"Kindle Estate Planning Overview

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Death is a certainty. Incapacity a possibility. You need a plan for both.If you die without a Will, Trust, or some other provision for the distribution of your property, who gets it and the share they receive is determined by intestate succession. This distribution may or may not be what you want.For example, in Kansas, if you die leaving a surviving spouse and children, one-half goes to your surviving spouse and the other half goes to your surviving children, per stirpes. Would you really want your 2-year-old child to receive half of your probate estate (with the possible need for a conservatorship) if your spouse survives you and is capable of continuing to raise your child?Most people would benefit themselves and those they leave behind by having a Will or Trust. These include: - Anyone who is the parent of a minor child and wants to nominate the person to serve as guardian and raise the child. - Anyone who wants to create a testamentary trust for their child in order to specify 