Kim's fear of a surprise attack

How To Avoid War With North Korea « Breaking Defense - Defense industry news, analysis and commentary
Fre Okin's comment

Fre Okin The Contrarian

"The best achievable outcome may well be the cessation of North Korean testing of nuclear devices and missiles."

Add to that, prevention of nuclear proliferation to Iran. Everytime NK test, Iranians learn something.

It will be like the Good Friday agreement, the best hope is to decommission NK nukes, overseen by some neutral countries.

Of course NK demand a peace treaty, lift sanctions, no more SK/US exercise near her border.

The root cause of the escalating tension is Kim fear of a surprise attack under Five Minutes with F35 spearheading preemption during US/SK joint exercise near her border only 40 miles away and US subs lurking nearby.

NK ballistic missiles test is to warn US not to get too adventurous. Before just short range test, Japan at furthest. Now he put Guam at risk as well as US forces in SK. So time to negotiate!






no military option for US and N.Korea

‘There is no military option for US and N.Korea, both sides are posturing’ — RT Op-Edge
RT: You write in your recent analysis “the Kim Jong-un regime seems to have sought to use missile launches as signals to the Trump administration to convey not only North Korea's determination not to give in to pressure, but also its hopes to stabilize the situation and avoid further escalation in US-North Korea military relations.” Missile launches in hopes to stabilize might sound counterintuitive to some, can you explain?


Gareth Porter: Exactly, I know, you're right. Because the news media has not done its job at all in covering this whole sequence of events and has merely presented the situation as one of the North Koreans threatening the United States, and Trump firing back and threatening to go to war with them. We've lost the reality in the background of this, that neither side really has a military option. It is simply not realistic for either side, and they know it.

Gareth Porter:そう、キミの指摘するとおりだ。なぜかというと、ニュースメディアは、この出来事を報道する役割を果たしていない、ただ、北朝鮮がアメリカを脅しているというふうに言っているだけ、そしてトランプは、戦争をしてやるぞと言って、やり返している。

The United States has not had a military option with regard to North Korea for many years. That's because Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is only 26 miles away from the North Korean border from the 38th parallel, and the North Koreans have 8,000 artillery pieces trained on the capital and could decimate, more than decimate, they could destroy a large part of the capital, and as many as 200,000 Americans living in the environs of Seoul. This is a pretty strong incentive for the United States not to try a military option against North Korea.


And the North Koreans, on the other hand, know perfectly well they have been destroyed almost completely by American bombs - by firebombing in 1950 by the United States. And they know perfectly well that they are totally vulnerable to US nuclear weapons, as well as conventional weapons. They're not going to do anything like that either. So both sides are posturing. This is very clear: the North Koreans are posturing in order to try to get the United States to sit down with them without preconditions so that they can try to get some concessions from the United States, specifically to end the Korean War. The state of war has never ended between the United States and North Korea. That's the primary thing they want. But they also want to have normal relations with the United States.
