Spring it is overcast today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.












0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.










 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:












照片看到了。我突然想,这么多年,我们之间,总是你在认为给我了机会,尤其每次见面。但是,我也总在想,是我给你了机会。你怎么看?我们这样坚守这个原则,难道这是爱情的原则?我们是不是本末倒置了?想吃饭,但是实际上每天都在吃*?没有限制,直到见面成功。那我也可以用意念,一天出现在你面前几十次,可是你哪一次认出我了?就你这**,不可能认出我的!~嗯,看到图片。过年,你不打算来凑热闹啊?吃B2,Vc就可以了. 每年过年的时候才是团聚的时候啊,你来吗。很简单,你直接来我家里找我就可以了。女朋友来我家里找我,理所当然那。那就穿着你的T恤来吧。我过年休假8天啊,快来吧,呵呵。在札幌啊。嗯,情人节怎么过?歌词很好,图片看到。明天情人节,你在哪?刚刚看到你更新,下个月见,很好,如果是对我说的,很期待哦。期待你确认,嗯,情人节图片看到。说好了下月见,来我家的。




















To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.






We have come to a new world, a world of people made of information, and a world of information. This is the spirit world, this is where the gods exist, and this is where the souls exist. In this way, it will be easy for you to understand what God is. He is an objective being. is made up of pure information. But this body of information has all the qualities of a human being, all feelings, thoughts, and actions. And it has a function that physical people do not have, and it can travel anywhere in an instant, and it can be reached at a thought.

Of course, we think of the soul as the body of information. God is just a kind of higher soul. And our human body is made up of body and soul. In general, the two exist together at the same time, and this is the person.
In some people with special abilities, the soul can leave our body and then fly, and this soul can enter the spirit world and then return to the body. There are such people, in every era. Swedenborg, for example, is one of the most famous. Of course, after all people die, the soul enters the spirit realm. It's just that we living people don't know. It is through the exogenous function that the soul of the person leaves the body, and we understand the world after death. In particular, Swedenborg's travels in the spiritual realm, and its analysis and reflections. This is a lesson that we must accept in life.

People with various special abilities can enter the spirit world. This ability accounts for one in five teenagers. Some teenagers can be trained, while others are born with such functions.
In fact, we are faced with a world of people made up of information and a world made up of information.

In particular, now that you know that the human brain is also a world of information. In this world, there are no real people, no real things, and no real society. This brain world is the digital twin of the entire universe and the entire society. The world of images, sensations, and information composed of digital is usually called the virtual world. In fact, our brains are a virtual world.
In the face of this scenario, every thought, every language, any behavior, any social interaction, any activity is virtual. Even the words I write now are also generated through this virtual world of the brain. Therefore, we exist in this world, and we are constrained and controlled by this virtual world. However, because we know clearly, this is the activity of the brain's virtual information. In this system, our human behavior will be included in it. Therefore, we cannot go beyond these, and we must be constrained and influenced by them. So, when you give feedback on a thing, when you express your opinion, it's the output of the information contained in this virtual system of the brain. We humans can't escape this pattern.
So now that we recognize this phenomenon, how do we know it? by observing, thinking, and analyzing.
Obviously, the information in this virtual world determines your speech and behavior, and what kind of information is stored and what kind of speech and behavior you have. Especially when we are facing troubles, it is these brain messages that are worrying.
So, there's a mechanic here. For example, the digital lathe produced in Germany can process almost any machine part. All parts are machined by digital lathes. However, these machined parts do not involve the design and manufacture of this digital lathe. It's like your next generation, you can't manage the marriage of your parents, your grandparents. So, we're limited by this system. We can only be free within the system of parts machined by these digital lathes, and cannot go beyond this system. How do we know about this lathe system through these parts?
It's the same as the virtual world of our brains, which controls everything in our lives. How do we understand the entire parent system through the content of these parts?
Actually, there's a mechanism here, the umbilical cord system. The baby is connected by the umbilical cord to the maternal system. Only when you get to this umbilical cord system do you know the relationship between the mother system and the baby, otherwise you know differently in other aspects. I can't know. Here there is a link between the two systems, that is, the link of the umbilical cord system. That is, how do you understand the higher-level system from these parts? That is, the virtual information world of our brain, all the social phenomena that are generated, how do we understand the virtual world of the brain through these social phenomena, behaviors, and thoughts? This involves a special part of everything in our society, that is, the umbilical cord system. Through this umbilical cord system, we can recognize the virtual information system of the brain. I got to know the system.

In fact, in the general life of our human society, there is also this umbilical cord system. For complex systems, we have this saying, the bystander is clear. That is, when you become a spectator, you recognize the system and the mother system. So, the system of bystanders allows us to know two systems.

So how do we consciously understand the virtual world of our brain, and all the behavioral and social systems that our brain produces? Similar to a bystander. Only when we stand on this link can we understand the virtual world of the brain and the human body's consciousness and language behavior system. What is the method?

Avalokiteshvara has already helped us summarize this method of understanding complex systems, especially the method of understanding two systems. That's the view. The view of watching. As long as you have the consciousness of contemplation in your consciousness, then you will slowly understand the virtual information world of your brain.

Observation is a habit we have cultivated since childhood, especially when doing experiments, we must observe carefully.
Of course, we are here to observe from the perspective of a bystander. i.e. not to participate in it, but to watch.
Because viewing is in the system of consciousness, it is a hub, it is an umbilical system that can take us from the lower level to the higher level. One of the main features of viewing is the observation of the parent system. If you can see the parent system from the phenomenon, then your wisdom, your pattern, your thinking, and your analysis will be completely different.

In the face, the brain is a virtual system of information. The first thing we have to do is not to be attached, because the things you are attached to are all virtual cognitions of your brain. For example, if you encounter trouble, you now know that it is just information in the brain, and virtual information makes you annoyed. This information is all illusory. Although all kinds of people and things come from the outside world, they are all information when they reach your brain. So the troubles that your brain generates are also generated through this information. You know this, and the source of your troubles is just this illusory information. As long as you don't cling to these things, then there will be no troubles. Troubles are life's biggest problems. It's also easy for you to come out of your troubles. As a result, all your concepts and ideas, concepts about yourself, concepts about others, concepts about many people, concepts about longevity, and so on, are all virtual information in your brain, and they are all illusory. So by breaking through this illusory information and not being disturbed by this virtual information, you will have peace and calm. Therefore, it is not the external events and people that determine whether our mind is at peace, but the virtual information within you. Therefore, the mechanism of the brain is to make decisions through this virtual information, to produce troubles, to produce all kinds of feelings. It's not people and things from the outside world. Although the information of people and things from the outside world is fed into the brain. However, the input information is virtual information, and the brain makes happiness and annoyance on the basis of this virtual information. So, the brain is working on information, and it's virtual information. As long as we control this information, then we can control our joys and worries. Do you see? These virtual information can come from the outside world, but our mind can control this information, and thus control our troubles.

That way, as long as you have a mechanism for observation, you can see the information coming into your brain, let that information come and go, and don't participate in it, don't give feedback, then you're not going to have any troubles. For example, we see that the Queen of England was in her 90s and had experienced a lot of things in her life, so she was very calm about everything that happened suddenly. The calmness here is to control the information that is fed into the brain, so that our judgment system, the heart system, is not affected.

It is because of this virtual information that acts as a link in the brain. So, through our faith, through our belief in God, what we directly change is the virtual information part of our brain. and not affected by our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body sensations. In this virtual information link, a huge spatio-temporal information system can be created. Divine systems, hallucinations, dreams, dreams, all consciousness also come from this virtual information system of the brain.

The universe created life, and it gave us this kind of structure, so how should we use it? So in the virtual information part of the brain, there is naturally the operation of God, which is not a good use of this mechanism. With this mechanism, there is naturally the appearance of God, which is also natural. Therefore, the imagination of many of our consciousness fields is actually shaping the virtual consciousness part of the brain. If the Buddha's wish can form the Western Blissful World, then our wish, through cultivation and training, will produce information people and information world in this brain information field. That's what the ancients did, and the information people they produced were called Yuanshen. Through this brain information field, the specific functions of the human body are based on this. As you can see, a human woman is pregnant, gives birth and gives birth to a baby, and at the same time, through cultivation, the dantian can produce an information lifeform. Are you going to be amazed? Shakyamuni Buddha was born from his mother's armpit, that is, there was a message life first, and then there was a physical body. Life is endless. Visualize it carefully.
10:40 2024-03-23












10:40 2024-03-23