. Or as long as you want to enter heaven, then you can do it instantly. Because love is the most powerful accumulation of consciousness in human society. So, a lot of magical things happen to mothers, sons, mothers and daughters, and this is the miraculous result of this kind of love accumulated by mothers.

Of course, human beings are like this, and every animal that exists is also generated by the magical power and synthesis of the universe, so when we experience the essence of this existence of animals, we also realize the true meaning of the universe. Human beings have evolved in the biological world, and various animals have also evolved into various animals, all of which are the wisdom islands of the universe. Experiencing the performance of animals with heart is also in line with the cosmic avenue.

Develop a habit of always chanting Buddha in your heart, or chanting and coaxing Ma Mi Mi coax. Live in the realm of the divinity of the human world. Of course, in the human world, there are many words that we often silently recite in silence: success, health, luck, struggle, mindfulness, friendliness, forbearance, broad-mindedness, happiness, compassion, charity, exploration, universe, humanity, God, love. It's all about the accumulation of our consciousness over a long period of time, and obviously this is a very important thing.

Because chanting the Buddha, or reciting the Buddha, can eliminate karma, especially negative karma. You carry all kinds of negative karma from previous lives, as well as the negative karma of your current life. Get rid of the negative karma, and you will be freer and more spiritual. It can also transform your evil causes. Because planting cause and effect is something that everyone does every day. Over time, these seeds of cause and effect will sprout and grow.

And this principle, which is still a subtle accumulation of consciousness, can have great and brilliant results is the same mechanism. Therefore, to understand this law, because this law is used in all aspects, and the universe is quantum, so it can be said that there is a shadow of this law everywhere. If you don't realize this, many, many things, you are confused, you are confused. This point is clear, all the way.

Every cause will plant a seed, which will then be shown in various ways in your life, where there is a cause and there is an effect. And the longer it goes, the stronger it becomes. Because the consciousness that arises in this universe does not disappear casually, it must exist in some way, in the universe, in the human world, and only when it is at the right time, when it is the same degree of subtlety, or when it is the same degree, will the result be expressed.

Therefore, here we emphasize the need to give, because generosity plants the seeds of goodness, and it will always help you in the world to come. This kind of generosity, even if it is a good thought, can be. On the other hand, if we think about it again, not eating meat is an accumulation of good thoughts. Because it means the generation of the subconscious mind that does not kill. With respect for every living being, the thought is that the seeds of goodness have been planted.

In this world, there are many celebrities and successful people, but when you look at their past lives, you will know how natural this is.
Not only that, just by looking at their efforts and consciousness when they were children, you know that it is all the accumulation of goodness, the accumulation of ability, the accumulation of positive consciousness, and the accumulation of risk-taking. And then look at their parents, and you will know that this is the process of rapid accumulation of all kinds of causes and effects.

Of course, there is a rapid accumulation of cause and effect, and there is also a slow accumulation. We are talking about the accumulation of a good thought, which is a slow accumulation, quite surely. This is also a manifestation of the law of cause and effect. However, the combination of things in the world, you will find that there is also a law of rapid accumulation. It is also embodied in the law of cause and effect.
In today's world, as long as you have cutting-edge technology, it is easy to form rapid accumulation. For example, computer programming, this is an important and decisive factor in the rapid accumulation of this era, especially 30 years ago. Ride this train of the times, and in general, you will have outstanding abilities and wealth displays.

And I ended up choosing an ancient super wisdom realm. For example, the Buddha system. Although not cutting-edge technology. However, the Buddha's scriptures and explanations of the Buddhist scriptures are everywhere on the Internet. It's easy to get. This is the most important factor. Of course, programming, you live in a big city, so such books, environment, it is easy for you to easily obtain this knowledge, and it is useful.

There is also a field, which is about UFOs, about UFOs, about unsolved mysteries, which is full of bookstores and the Internet, which is more accessible than other fields. Therefore, after a large amount of exposure to these contents, I accumulated, analyzed, and formed, and my understanding of the alien realm also received various unsolved mysteries. There are all kinds of fields. It has comprehensively formed the modern framework of human cosmic civilization.

With these easy-to-do causes, then there will be great and brilliant results. So, there's an ease of giving. It's easy to do, it's easy to give, then you're going to form a huge number of causes in this area, you're planting causes, and then the results are obvious. This is, in this life, our awareness and method of quickly realizing cause and effect. Start with the most accessible areas.
Everyone's environment is different, and this situation may be different, varied.

Because of my huge analytical capabilities, wherever information is concentrated, it is a place where I can play my performance. The place where the information of the Buddha is concentrated, the place where the international information is concentrated, the place where the UFO information is concentrated, the exploration of outer space, the exploration of interstellar space, a series of pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope, are all places where the information is concentrated. A place where God's message is concentrated. Because this information is all public.
The existence of these causes will inevitably produce great and brilliant results in this lifetime. Relatively speaking, these are all methodologies in which the law of cause and effect can be quickly realized.

These are all manifestations of the law of cause and effect. When we are young, we make a decision to produce a cause and look forward to the consequences of adulthood. At the same time, it can also be seen that this is the result of the great splendor of the accumulation of subtle consciousness, and the embodiment of this law is the embodiment of the law of cause and effect. So, be sure to pay attention to this rule. Pay attention to this law, and you will gain sufficient wisdom in all aspects.
However, generosity is the most basic, a kind of initiative that gives a result from its own huge information base. Because you are the greatest source of information and energy field for you. It doesn't need a huge network of information, and it doesn't need to be everywhere. Because you have a lot of resources yourself, as long as you are willing to give. What a good thing it is to take resources from oneself and then plant the causes. Kindness, forbearance, magnanimity, politeness, carefulness, kindness, fun, positivity, and taking the initiative to greet the bodhisattvas you meet will all plant good causes for you. It will give you a quick success in this life and pave the way.

The law of cause and effect is the most powerful law in the world, and it was not only advocated by the Buddha, but we still apply it. A cause of consciousness, a cause of a past life, a cause of a dream, a cause of happiness, a cause of vegetarianism, a cause that is everywhere, everything that you encounter is a cause, and there must be an effect. The Buddha has great power and wisdom, but he cannot change the law of cause and effect.

For example, the biggest problem in the world today is the threat of nuclear weapons and the thick clouds of nuclear war. However, if we learn from the Japanese and bombed two cities with nuclear weapons, but do not retaliate with nuclear weapons, do we plant great good causes? This kind of good cause will benefit the whole of mankind by future generations. For example, the United States accepted three atomic bomb attacks and destroyed three cities, but the United States said that I would not retaliate with nuclear weapons. Did it stop the nuclear war and plant the cause for good? Or the United States said, I only retaliated with an atomic bomb and destroyed one city on the other side. Those countries that have rudely used atomic bombs, they have planted evil causes, and in the future human history, good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded, for example, by an asteroid that has not been discovered. Or be destroyed by a virus.

For example, in this Middle East war, Israel did not send troops to retaliate against Palestine, did it also sow good causes?
Thinking about it from another angle, does Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories sow the cause of evil? Because since 1945, the occupation of the territory of other countries has been recognized by the whole world as an irrational act and an act of aggression. Of course, before that, it was natural that huge empires had formed in human history. However, the understanding and concept of human beings today have changed, is it that the Israelites did not feel it? How to resolve this evil cause is to sow good results, which every Israelite can do, and you have to let the Israelites do this, and give full play to their nature. You can name an area, plant a paradise of good causes, and Israel will raise money to build houses for Palestinians. Fool, you can do that. Because there are two sides to everything, and there are forces on both sides. This is to see the law of cause and effect, and use the law of application.

Also, in some countries, the civil war has passed, and you can organize and worship the bones of the enemies who died in the civil war, which is also a good cause. You can't think of it.

In the human world, the greatest cause of good is marriage and having children. If you don't give to your love, who else will give you your love?
10:05 2024-05-01



















10:05 2024-05-01