Spring it is cloudy today 2 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.












0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:






































To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.






The predicted earthquake did not appear. During this time, earthquakes of magnitude 6.1 and magnitude 6 occurred in Taiwan at 2:26, 2:32 the next day. This is 2,000 kilometers away.

Some people say that if you can tell these truths now, then it should be said that the development of mankind will soon be realized. Why wait until 4,500 million years from now?
Of course, this is a general speculation after learning about aliens and understanding the human condition.
For example, the realization that one's soul can freely enter and leave one's own body. This phenomenon existed in ancient times and exists now. But we humans don't know how to be proactive. Moreover, the consciousness of the current mainstream human society is science, but science has not yet matured, and when science matures, then it can be reversed to understand other things, such as the spiritual world. So, from the point of view of these things, there is a development process. As well as the human state 5,000 years ago, there are some people who have traveled to the future to understand the world in the future 3,000 years from now, to speculate that it is probably not possible for human beings to develop into the spiritual world and develop to the free entry and exit of the soul into the body.
Looking at the scientific theory of time and space travel, in some alien events, and in some descriptions of the gods of human beings, there are already time travel machines. It's just that humans haven't mastered this technology yet.

So seeing this situation, I proposed to realize the ascension of organisms in stages, that is, a stepwise development model. For example, some people who have advanced in science and technology will naturally soar first and enter the cosmic civilization. For example, in the age of dinosaurs, there may be cases of dinosaurs soaring. So, the dinosaurs disappeared from the earth. There is a possibility.

In fact, this happens all the time, and a very small number of people are always soaring. Most of the people left behind continue to work hard and continue to evolve.
Because the current cutting-edge technology of various countries is confidential. Therefore, it is easy to form a part of the people of the country, open the cosmic civilization, and leave the earth. The rest continue to work hard.

So, I say that all cosmic situations and civilizations are in front of us. This is what you see from the top. Waiting until 450 million years from now, human beings may be the last group of people to ascend. Because there are already a few human beings ascending now. Why wait until 450 million years from now. There is a Buddha now, and the Buddha will continue to exist in 450 million years. Because human beings are evolving, there are always advanced parts, and there are many more backward ones.

Human practice, and then ascension, is happening. Then you will find that the development of high technology, similar to human cultivation, there are also some scientists who first reached the top and were the first to achieve interstellar civilization. For example, the geocentric civilization is one of the legends of high-tech civilization. That is, the first group of people to realize scientific and technological civilization. Something similar may happen.

With the development of human technology, this situation is becoming more and more obvious. This estrangement is becoming more and more evident due to competition among countries. For example, alien technology has been discovered, but the discoverer just doesn't admit that there is such a thing. This is very likely to make the technologically backward and the advanced more advanced.

We, the human race, have now achieved a global model of civilization for information exchange. Over time, however, these patterns of information may become disconnected. And in the future, it will get more and more serious.
When the telegraph was first developed, mankind wanted to have a telegraph in every corner. However, with the development of science, you will find that with technology, it brings about the closure and estrangement of information. It is also achieved through high technology. Because there is competition between countries. Therefore, the current human civilization may be the last public human civilization. After that, they are separated from each other and develop separately. This is a possible model for humans. For example, in the field of science and technology, they still communicate with each other. But when they get to the spiritual realm, they keep it a secret from each other. Especially when it comes to space-time machines, it's even more secretive. There is also secrecy in the field of contact with aliens. Of course, these aliens are not necessarily more advanced. Advanced aliens don't let their information be locked off within a country.

These are all forms of the phased development of civilization. Advanced, moderately advanced, backward, most backward. As a result, a step-by-step model of civilization development has been formed.

Because human beings are developing science and technology, and through science and technology, human beings have come to know themselves. In particular, the study of genetics allows us to see the differences and differences in human genes around the world. In the face of this information, from the current extensive attitude, it will gradually be refined. Or change this status quo by half-blood, however, perhaps, it will remain that way.
At the same time, the difference in average IQ will gradually be revealed.

It can be analyzed that if the average IQ of God is above 120, I think the improvement of the average IQ of human beings is a slower process. Maybe it will take 4,500 million years, which is not very long.
As for how to raise the average IQ of human beings, I don't think the question has become a global problem. Although the climate problem has now become a global problem. However, the method of improving the average IQ of human beings has not been taken seriously. It's not on the agenda yet. Because the perception of IQ is still very primitive.
Whether knowing God, believing in God, and knowing Buddha are ways to increase average IQ is still being studied. However, a general understanding makes us feel that believing in God and following God can help us solve many problems. Of course, this is also the same model for the emergence of the state system and the emergence of the party system. Because the state system is to gather more talented people to lead the country, and the same is true for political parties, so following God is also moving forward with more talented people.
Therefore, it was suddenly discovered that the human state system and the political party system are actually indirectly using high-IQ people to solve problems and lead human development. So this secret of humanity, suddenly revealed, let us know the secrets of the state and the secrets of the party. Many hereditary kings have no real power because they are not representative of the highest IQ group in this human trend.

Nowadays, mankind has developed a university system. However, the university system itself is a selection of highly intelligent people. But in fact, exams don't necessarily select people with high IQs. deviated from this secret password. As a result, the state apparatus, which is flooded with college students, is in a state of backwardness.

And the controversy over the Middle East. We see that it is a contest between those who believe in God and another group of people. However, believers in God are not necessarily highly intelligent. Therefore, the essence of the problem in the Middle East is that there is no high-IQ group of people to solve problems and manage problems. Deviate from the secret code of human development. People with high IQs generally have a lot of leeway for circulation. And the opposite is-for-tat.
Generally, people with high IQs always choose people who can do things, and vice versa.

As for the secrets and codes of human development, it may take longer to slowly improve. The stars who illuminate history are always ahead of their time. But it's a small amount. There were a few Aristotles, a few Socrates, and a few Newtons. Being directly led by these stars and reading the books of these stars are two different things.
When evil comes, it is trouble, but when it comes, it gets rid of it. Evil is generally the low-IQ crowd who have power or power, and it is the high-IQ crowd that is the high-IQ crowd.


But to increase your average IQ, you need to change your genetic structure, or get a dominant gene mutation. This is very slow and random in the evolution of genes, and it is not necessarily achieved with a goal. And it is possible to form a new fork of the evolutionary tree. And genetically modified technology, there is also a strategic and tactical distinction. Humans are just beginning to genetically modify, and that will go a long way. Therefore, it will take 450 million years for human development to achieve a breakthrough. That is, to the extent that I said that God and man coexist, and everyone is a god.


But I have a more general opinion, a broader description, about average IQ, that may be outside the IQ range, and that is wisdom. The two are different.
10:06 2024-04-24


















10:06 2024-04-24