Tehran Times(تهران تایمز-Теҳрон Таймс-) Article 0.0 AUKUS(Australia, United Kingdom and the United States)=Chatham Houses Rules and the Bilderberg Group Rules·Bilderberg-Group Watchers·Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Chatham Houses, Atlantic Council, Council on Foreign Relations-Harold Pratt Houses(CFR)- and the Australian Institute on International Affairs(Australian Institute of International Affairs/AIIA) in the Main New World Order Alliance Members·此の電題の詳すはぁ義R2派の庭譜蘭時報(菠語の第0公称:تهران تایمز و غيره-va gheyreh-/菠語大羅文字の第0公称:Tehrân Taymz و غيره-va gheyreh-/菠語大羅文字の第1公称:Tehrân Teyemz و غيره-va gheyreh-/菠語大羅文字の第2公称:Tehrun Taymz و غيره-va gheyreh-/菠語大羅文字の第2.5公称:Tehrun Teyemz و غيره-va gheyreh-/菠語霧琉文字の第0公称:Теҳрон Таймз و غيره-va gheyreh-/英語の第0公称:Tehran Times etc./国際音声文字-IPA-の第0表記:tɛhɾɒn tаɪmz-tɛhɾɒn tаjmz=tɛht.ɒn tAyMz-/日本語神那文字-YNPS-の第0公称:テフ'.タ'ヌ. タイム.ズ.-テフ'.ラヌ. タイム.ズ.=テフ'.ト'ヌ. タイム.ズ.=テフ'.ロヌ. タイム.ズ.=テフ'.ト'ヌ. タイ.ム.ズ.=テフ'.ロヌ. タイ.ム.ズ.=テフ'.ラォヌ. タイム.ズ.- 等/第0補足:上記↑の表記以外にぃ-nhi-も沢山有るますがぁ-ğa-暫くはぁ-khua=hua-こる-call-ぐらぁい-glide-にぃ-nhi-留ます。)ノア語ク.(日本語大羅文字の第0公称:north goddock 等/日本語大羅文字の第1公称:north qoddock 等/日本語霧琉文字の第0公称:нор годдок 等/日本語剌文字の第0公称:ناور قداوق ‎إلخ-illakh=eellakh-)米帝R2派ノアJoe Bidenトゥ米帝R2派トゥAntony Blinkenトゥ米帝R2派ノアLloyd Austin将軍(General to the United States Army)ハ.ァAUKUSノア炎況ニ.ィカヌ.ツ.ル.炎報ス.メス.タア。(Sampling URL→https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/465514)

Tehran Times(تهران تایمز-Теҳрон Таймс-) Article 0.5 Julian Assange and WikiLeaks(Private Intelligence Companies-PIC-)=Chatham Houses Rules and the Bilderberg Group Rules·Bilderberg-Group Watchers·Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Chatham Houses, Atlantic Council, Council on Foreign Relations-Harold Pratt Houses(CFR)- and the Australian Institute on International Affairs(Australian Institute of International Affairs/AIIA) in the Main New World Order Alliance Members·此の電題の詳すはぁ義R2派の庭譜蘭時報(菠語の第0公称:تهران تایمز و غيره-va gheyreh-/菠語大羅文字の第0公称:Tehrân Taymz و غيره-va gheyreh-/菠語大羅文字の第1公称:Tehrân Teyemz و غيره-va gheyreh-/菠語大羅文字の第2公称:Tehrun Taymz و غيره-va gheyreh-/菠語大羅文字の第2.5公称:Tehrun Teyemz و غيره-va gheyreh-/菠語霧琉文字の第0公称:Теҳрон Таймз و غيره-va gheyreh-/英語の第0公称:Tehran Times etc./国際音声文字-IPA-の第0表記:tɛhɾɒn tаɪmz-tɛhɾɒn tаjmz=tɛht.ɒn tAyMz-/日本語神那文字-YNPS-の第0公称:テフ'.タ'ヌ. タイム.ズ.-テフ'.ラヌ. タイム.ズ.=テフ'.ト'ヌ. タイム.ズ.=テフ'.ロヌ. タイム.ズ.=テフ'.ト'ヌ. タイ.ム.ズ.=テフ'.ロヌ. タイ.ム.ズ.=テフ'.ラォヌ. タイム.ズ.- 等/第0補足:上記↑の表記以外にぃ-nhi-も沢山有るますがぁ-ğa-暫くはぁ-khua=hua-こる-call-ぐらぁい-glide-にぃ-nhi-留ます。)ノア語ク.(日本語大羅文字の第0公称:north goddock 等/日本語大羅文字の第1公称:north qoddock 等/日本語霧琉文字の第0公称:нор годдок 等/日本語剌文字の第0公称:ناور قداوق ‎إلخ-illakh=eellakh-) 濠R2派ノアJulian
Assangeトゥ濠R2派ノアWikiLeaksハ.ァ西側陣営ノア不正行為ニ.ィタイ.ツ.ル.対Terror冷戦ノア炎況ニ.ィカヌ.ツ.ル.炎報ヴォ炎表ス.メス.タア。(Sampling URL→https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/465520)

SNS(0th sampling lists→Ark Setsnar Arkhero Hookseammar Meatnarcets, RK Independence Party Press, The Toronto Star, Sputnik, Infobae, Tehran Times, al-Jazeerah, ABC-USA TV-, ABC-Australian TV-, Euronews, TRT-Turkish TV-, KBS-South Korean TV-, BBC-British TV-, NDTV-Indian TV-, Press TV-Iranian Massmedia-, RTR-Russian TV- etc.)↓

Sickcock(Sampling lists→Nheehammer, Marcejammer, Nheehammer in the New World Order Government Location etc.)↓

Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations 00↓

Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations→

Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations→

Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations→

Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations 01↓

Active and Mission in
the Japan by Bilderberg Group Watchers

Soviet and the Russian Federation(第0中例→РСМД-РИАК-, Красная площадь店, 在日露連邦大使館 等)

Embassies to the Japan(第0中例→在日加国大使館-Canada-, 在日柬王国大使館-Cambodia-, 在日楼人民民主共和国大使館-Laos- 等)↓

Sufferers of Social terrorism in the Japan(Sampling lists→Forced poverty by Global Official Terrorist Hystoria Juliet Erica Wateruploaders and Japanese Government etc.)

Private scenes on Classqie Citizens and Hidebees Citizens↓

Private scenes on the Icer Citizens and the South Ainuan Citizens↓

Media Venomouts in the Japan by Global Official Terrorist Hystoria Juliet Erica Wateruploaders and Japanese Government↓