SOME Article 0.0 Mid-term Reports on Deep State in the Japan by the Tigergates Midway Buildings(JIIA)=Chatham Houses Rules and the Bilderberg Group Rules·Bilderberg-Group Watchers·Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Chatham Houses, Atlantic Council, Council on Foreign Relations-Harold Pratt Houses(CFR)- and the Japan Institute of International Affairs(Japan Institute on International Affairs/JIIA) in the Main New World Order Alliance Membersノア語ク.日R2派ノア日本国際問題研究所(日本語の第1公称:日本国際問題研究院 等/日本語の第0略称:日問研 等/英語の第0公称:Japan Institute on International Affairs etc./英語の第1公称:Japan Institute of International Affairs etc./英語の第0略称:NWOpartiesnippon etc./英語の第1略称:JIIA, NIIA etc./日本語の第0渾名:虎ノ門三井館 等/英語の第0渾名:The Tigergates Midway Buildings etc./0th Advised Question:長文とぅまり神那文字的音韻発音基本合致表記ゔぉ除く上記↑の表記以外にぃ-nhi-も沢山有るますがぁ-ğa-暫くはぁ-khua=hua-こる-call-ぐらぁい-glide-にぃ-nhi-留ます。/0th Sampling lists→ /1st Sampling lists→ /2nd Sampling lists→日本国际问题研究所 /3rd Sampling lists→日本国際問題研究所)ハ.ァSocial Network Systems(Social Network Services/SNS)ディInterestsノアDeep Stateニ.ィカヌ.ツ.ル.炎報ヴォ炎表ス.メス.タア。(Sampling URL→

SOME Article 0.5 Mid-term Reports on Deep State in the Japan by the Tigergates Midway Buildings(JIIA)=Chatham Houses Rules and the Bilderberg Group Rules·Bilderberg-Group Watchers·Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Chatham Houses, Atlantic Council, Council on Foreign Relations-Harold Pratt Houses(CFR)- and the Japan Institute of International Affairs(Japan Institute on International Affairs/JIIA) in the Main New World Order Alliance Membersノア語ク.日R2派ノア日本国際問題研究所ガ.ァ実ハ.ァNon-Eleven-Hayanists前提ディ日本ノアDeep Stateトユ.ゥConspiracyノア一部ヴォ炎表ツ.ル., ソ'アス.ティ我々(JIIA)ガ.ァSNSディStreaming BoomノアDeep Stateノア一部トゥマリ'True Illuminatiノア一部トゥ日R2派ノアRichard Kostmeexe and RK Independence Party Membersヒ.ィ電配トゥ日本国内Terrorists(Venomists lists→Ten Elites, Health Dragon, Helicopterparenter Century, Hystoria, Innersea Terrorists, West Ocean, Jailfields Terrorists, Plumbook Terrorists, Upper Photographer, Belltree Longer, Northern Innersea Capital Terrorists, Northern Innersea Politerrorists etc.)ニ.ィタイ.ツ.ル.Warning-type通牒(Sampling lists→我々自衛隊and海上保安庁モア片手式出動答申可能立場, 我々ニ.ィ冷戦ハ.ァTrue Deathダアト.炎曝, 共謀問ヴォツ.即冷戦, 我々-JIIA-凶喝Terrorismナヌ.ティ冷戦Online, 我々目線ダアト.与野党ハ.ァPuppet 等)ツ.ル.。(Sampling URL→

SNS(0th sampling lists→Ark Setsnar Arkhero Hookseammar Meatnarcets, RK Independence Party Press, The Toronto Star, Sputnik, Infobae, Tehran Times, al-Jazeerah, ABC-USA TV-, ABC-Australian TV-, Euronews, TRT-Turkish TV-, KBS-South Korean TV-, BBC-British TV-, NDTV-Indian TV-, Press TV-Iranian Massmedia-, RTR-Russian TV- etc.)↓

Sickcock(Sampling lists→Nheehammer, Marcejammer, Nheehammer in the New World Order Government Location etc.)↓

Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations 00↓

Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations→

Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations→

Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations→

Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations 01↓

Active and Mission in
the Japan by Bilderberg Group Watchers

Soviet and the Russian Federation(第0中例→РСМД-РИАК-, Красная площадь店, 在日露連邦大使館 等)

Embassies to the Japan(第0中例→在日加国大使館-Canada-, 在日柬王国大使館-Cambodia-, 在日楼人民民主共和国大使館-Laos- 等)↓

Sufferers of Social terrorism in the Japan(Sampling lists→Forced poverty by Global Official Terrorist Hystoria Juliet Erica Wateruploaders and Japanese Government etc.)

Private scenes on Classqie Citizens and Hidebees Citizens↓

Private scenes on the Icer Citizens and the South Ainuan Citizens↓

Media Venomouts in the Japan by Global Official Terrorist Hystoria Juliet Erica Wateruploaders and Japanese Government↓