




1. Why did you choose to study English in the Philippines?
– Nowadays, the Philippines has a lot of English schools. Therefore, I had many schools to choose from. Also, compared to other countries, the prices in the Philippines are lower, and Taiwan is really near the Philippines so my parents wouldn’t worry too much.


2. What were your impressions of studying English in the Philippines?
– All my teacher here are really nice. They have really good teaching skills for students, If I have any questions in English, they can always answer them. The weather here is rainy during my time because of rainy season. However, I still really enjoy my time in here, I experience many different things.


3. Do you think your English improved while studying English in the Philippines?
– Yes, my English improved. I studied in the Philippines for two. We can practice English everywhere in the Philippines. It is a really good chance to improve one’s English.


4. Do you think that CIP has more advantages compared with the other language schools in the Philippines?
– In my opinion, I think CIP has really good teachers. Many teachers here have really good skills in teaching English. Therefore, you can learn a lot during classes. Also, CIP has many students from different countries so you can learn about other cultures. It’s really great for me.


5. Who was your favorite teacher in CIP?
– I had three: Teacher Carla, Teacher Kei, and Teacher Pao. Teacher Carla was my writing teacher. She taught me many skills about how to write a good essay. Teacher Kei was my grammar teacher. She is really smart and helped me remember grammar. Teacher Pao was my speaking teacher and he helped me improve my pronunciation. All of them were really good so I think that I was really lucky to have them.


6. Did you make many friends while you were here?
– Yes, I made friends with my group class classmates. They were really nice to me. I have many good memories with them. Also, sometimes I had dinner with my teachers. They took me to eat some Filipino food. I will never forget them. It was really nice to spend time with them.


7. Do you think you learned a lot from your native English teacher while studying English in the Philippines?
– I think I learned a lot from Teacher Rick. He taught me many things.


8. Please share your good memories from your time at CIP.
– Travelling with Teacher Kei in Manila, spending time with my teachers outside CIP, spending time with foreign friends, practicing English with foreign friends, and having many interesting classes.


9. Have you recommended English language schools in the Philippines to your friends?
– When I see my friends, I will encourage them to study English in the Philippines. Also, I will tell them to choose CIP, because they will be able to really focus on studying English, and the teachers are really good. You can learn a lot from them.


10. Finally, do you have any ideas for improving CIP?
– Some rules are too strict, but CIP still is a good school.





<< 日本語訳 >>

1. なぜフィリピンを留学先として選びましたか?
– 近年、フィリピンには語学学校が沢山あり、その中から選択出来ることと、留学費用も抑えることが出来るからです。またフィリピンは台湾からも近く、両親が過度に心配することもありません。


2. フィリピン留学についての感想・印象を教えてください。
– 私の担当の講師達はとても良かったです。英語を教えるスキルがとても高く、質問などにもいつも答えてくれました。気候はちょうど雨季でしたが、ここでの生活を楽しむことができ、また様々な経験をすることが出来ました。


– もちろん伸びました。私はCIPで2ヶ月間留学しましたが、英語の練習を学校以外でも行いました。フィリピンで英語を伸ばすことは良い機会だと思います。


4. 他の学校を比べて、CIPの強みは何でしょうか?
– 個人的は質の高い講師が在籍していることだと思います。CIP多くの講師は本当にレベルの高い授業を提供してくれます。私も講師のおかげで沢山のことを学びました。CIPには色んな国の学生がいるので、異文化も学ぶことが出来ます。この環境は特に良かったです。


5. お気に入りの講師を教えてください。
– Carla, Kei, Pao、この3人の先生がお気に入りです。Carlaはライティングの講師で、エッセイの書き方を正しく教えてくれました。次にKei先生は文法担当で、文法の覚え方を教えてくれました。Pao先生のスピーキング講師で、発音なども学ぶことが出来ました。この3人の先生が担当でとてもラッキーでした。


6. CIPに滞在中に沢山の友達は出来ましたか?
– グループクラスのクラスメートなど友達が出来ました。とても親切で、素敵な思い出が出来ました。時々、自分の先生達がフィリピン料理のレストランに連れて行ってくれて、夕食を一緒に食べたりもしました。楽しい思い出は一生忘れません。本当に素敵な時間を過ごせました。


7. ネイティブ講師から沢山学べましたか?
– はい、特にRick先生からは沢山のことを学びました。


8. CIPでの思い出をシェアして下さい。
– Kei先生とマニラで遊んだことや、外国人の友達と外で一緒に過ごしたり、英語を練習したり、面白いクラスに参加したり、良い思い出が出来ました。


9. 友達にフィリピン留学をお勧めしますか?
– 友達に会った時に、フィリピン留学を勧めたいと思います。また友達にはCIPを選ぶように伝えたいです。勉強に集中出来るし、講師は良いし、沢山のことが学べると思います。


10. 最後に、CIPがより良い学校になる為に何か意見はありますか?
– いくつかの学校ルールがとても厳しいですが、それでも良い学校だと思います。









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