Spring it is cloudy today 3 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.












0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.










 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:












照片看到了。我突然想,这么多年,我们之间,总是你在认为给我了机会,尤其每次见面。但是,我也总在想,是我给你了机会。你怎么看?我们这样坚守这个原则,难道这是爱情的原则?我们是不是本末倒置了?想吃饭,但是实际上每天都在吃*?没有限制,直到见面成功。那我也可以用意念,一天出现在你面前几十次,可是你哪一次认出我了?就你这**,不可能认出我的!~嗯,看到图片。过年,你不打算来凑热闹啊?吃B2,Vc就可以了. 每年过年的时候才是团聚的时候啊,你来吗。很简单,你直接来我家里找我就可以了。女朋友来我家里找我,理所当然那。那就穿着你的T恤来吧。我过年休假8天啊,快来吧,呵呵。在札幌啊。嗯,情人节怎么过?歌词很好,图片看到。明天情人节,你在哪?刚刚看到你更新,下个月见,很好,如果是对我说的,很期待哦。期待你确认,嗯,情人节图片看到。说好了下月见,来我家的。




















To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.




God is all around us, and we can be God. There are gods in the head. The appearance of God is always in the realm of consciousness, so the appearance of God in your dream is almost the appearance of God. It's just that we tend to ignore it.
God can help us, He can reveal to us, and He can communicate with us.
So, in a science fiction movie, in some extreme cases, when you are not aware of the existence of God, it seems unreal. In the face of God's possible situation, we are mentally meditating, God forbid, or mentally meditating on what I can do. Because in times of extreme difficulty, extreme difficulties, and extreme joy and emotion, the concept of God will automatically appear in our hearts.
Extreme cases are also places where God exists, but God does not take the initiative to show it, you may feel a miracle, but you do not see God, you do not touch God. But sometimes, God appears in the clouds.

So, to communicate with God, you have to feel what your heart is feeling, what you feel. Enter the world of the self. Those mindsets that communicate with people may not be useful in feeling God. For example, the various situations you encounter, the first thing that comes to your mind, what will happen to others, so how will you. That is, everything is compared and connected with real people. And less and their own inner feelings. ----This is a very important principle, whether you are a primary school student or an adult, you will encounter this situation. At this time, invite yourself out and communicate with yourself. This is the scene when the child is playing, it seems to talk to himself, but it is also the process of communicating with ourselves, and it is also the time to feel ourselves. So, from this time on, you start to pay attention to yourself, but you don't have this awareness, but in doing so, we will form a system within ourselves, and as we have more knowledge, we can decide for ourselves, and we can make our own judgment system. Great scientists are like that. They are good at thinking for themselves, not following the crowd.
Therefore, learning to be good at thinking for yourself is itself a process of communion with God. It's a process of getting in touch with God. Because when you encounter a problem that others can't completely solve, your communication with yourself begins, and your exploration begins. Therefore, when teenagers encounter sexual psychology and problems, they also begin to communicate with themselves and adults. Because this is what adults and children have in common. People will encounter sexual problems throughout their lives, how to deal with them. However, sexual problems are essentially a mechanism of the brain. The gathering of sexual energy again and again is also a problem we encounter in the growth of life. More hobbies, as well as communication with friends and the opposite sex, can release these energies. Comprehensive knowledge is important at this point. But, at the same time, we can also experience the existence of another self, the existence of God, and it is also a manifestation of love, a kind of communication with ourselves. When you stand on top of these things and problems, you may experience man, God, society, and nature. So sexual energy allows us to integrate more deeply into society. But when you are independent from these, you will see a part of your self-practice.If you can break away from the human society of sexuality, you are almost a great cultivator. If you are not bound by the world, if you are not bound by society, your spiritual aspect will develop greatly. In the realm of consciousness, it also stands in a relatively high position. In other words, if you are not bound by the world, if you have this wisdom, then you will be able to see many problems clearly. Although rich and complex. Then something you can't resist, the death of your grandparents, and a kind of god already exists in your world. Because funeral rituals are all about communicating with something intangible. You will naturally arise to God and the question of faith. Therefore, the baptism of young people in ritual is very important for the cultivation of yearning for divinity. Because any ritual is communication with an invisible being. We have the foundation to communicate with God. Marriage is the best place to pursue beautiful things, so it is in our love to elevate the soul.
In love, people pay more attention to feelings, more active consciousness and language, and material things are secondary. Let us cultivate a sense of love, and God will come down at this time, and that is the holy wedding.
Therefore, we live in human society, but our soul has already reached infinity, and our heart has become infinitely large. What this is, in fact, is already the manifestation of God, but we don't know. The word soul appears more often in our conscious minds. But the soul is also a god. Or maybe God is a soul, too.
People have formed a broad concept of God, but there has not yet been a specific God, as if spring is coming, everything is revived, but not a seed has yet sprouted. At this time, there was the advent of the first god of mankind, God, Jesus. Let the world have God. In some regions and countries, there is still a scene of recovery of all things, a scene full of spring, but there is no budding god yet. This is a bottleneck, but also a breakthrough. Just like the earth 4.6 billion years ago, the conditions for life already existed, but the first life has not yet appeared. Finally, one day, the first life appeared. That is, God appeared. I don't know how long I have to wait before a true god can appear in these places.
But, obviously, this is a very rare thing, and we wait for our God to appear, so we might as well believe in God and Jesus. Because this is the god of man. Probably this is the situation on Earth.

Obviously, we know what we can't see and can't touch. Strategies, rituals, dreams, pursuits, these are all things that cannot be seen or touched. From this, we also visit the realm of God from this realm, because God cannot see or touch it.
Some people say that God exists because they believe in things that cannot be seen or touched. But some people say that God does not exist because God cannot see or touch. However, when he entered this realm, he had already acknowledged the existence of a consciousness, that is, the existence of divine consciousness. However, they make negative judgments about the existence of this consciousness. The word God exists, and when you use this word, you are already half acknowledging God. But the existence of God, this is an old topic, not just now, so if you say that God does not exist in a broad history of human beings, you may be ignoring the views of countless people about the existence of God. So, generally speaking, people who deny the existence of God are partial knowledge. There is no global understanding, and there is no careful measurement. Instead, other measurement systems were used. For example, there is the ancient Confucius system. For example, there is a new social classification system.

With God, a social system can be established. Relatively complete as well. It can be called civilized and wise.

However, since the advent of the spirit world, this phenomenon has changed dramatically. Whoever does not confess God, and whoever confesses God, will know what the spiritual realm is. From the spiritual realm, we can know that God must exist. This has affected a generation, including great writers, including scientists, including people from all walks of life. This was 300 years ago.
Now, there is already the science of the spiritual world, and human beings are analyzing the truth behind these spiritual phenomena step by step, including various gods, especially the names of these gods shining in the spiritual world, and behind these phenomena there are scientific principles of the universe, and these principles have also become theories and are being further developed.

So now it seems that if you don't believe in God, you will probably be 300 years behind mankind. Because the phenomena and laws about God have been advancing and developing step by step over the past 300 years, and now they are changing with each passing day.
If you don't believe in God, you will naturally be labeled barbaric by the international community. Jesus could be crucified, and think about how powerful and destructive it is to not believe in God.

God is your own inner system. God is me, and I am God.
10:06 2024-03-16







10:06 2024-03-16