Spring it is cloudy today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.












0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:

































To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.






The day before yesterday, within three days, a 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck the Japanese island of Shikoku in the east, but it was 3,000 kilometers away. A 5.1-magnitude earthquake struck western Tibet at 1:40 a.m. today, also 3,000 kilometers away. In short, the connection is too subtle and there are no more facts to say that this prediction has anything to do with these earthquakes. If you encounter such a forecast next time and predict 3,000 kilometers away, it means that there is indeed a relationship between the two.

Germany has recently adopted a gender law. On this basis, let me see that the future human society will not distinguish between genders. Because it achieves a higher humanity. Understanding men and women is a social necessity. And in the process of contact with aliens, we also see that some aliens have no obvious gender distinction. That is, whether this alien is male or female, it carries the characteristics that are common to both male and female. Wisdom is over men and women.
For example, Avalokiteshvara was masculine in India, but feminized in other countries in Southeast Asia. In fact, Avalokiteshvara has a universal common wisdom of both men and women. This is the necessary foundation for becoming a god.
If the 19th century was a typical era of human masculinity, it was also a typical era of feminine characteristics. The films of this era are the most representative. Then I think that in the 21st century, we have reached the point where the age of atypical gender differentiation has begun. Because when you exist with typical feminine characteristics, it is clear that this is a partial manifestation of human society, not only a partial manifestation of law, but also a partial manifestation of wisdom, and the same goes for men. It is as much a problem for dealing with a full range of human relationships as it is for women. Therefore, the current human society has synthesized the intellectual characteristics of women and men, and given a comprehensive view and concept. Obviously, this is what we earthlings need. Our time no longer needs a typical feminine mindset, perhaps not a typically male mindset, but a combination of the best of both worlds that expresses a human idea. Because the typical male concept and female concept will bring about fierce conflicts in the family, and it is difficult to reconcile. When you realize that you have to have a male mind and a feminine mind, or you have to realize that you have male wisdom and female wisdom, I think this is in line with the standards of modern human society. Many problems can be solved.
In this regard, when I was about 30 years old, I told myself to look at and think about problems from the perspective of the combined wisdom of men and women. And you can't think about things from a typical male perspective.
This law in Germany allows people to change their gender at least once in a year, you think you are a man and become a man, and you think you are a woman and you can become a woman, and the procedure is simple. This essentially tells us that each of us should learn masculine characteristics and thinking, and we should also need feminine characteristics and thinking. And better stand at the height of the wisdom shared by men and women, understand things, and look at things. Therefore, in the future, German families will be more harmonious and happy.
Although this is a particularly strategic scientific initiative. However, in the eyes of people in more other countries, it shows the perspective of another labyrinth place in the labyrinth of the human body. The labyrinth is huge, and the parts don't know each other. This position of the maze is like this, and the other position of the maze is like that, and different maze positions have different shapes. Now, science occupies a large part of the labyrinth, but there are still many labyrinths around.
The biggest problem with science is that there are a lot of unsolved mysteries in the field of science. And today's human beings are unable to deal with the relationship between unsolved mysteries and science. Thus simply following the laws of science, which logically has a loophole. As a result, unsolved mysteries are either rudely denied by science or ignored by science. This state of existence of science and unsolved mysteries determines that human beings are still immature in the face of science. You can't be rude, and you can't ignore it. Obviously, this has higher requirements for human nature, inferior human nature, think, of course, it is okay to ignore it, and of course it is okay to be rude. However, the civilization with God at its core tells us that we should treat it with our hearts, not ignore it, and not treat it rudely. Be mindful of every thought we make. Because one of these thoughts was about opening the Akashic Records.

It can be seen that in terms of human nature in the 19th and 20th centuries, there are still many expressions of inferior human nature. Equality between men and women cannot be achieved. Ignoring it is of course common.
That is, the 19th century and the 20th century were an era when human beings were relatively inferior in terms of human nature. However, this was indeed an era of great scientific development. So this inferiority of human nature also determined the height of science in the 19th century. Because at this level of humanity, there is not much possibility of moving forward.
However, human society is developing, science is also developing, and we need a higher humanity, starting from our hearts, and then looking at everything and thinking about everything, and this kind of precision is obviously beyond the reach of people in the last century.

Therefore, to talk about Buddha and God is actually to talk about the precision of thinking in our human system. When I understand the Buddha, I basically understand myself. To know God is to understand ourselves. With such psychological precision, we will not ignore it, nor will we rudely deny it.

As for the science of the spiritual world, the current mainstream scientists are also ignoring it and rudely denying it. It's just that the humanity of this group of mainstream scientists is still inferior, which is sketchy. Therefore, it can be said that science has created a generation of scientists with a very crude human level. This is something that science itself cannot solve.

And many scientists believe in God, which makes them brilliant scientists. Newton spent the rest of his life studying theology. Apparently this is a scientist who believes in God.

So, in our time, science needs greater precision, and first of all, human nature needs greater precision. But if you don't believe in God, if you don't believe in Buddha, where does that accuracy come from?
Some people say that our AI is so developed that we can use the precision and breadth of AI to cultivate our humanity with greater breadth and precision. Of course, I'm happy to see it happen.
However, the current AI, we see, is also set by these scientists to be women, or men, which shows that scientists' views on women and men have not risen to the level at the beginning of my article. How far behind is such an AI? Or how far can you go if you are bound by humans?

Without the dimension of Buddha and God, I think that each of us is talking about people and talking about ghosts. It's more about self-interest. It's more about wandering around the labyrinth of human beings. Apparently this is a society of inferior human nature.
Therefore, to become a noble person, to study Buddhism, and to believe in God is the basis for us to embark on a higher level of humanity and a noble life. However, at this time, there may be no distinction between the noble and the ordinary. Because we are the same heart, facing everything.
There is no gender distinction, so that the knowledge of the two sexes is open to our human life. Thus a soul with a more complete knowledge is created, and thus a nobler soul is created.
9:18 2024-04-19









9:18 2024-04-19