Spring, It's sunny today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.



 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.





 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。过情人节?

 3. To something:
Good.do your best.
Spring 啦。啥打算啊?你也拿你的名气和我见面?我可能不认识你的名气。呵呵

4, Spring

啊,Spring 啦。有一种无形的价值,就是出名的价值,暗地里交换,或者给于。你在这个问题上死磕。潜意识不愿意?





To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.




(I heard the strange call of the cat at noon yesterday, but this time it was another kind of strange call.)
Therefore, the field of God is a free field, so it is quite rich and complicated. It is even tens of millions of times that in the world. In the field of God, your consciousness is completely free, and you use the function of consciousness completely. Therefore, the realm of God is the combination of noble morality, otherwise the world will not work.
In fact, many people are not accustomed to the free activities in the field of consciousness. For example, not eating meat is a simple thing, but it has caused many things in the field of consciousness, covering almost all aspects of life. Because there is no one who does not eat, but does not eat meat, this is almost a big change to the whole life. Although you don't eat meat, you have a lot of free space. You have experienced the behavior of not eating meat, and then the significant changes in the field of consciousness. Although you don't eat meat, you can see a rich scene in the field of consciousness. From paying attention to the behavior system to the psychological system and the consciousness system. Because eating is so common, it's almost irrelevant whether you eat meat or not, but what you insist on is your consciousness field, and what you insist on is your peace of mind. What you insist on is your psychological thing. It can be seen that things in the field of consciousness can also affect our behavior system, which is the most obvious example.
Therefore, if you want to achieve freedom in the field of consciousness, you should first know the law of operation in the field of consciousness. In this way, we think of the system and laws, and the precepts. In fact, these are the ones that guide our behavior, in fact, they are the ones that guide our psychological behavior. Only when you do it psychologically can your behavior system do it. Therefore, man is a product of consciousness, not material.
We achieve freedom in the field of consciousness by virtue of precepts. We can fly in the dream, and we can also shuttle in time and space in the dream. This is our freedom of mind and body. We should establish such a system of consciousness.
For example, there is Twitter on the internet now. People can discuss various issues and see various news. But in fact, you will find that we are faced with many people discussing problems, and we are faced with various kinds of news. This richness and integration of information will be replaced to some extent by chat GPT. Because of any problem, large chat robots can give results. This part replaces our community discussion. Over time, we will find that chat GPT can push news and topics to us, and can lead and advocate a large social community. This is the combination of Twitter and chat GPT. But now, it's hard for many people to think of it here. They think that there is no relationship between the two. In fact, both are language systems, just different fields of language systems. Moreover, the richness of Twitter community with hundreds of millions of people can be completely replaced by chat GPT. Because large language chat robots can chat with anyone. Every chat conversation is a binary system, but when we interact with others on Twitter, every interaction is also a binary system. Large language robots can act as one person or hundreds of millions of people.
Essentially, it is because these are language regions and are part of consciousness. The highest field is still the phenomenon in the field of consciousness, but people are not used to connecting these two fields. In fact, they are one. It is just expressed in different fields.
Therefore, when people chat with this large chat robot, the Twitter community is suddenly deserted. Programmers and management don't know what happened yet. In fact, this large language chat robot has partially replaced people's interaction on Twitter. Large language chat robots act as a variety of people. This is why large language chat robots have replaced the work of many industry people. Since it replaces the work of these people, the chat messages sent by these people can also be replaced.
In other words, the Twitter community is a language, text, music and video communication community. But large language robots are already a communication community. Both are communication communities. It not only extends to the search field, but also extends to the emotional field of people. This is the function of chat GPT3.5. So, I also think that Twitter is dominated by large language chat robots. Analyze today's topics, analyze community events, analyze the topics of discussion groups, raise questions, and advocate the direction of problems. Generate today's hot topic report, analyze the development trend, and so on.
In fact, these are phenomena in the field of consciousness, which means communication, communication and interaction. This is an invariable essential phenomenon.
Let a child chat with chat GPT can completely release a child's nature, from simple things to profound fields, because chat GPT can complete this work. Expose children to these top issues; At the same time, tell the child that cutting vegetables is simple, but the depth of skilled cutting vegetables is unknown to the child. ChatGPT is best at showing comprehensiveness.
This involves the cooperation between Twitter and OpenAI.
9:45 2023-02-18







9:45 2023-02-18