
The ride on the bus from Kaihin-makuhari to Osaka was about 10 hours! Even though it was a night bus, we were hardly able to sleep at all. The heater was on really high, so it was very uncomfortable especially in the back of the bus. Also, the seats had little leg room and of course the people in front of us reclined their seats all of the way back, making it even more comfortable. I couldn’t be too annoyed though, it was my own fault for being cheap and not taking the Shinkansen and I guess it could have been worse.

Ten hours later we arrived in Osaka and immediately went to our hotel for some much needed rest. Our plan was to stay in Osaka for all four nights and take the trains to Kyoto for day trips. After resting for a few hours of resting we wondered around the streets near our hotel to get used to the area. In the evening we went to the center of Osaka and found Dotonbori road. Here we enjoyed some takoyaki, beer and many other street vendor foods that Osaka is famous for. Because it was February, it was not crowded at all, but there were still enough people around to make it exciting.