Spring it is overcast today 5 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.












0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:
































To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.






In the future, we can imagine that a complete life will include the trajectory of life in the human world and in the spiritual realm.
We can taste the infinite speed that we can reach in an instant, and we can also experience the freedom of flying in the universe, there is no temperature limit, there is no air pressure limit, there is no gravity limit, we can go to the interior of any star, we can go to any region of the universe, what is this? This is our soul, this is our consciousness. In the future, this is a necessary soul knowledge and soul skill for a person. We are in a state of life that understands the human world in its entirety, in the spiritual realm. Only such a state of existence is the fundamental state of existence of life. Our souls are not only familiar with the human world, but also with the spiritual world, and there is no barrier between the two, both of which can be within the same soul's knowledge system.
In the future, soul exit is a widespread and well-known skill. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is everywhere. Communication with aliens is everywhere. Human beings live a cosmic life, our community is the whole universe, our neighbors are aliens from various planets, although our physical bodies only exist on the earth, but our souls can go to any cosmic region, any cosmic planet, and it does not take time, it can be reached instantly. Can communicate with any alien. It is also possible to know who the aliens who came to Earth thousands of years ago were.

Although everyone exists, now everyone knows very little about the state of their soul. Because human beings are at this stage of evolution. However, our human spirits and souls already possess such abilities. There is the ability to explore the higher states of life in the universe.
Therefore, when people are familiar with the things that they can't see and can't touch, and after they grasp them, then our concept of the universe will change.
Because you remember that everything you imagine is the existence of the universe. It is a manifestation of everything in the universe. Don't think it's illusory, fleeting. He participates in the universe and changes the universe.

However, we all know that each of us has a sensitive heart, and as our understanding increases, we will know the human part of this world, as well as the spiritual part of this world.
Because of our essential nature, we already have such a foundation. There is a mechanism not only for eating, drinking, sheltering, and closing, but also for the higher parts of the soul. We are now perfectly adapted to this advanced cosmic spiritual life. It's just that our current technology is still very backward, and we can't achieve more subtle soul exploration and control. It is precisely because of this sophisticated soul system that our technology will slowly catch up with what we are looking forward to. It can also be said that this is the direction of modern human science and technology.
Of course, the primitive method, which we are still using, is cultivation, and we can reach a very high level of physics and chemistry through the cultivation of this human body system, so as to show our supernatural powers. These supernatural powers are large and small, the small ones can control the nuclear explosion, and the big ones can control the Big Bang. You have to see the connotation of the word supernatural powers.

It can also be said that we examine and control the exploration and development of science and technology through the sensitivity of the soul and spirit. The two reinforce each other. Not only that, but our spirituality, through my articles, is demonstrating its performance and possibilities.

The soul, the spirit, the good spirit, that's the core of what we're talking about. Our edifice of comprehensive understanding of the universe is also built on this basis.
So what is a soul? What is a spirit? These concepts were invented by the ancients. It can be seen that this phenomenon has existed since ancient times, has existed for thousands of years, and it is also like this. However, in our time, these ancient concepts are picked up and recognized. Illustrating that our era is a seminal generation.
That is, in our human body system, there is a system of consciousness, and this system of consciousness is relatively independent. Because we know that a stone is not conscious in the real world.
It is precisely because of the existence of consciousness that we should think that there should be a consciousness body, which encapsulates everything in the physical body, but is not a part of the physical body, although consciousness and the physical body are precisely combined. However, in many cases, we also encounter situations where consciousness is detached from the body, and in these cases, we naturally have the existence of a detached consciousness body. This is proven in many cases. Like near-death experiences. Many people have had the experience of being detached from their bodies and floating under the ceiling, looking at their own bodies lying on the bed, and also seeing their loved ones and doctors around them. This experience tells us that there should be a system as opposed to the body, and that is the existence of the soul. The ancients had encountered this kind of thing a long time ago, so the word soul was invented. Now we call this soul a spirit body, or a consciousness body. Of course, this is a preliminary feeling of existence, and the immortals of the ancients are already familiar with the soul and can easily control the soul out of the body. There are multiple levels and types of these immortals, who control the soul, who control the body, who control the soul and the body. When controlling the physical body, the physical body can fly off the ground and other magical powers.

In this way, you may be asked, what is the consciousness. However, it is only in modern times that the study of consciousness is put on the table. People in the past, and scientists, never considered what consciousness was. Because consciousness is the background system of our whole system. We use consciousness, but we never ask how consciousness is composed. When we go through Buddha, through science, we discover consciousness. It's as if we didn't discover temperature, atmospheric pressure, gravity, and when we had astronauts, we generally realized that weightlessness was a thing. Only then did I realize the matter of atmospheric pressure, and I realized the temperature. It's the same with consciousness, when our science is developing now, when we study science with consciousness, we slowly discover that consciousness is also involved. Consciousness has never been considered, but now consciousness appears in our research experiments, such as the double-slit interference experiment, where the existence of consciousness intervenes in the outcome of the experiment. In this way, we begin to study what consciousness is.
I used to study the composition of consciousness, which has been discussed in previous articles. You can go to the previous article.

Once we have studied these issues, we can use these concepts to form a new system. This is the real world and the spiritual world. The main body of the spirit world is the soul. The main characteristic of man as a creature is the characteristic of the soul. The body is seen as the caterpillar stage, and the soul represents a real person.
The soul exists in the human body, and the body and soul make up our human body in the world. However, when a person dies, the body decays and disappears, but the soul remains, and at the moment of death, the soul leaves the body and goes to the spirit world. Here the emphasis is on the soul being alive. And eternal life in the spirit realm.

There is a concept to emphasize here, that is, information, the soul can be seen as a body of information, a system composed of information, but it is alive.
Therefore, when human beings explore the quantum world, they will find that the quantum system is an information system, and this quantum system constitutes everything in the universe, including the soul and consciousness.
Of course, quantum is a concept, but quantum also has size, although quantum refers to very small atoms and molecules, these small substances, however, we also see that photons are also called quanta, which has no mass. So, our souls, our consciousnesses, and our spirits, it's very likely that they're all made up of photons.
Molecules, atoms, make up living beings, you may be familiar with, but pure photons make up living beings, you may be surprised, however, this is also a possible fact.
Of course, there may be new explanations for this, and this is the frontier of human exploration.

And we also give the possibility of existence, which does not interact with our material world. This existence is also not dark matter and dark energy. Nor is it a parallel universe. We don't know about it, but it may exist. There is a subtle and difficult relationship with our universe.

In fact, the soul with greater energy is God.
9:24 2024-04-05










9:24 2024-04-05