Spring it is cloudy today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.












0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:































To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.






We've touched on the issue and may not be aware of it yet. That is, the ascension of all living beings in the entire universe. Some readers may also be aware of this problem.
Since the Big Bang, almost all planetary organisms in the universe have evolved in a synchronized manner. Then we are faced with the same problem, when these creatures are highly evolved, reach a state of high intelligence, activate the world dominated by consciousness, and activate the world dominated by the soul, then it may be at this time that all living beings in the universe will ascend. At the same time, all living beings in our universe were spiritualized and entered the spirit realm. In fact, seeing the result, in an instant, all living beings in the universe disappeared from their planet.

When we see that all living beings in the universe have ascended, when this possibility is possible, we return to the same question: what is the ascension, what are the conditions, what is the scope, and why can all the living things in the universe disappear in an instant? Spiritualization, entry into the spirit realm. Otherwise, it would be inconceivable for such a grand cosmic event to happen.

There is a mechanism in the universe called the mutation mechanism. When things reach a critical state, there is a sudden change, which is called a mutation. I think ascension is a mutation phenomenon that occurs when a living thing reaches a certain stage of development. From one stage of development, the mixed stage of body and soul to another stage, the pure soul stage, the key link, is called ascension. Why is it that the souls of the dead also enter the spirit realm, and are not called ascension? But, if you think about it, death is actually a way of ascension, and all living beings in the universe are born, develop, triumph, decline, and die. And death is a kind of ascension, but human beings don't see it that way. It can be calculated that in 100 years, all the 7.5 billion human beings on the planet have soared. The number is so large and staggering. Is the true pattern of all living beings in the universe ascending to death? Death is not death, but a kind of ascension. As long as we understand the true stage of life, the soul stage, can we understand that death is one of the modes of ascension, and it is natural. In this way, we can see that all living beings in the entire universe are experiencing evolutionary links and are all ascending. Maybe this is the real ascension of the universe. It also seems to be natural, natural, a pattern of life.
And the sudden ascension of all living beings in the universe that we are talking about is the mutation stage of ascension. This should also be inevitable and natural. It is just said that at this stage, the consciousness is highly developed, matured, and has approached the boundary of the soul, and at any time in the disturbance, it will suddenly mutate, from the physical body to the pure soul. As long as you know the mutation theory, I think it's easy to understand as well. The next stage of the physical body is the soul, so it can be said that it is just ahead of schedule and quickly to reach the next stage. This is entirely because the previous stage is fully mature, and the next stage is easy to reach, and this experience we have encountered more in other fields. For example, when there is a traffic jam, it is a traffic jam on a narrow road, and a mature and spacious road section will pass quickly. It's probably the same thing. People who believe in God can pass quickly, and people who don't believe in God are all concentrated in one link, and there is a traffic jam.

Of course, we always talk about Mars, but there are souls on Mars, right? Venus also lives souls, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, all have souls? Why not? Cosmic souls, souls on earth, can go to these planets. And the soul, with no temperature limit, no air pressure limit, no gravity limit, can go to any corner of the universe at will, and gather on these planets, right? Going to the universe and going to the spirit realm are both natural. The two can be interchangeable at any time.

Now in the spirit world, in the soul state, there are some soul properties: conscious, can fly casually, can communicate with many creatures in the universe at the slightest thought, can telepathize, and in the spirit world, people are not disguised, you are what you are, this is the most important characteristic. And in the spirit world, you can have everything you want, you can eat whatever you want. So it's a world of consciousness. From our real world, we can't see anything, we can't hear it, we can't feel it.

There is a question here, that is, after becoming a soul, there is already a spirit world, or does it exist in our real world and then go to the spirit world?
If this is the case, then when the soul and the body exist in our body at the same time, whether the soul exists in the spiritual world is the imaginary world, and our physical body exists in the real world, which is the real world.
If this is the case, we know that man himself is a complex, with both spiritual and real-world components.
In other words, human beings are actually composed of the functions of the real number world and the function of the imaginary number world. This gives us a new perspective on life.
In this way, we can also guess that our consciousness, perhaps in the spiritual realm, our visual and auditory mechanisms are also combined using the functions of the real world and the imaginary world, so as to express the visual and auditory functions.

So, so we see that some people are more partially in the world of real numbers, and some people are more in the world of imaginary numbers. The worldview expressed by such a person is different from the situation in which he feels. There may be some people who are prone to feeling the things of the spiritual world, while some people can only feel the things of the real world, and they don't know anything about the spiritual world and find it difficult to believe.
In this way, in our human society, there are some people, and some people whose human body is close to the spiritual world, are easy to move around in the spiritual world and discover things in the spiritual world. For example, when a person is sick, Yang Qi decays and Yin Qi increases, and at this time, almost the whole person appears to be more spiritual. At this time, it is also easy to feel the things in the spiritual world.

For example, there are sick people whose souls pass through the spirit realm and then enter another person's body. But this man is in some future world. So, through this body, we perceive what the world is like in the future. When this soul leaves a body in the future world and returns to his present body, then his soul has memories of the future.

Of course, the occurrence of such a situation is very likely that the soul of this person has experience and memory in this area, so it is prone to this situation. It can be seen that this is also closely related to a person's past life. If you have this kind of thought, you have such a thing happening, and if you don't have this kind of thought, I think it will be very difficult for you to be in such a state and have the situation of possessing the human body in the future.

So, a soul is not a superior soul. It depends on whether this soul has such an experience, has such an experience of a higher soul. Often, because of some kind of chance, this kind of thing can happen to high-level souls when they reach a lower level. Because apparently, this is a manifestation of the state of a freer soul. It is very difficult to do these things without some experience in previous lives.

So, each of us is different. With the difference in the experience of past lives, we have created the difference between our soul and body now. This human body is closer to the state of the soul, or the other way around. Probably this also explains why people soar. It's because more people and more parts have approached the spirit world, and they have entered the spirit world almost as soon as the wind blows. Embodied in ascension.
So, when we explain the functions of our human body, we may have to deal with the laws of the spiritual realm. Because man himself is a mixture of the spiritual world and the real world. A lot of our physical performance is done through the spirit realm. In particular, our deliberate function is to make use of the laws of the spiritual world.

In this way, when a person is in the state of the soul, the soul exists in the spiritual realm. Then the soul that exists in the spirit world and the body in the real world combine to form a real human body. The truth of life, at this time, you are generally already in the spiritual realm. Therefore, ascension is just more components of the human body to the spirit realm. It's just that the body suddenly disappears. Iridescent has done this, and I think in the natural state, there is a similar mechanism, and it will happen as soon as it is touched.
11:21 2024-04-14












11:21 2024-04-14