Spring it is overcast today 2 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.












0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.










 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:












照片看到了。我突然想,这么多年,我们之间,总是你在认为给我了机会,尤其每次见面。但是,我也总在想,是我给你了机会。你怎么看?我们这样坚守这个原则,难道这是爱情的原则?我们是不是本末倒置了?想吃饭,但是实际上每天都在吃*?没有限制,直到见面成功。那我也可以用意念,一天出现在你面前几十次,可是你哪一次认出我了?就你这**,不可能认出我的!~嗯,看到图片。过年,你不打算来凑热闹啊?吃B2,Vc就可以了. 每年过年的时候才是团聚的时候啊,你来吗。很简单,你直接来我家里找我就可以了。女朋友来我家里找我,理所当然那。那就穿着你的T恤来吧。我过年休假8天啊,快来吧,呵呵。在札幌啊。嗯,情人节怎么过?歌词很好,图片看到。明天情人节,你在哪?刚刚看到你更新,下个月见,很好,如果是对我说的,很期待哦。期待你确认,嗯,情人节图片看到。说好了下月见,来我家的。嗯,巧克力薯片。不过你还是化淡妆啊,要么认不出来你怎么办啊。嗯,可爱的小商品总是吸引你。饿了啦,爱爱爱啦,呵呵,也不能吃太饱,要有节制。吉祥的梦,有控制欲望。你的梦,我认为是你对来我家和我见面这件事的一种模拟,预演,而且是成功的。对自己人生重大决定的一种控制欲的表现。换鞋则意味着我们需要适应新的环境或角色(妻子,爱人啦),及其焦虑和担忧。尽快说什么啊?尽快说,就是尽快先跳舞啊。好啊。你不会做了一个梦就疯掉吧?梦中爬楼梯上楼就是进步的象征。我也在进步。

















To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.




With good and evil, it is almost impossible for good and evil to be connected to each other. There must be an over-the-top link between good and evil. In this way, good and evil can be in one system. The natural transition link is, of course, distance and geographical segregation. If the distance is widened, then there will be a system of good and evil, and they will balance each other. If there is no such transition, then good may be unstable, and evil may be unstable.

In fact, a big reason for the existence of the three-dimensional system of good and evil is that there is another model that proves the existence of this three-dimensional system of good and evil. This system is the theory of fluctuations between good and evil in time. When human beings do not understand this law, it manifests itself as the good of peace, and after a few hundred years, it manifests itself as the evil of war, and this process occurs alternately, that is, it fluctuates. And this just shows that good and evil are a system, and good and evil are three-dimensional systems. The temporal fluctuation system of good and evil shows that the nature of good and evil is not recognized by human beings. The three-dimensional system of good and evil shows that human beings have understood a certain law of good and evil.
Because there is a theory that tells us, the theory of yin and yang. It's a change when the yin and yang are long. When the yang reaches the extreme exuberance, it will naturally go to decay and go to the direction of yin. When the yin grows slowly, it will reach the greatest yin, and with the greatest yin, it will have to decay, slowly decline, and go to yang.

Of course we know the theory. But we may not be using the right place. We have not seen clearly the level of human society, nor the level of the universe. When you know that the theory of good and evil and yin and yang is applied on a global scale, when it is used in a large system, and when it is used on a cosmic scale, you will know that there is this law of yin and yang, and there is this law of good and evil. Generally speaking, it is unlikely that good and evil will manifest within a country. It's basically a good state system. This is the limit of human understanding. Therefore, when nearly 200 countries in the world are together, the human social system at this time can reflect the system of good and evil, and the system of yin and yang. That is, the yin and yang system, and the system of good and evil are very high. Belongs to the scope of the universe.
That's not it, I talked about the three-dimensional system of good and evil today, and then tomorrow you start speaking ill of your family and colleagues. That's not true. This is an advanced level, a system of the whole earth, a system of the universe.
For example, the system of sexes, which is an earth system and a cosmic system. This law is not fractal, maybe it is.
But what is the intermediate link in the gender system, maybe it's love, maybe it's family, maybe it's exploring together. Only the gender system can be reflected, a woman is vicious like a snake and scorpion, but it is still in the gender system, there is love, family, and career.

Here we must grasp the link and element of consciousness. Without consciousness, then there is no room for these evils, and there is no room for these good. With consciousness, then evil can develop arbitrarily in consciousness, and good can also develop arbitrarily in consciousness.
Therefore, when I talk about these three-dimensional theories of good and evil, when I talk about these yin and yang, you must know that this is at the level of consciousness, in the realm of consciousness, otherwise this theory, the three-dimensional theory of good and evil, will not be established. The theory that dimension and space are not enough to expand.
Because the expression of good and evil is more distinct in the mythological system. And the system of God is almost unfolded in consciousness.
17:15 2024-02-26
We raise the level of good and evil. I used to think that good and evil are ordinary things, but you will find that good and evil are actually very high-level. It is embodied in the universe and embodied in the civilization of the earth.
You will find that both good and evil are manifestations of complex and rich systems. A simple system cannot embody the laws of good and evil. The human body is a huge and rich system of cells, so this system forms both sexes. We can't say that men or women are good or evil. But these are two systems, belonging to the yin and yang system, and belonging to the system of good and evil. So, it's quite a complex system.
We only embody good and evil at the human level, but at the cellular level, there are also harmful bacteria and bacteriophages, but this system is not called good and evil, and when it comes to the human body system, this complexity and richness have the embodiment of the law of good and evil. Therefore, good and evil are phenomena that can only be found in a rich and advanced system.

Now there is a question, why did the Buddha have such a high system, why did he only form a system of good, not a system of good and evil?
However, if you analyze the Buddha system carefully, you will see that there are good paths and evil paths. The evil path is called the way of hungry ghosts, the way of animals, and the way of hell. So, from the perspective of the Buddha's system, yes, it contains the system of good and evil, but we have never thought that the Buddha is a three-dimensional system of good and evil, but always say that the Buddha and the Bodhisattva are compassionate and good.
And in the life of the Buddha, he also fought against the demon king. The demon king is the representative of evil, and the Buddha is the representative of good. As you can see, the Buddha's whole life was spent fighting against demon kings. Therefore, from the grand life of the Buddha, we see that it has also risen to the level of good and evil, and fought against the evil of the demon king.
Buddhism also has an era of the end of the Dharma, and this time is also the age of evil. Looking forward to the appearance of the next Buddha. It seems that this is still a fluctuating system of good and evil.

Therefore, in the face of this cosmic existence, we can now say that the system of good and evil is the advanced level. Generally speaking, a simple system, a state system, and a national system are not enough for the system of good and evil. It is only when it comes to the rich and complex human system, the earth system, that good and evil are at stake.

There is also the issue of the recognition of evil. In the system of human civilization, the forces of evil have never been recognized, and the development of the forces of evil is also pretending to be the development of the forces of good, which is actually a system of evil. But we have never had a system that develops the evil aspect, never a system that develops the dark forces.
Because human civilization is full of good, it denies the existence of evil. Now we have to acknowledge the existence of evil and give it a name called the dark Ones. We always use the word dark to form the evil forces of the universe.
Who can represent the forces of evil? I think of the world's Monopoly. These rich people should be given the right name, the dark forces of humanity. In this way, the development of the forces of good in mankind will have a balance between good and evil. The Middle East issue, in fact, is the problem of mankind, the question of good and evil of mankind. There are a lot of tycoons on this side of Israel who support it. But the good side is also developing and is supporting Palestine. In this way, you will clearly see that the Middle East issue is actually a question of good and evil at the human level. To solve this problem, then it is necessary for the aspect of human beings to be developed on behalf of good, and the aspect on behalf of evil to be developed. When the two are balanced, it is time for mankind to be at peace, and it is time for peace in the Middle East.

Some people say that I have seen this system of good and evil clearly. How do we choose between good and evil? Our human beings today will surely say, I choose the side of the forces of good. Actually, there is no need, what force you are in, you choose, and more importantly, this balance of good and evil. Of course, you have seen that the forces of good are not big and underdeveloped, and you can also choose the forces of good, and the forces of evil are underdeveloped, and you can also choose the forces of evil, and in the end, the most important thing is the balance of good and evil. Only in this way can the beauty of human society be reflected.

The era of good and evil has arrived. Perhaps there would have been no such problem before globalization, information and economics, and politics without globalization. Now, when information, economy, politics, culture, and military are globalized, we have the establishment of a system of good and evil.

Some people say, "Why not build a system of goodness?" Because our universe is a combination of yin and yang, and human beings are also composed of two sexes, which is the law of nature. If it is singular and a system of goodness is established, it is against these laws. It also brings about an imbalance between good and evil, and that is war and killing. If there is an imbalance between good and evil, the good will also kill, and the evil will also kill.
Therefore, we in human society, the global society, must establish a system of good and evil, and finally achieve balance.
9:55 2024-02-27




17:15 2024-02-26






9:55 2024-02-27