Spring it is snow today 3 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.












0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.










 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:












照片看到了。我突然想,这么多年,我们之间,总是你在认为给我了机会,尤其每次见面。但是,我也总在想,是我给你了机会。你怎么看?我们这样坚守这个原则,难道这是爱情的原则?我们是不是本末倒置了?想吃饭,但是实际上每天都在吃*?没有限制,直到见面成功。那我也可以用意念,一天出现在你面前几十次,可是你哪一次认出我了?就你这**,不可能认出我的!~嗯,看到图片。过年,你不打算来凑热闹啊?吃B2,Vc就可以了. 每年过年的时候才是团聚的时候啊,你来吗。很简单,你直接来我家里找我就可以了。女朋友来我家里找我,理所当然那。那就穿着你的T恤来吧。我过年休假8天啊,快来吧,呵呵。在札幌啊。嗯,情人节怎么过?歌词很好,图片看到。明天情人节,你在哪?刚刚看到你更新,下个月见,很好,如果是对我说的,很期待哦。期待你确认,嗯,情人节图片看到。说好了下月见,来我家的。嗯,巧克力薯片。不过你还是化淡妆啊,要么认不出来你怎么办啊。嗯,可爱的小商品总是吸引你。饿了啦,爱爱爱啦,呵呵,也不能吃太饱,要有节制。吉祥的梦,有控制欲望。

















To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.




As you discover the patterns, you will find that the standards followed by human society are also changing. When the standard of human society is based on cultivation, you will find that this is close to the civilization of Thiaoouba. That is, human society has become advanced, and human civilization has advanced in the universe.

And these are supported by the laws of facts. For example, the development of AI and the development of science and technology all show that one day the main thing for human beings is cultivation.
Cultivation is the use of functions that have evolved from living beings. In our modern society, science and technology are being used, which is what most human beings do. But we also see a small number of people who are practicing.
Judging from the number of people who believe in religion in human society today, the vast majority of these people who believe in religion are cultivators. There are actually a lot of human cultivators in this way.
In fact, you will find that the rulers are lagging behind. The mainstream of society presided over by the rulers lagged behind. In particular, rulers who do not believe in God are even more backward.

Actually, we're talking about practice here, but now there's a missing system where practice is embodied in the realm of domination and practice is embodied in the realm of leadership.
Why can't this be done? It's because rulers and leaders are relatively low-level, or not cultivators at all. However, there are also cultivators who are rulers, and there are still very few of them.
If you don't practice, how can you be a ruler?

So now the practice is also very popular. In fact, everyone's study and life are in practice.

In fact, some of the concepts and methods that young people are taught are wrong. So, this directly prevented them from practicing later. For example, when you are in love, or when you are in contact with the opposite sex, you can't take the initiative. You must not greet a man first. Wait until the man finds you and then he takes the initiative to greet you. This is especially true for Japanese girls. It's like they're all big stars, waiting for the boys to recognize her. The input of this kind of concept has greatly prevented them from practicing and becoming very stingy, rude, vulgar, and low-level. This is to analyze what is the reason for their doing, and when you analyze this reason, you will understand that this reason is actually very rude, very robber, very low-level, at this time, you should put these in the sea, to analyze comprehensively, in this way, you should not only stand on this principle, you should clearly see all the factors of this problem. In this way, the concept you have formed is more correct, and at this time, you need to update, you need to change, and you need to change positively. Old habits are hard to change, old ideas are hard to change, but it's time for you to change. Because you've met someone who's as pure as natural water, the bells and whistles of bending your bowels are useless.
Obviously, this is a unity with the natural, natural beauty. These girls have a way to be natural and natural. Because this is instilled in them from an early age, they are influenced by these ideas almost all their lives. The ideas that human beings are exposed to in adolescence have a great impact on their lives, and some of them only see whether these concepts are correct until they are old. With my analysis, you will be clearer.

As we have said, the process of education is a process of cultivation. So, how well you are educated swayes your perception. Impacted your whole life. Especially the concepts learned during adolescence are the most important.
So you should search the Internet for aphorisms about contact with the opposite sex. Maxim for contact with friends. In this way, your awareness can return to normal. I often use various aphorisms as the longitude and latitude coordinates of life. Look at these aphorisms often.
Well, it's a condensed practice. Many aphorisms are imbued with the wisdom of spiritual practice.

So, the practice is first of all the educational practice, which is what everybody comes into contact with, and then the practice of Buddhism. If your ordinary education and practice are not enough, it will be difficult for you to appreciate the beauty of Buddhist practice. Rise to the top, one by one. Of course, many people say that it takes forty or fifty years old to learn Buddhism, and learning Buddhism at the beginning of life is not conducive to the development of life. This makes sense, but we should also dabble in a lot of the Buddha's words and many types when we are young, so that it will be easy to understand later. Some people regard the study of Buddhism as the highest state of life, and many people only study Buddhism when they are old. I'm a person who studied Buddhism relatively early, so I see things in a similar way to old people. There is a feeling this way.
I also said that there is a diamond at every level. So, at all stages of life, you will get your own diamonds, which is the best. As a teenager, he received a comprehensive and systematic education. It would be nice. When you are young, you have your own specialties and can start your own work and exploration with ambition. In middle age, he studied Buddhism and practiced, and his life was sublimated.

Of course, this is to see a person's life as a complete process, birth, old age, sickness and death. But know that the soul is immortal. In this way, when facing the soul, we should practice when we are young, we can learn Buddhism, we can learn everything. It is not affected by human society. Go your own way. Your standards are different, you go your own way, and the results will be different. Great people, saints are always saints, and it is because the path they started on was different. Have your own soul standards.

When a person, such a person, will also see that the path you walk for yourself can only be attained through your heart. So, from an early age, you realize the importance of consciousness, the importance of the soul. You are walking the path of consciousness, you are walking the path of the soul. What is consciousness, such a strong belief, this is the law of God.

When you are a child and you satisfy material desires, you will reflect, you will realize that material things are so simple, and you will pay attention to your inner thoughts and ideas. Everyone experiences something like this when they are young, and it suddenly makes you understand how simple or ridiculous these things can be. You grew all at once. At this time, it is the watershed between when you insist on more consciousness or when you insist on more material things in your life. Yes, at the age of 7 or 8, you can already think about these questions. You made your choice. Chose something bigger, more essential.

Therefore, we say that we are middle-aged and study Buddhism, but in fact, many of our thoughts were developed and made when we were young. When you choose consciousness, when you choose a higher time, when you are not moved by matter, you are already on the path of a Buddha. You are on the path to enlightenment.
So, there must be signs of spiritual practice when you are young. Think about what you think and how you do it, and you will know if your soul is a super spiritual soul or not.
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9:55 2024-02-23