Wind power equipment is generally installed in high-altitude areas, with a long operating time and long-term high-speed operation of machines, so high requirements are placed on lubrication equipment. The GT PLUS lubrication pump in the wind turbine lubrication system is resistant to high temperature, high pressure, and strong impact. It can be remotely monitored, effectively reducing the maintenance cost of wind power equipment.


The Demand for High-Quality Lubrication System in Wind Energy

Wind energy equipment is typically installed in high-altitude areas and operates for extended periods. Given the long-term high-speed operation of these machines, the demand for high-quality lubrication equipment is significant. The lubrication system must withstand high temperatures and pressures, resist shock, and be capable of remote monitoring to effectively reduce maintenance costs.


CisoLube GT PLUS Lubrication Pump: A Solution for Wind Energy Equipment

Our GT PLUS lubrication pump meets these demands. It is designed to withstand high temperatures and pressures, and its robust construction offers strong shock resistance. The pump can be remotely monitored, which significantly reduces the maintenance costs of wind energy equipment. GT PLUS lubrication pump with hydraulic oil disk design, can ensure that the pump in the wind power equipment in the process of high-speed rotation, the oil in the pump does not overflow, can be normal pumping oil, wind power equipment parts for accurate lubrication.


Application of Lubrication System in Wind Energy Equipment

Our central lubrication products are applicable to various components of wind energy equipment. These include the pitch bearing, main shaft bearing, yaw bearing, pitch bearing drive, yaw bearing drive, and the generator. By ensuring these critical components are adequately lubricated, the lifespan of the equipment can be extended, and the overall efficiency of the wind energy system can be improved.


In conclusion, CisoLube lubrication solutions, particularly the GT PLUS lubrication pump, provide an effective and efficient solution for the demanding lubrication needs of wind energy equipment.