上級者向けの方のIELTS Writingの参考資料、今日の新しいお題です(^O^)!






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WRITING TASK 2: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

People earn more money than before, so they tend to spend more on various kinds of shopping.

Do you think the increase of buying is a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

As the world progresses and more industries develop, the lifestyle of people also changes. Nowadays, workers earn more money than before and consequently have more opportunities to purchase goods. However, this may have negative effects not only on consumers but also on the environment. The unfavourable implications of excessive spending on material things will be discussed in this essay.

Heavy spending may lead to the notion that only material things provide happiness. After all, people can buy whatever they want due to the money they possess. They then become too reliant on money and the ability to buy anything for their satisfaction. However, these material things only provide short-term happiness that is not enough in the long run. What we want may not be necessarily what we need.

The increased purchasing power of people may also lead to greed. Since they already know the feeling of being able to buy what they want, some people might be tempted to earn even more just to fulfill their even bigger whims in life. The ability to purchase more material thing may be too addicting for them that they turn greedy. Greed may push people to do things that they usually wouldn’t.

Purchasing more things leads to an accumulation of trash which harms our environment. As people buy more, a large amount of trash is also collected since people often just throw away those things that have already been replaced. This does not bode well for the environment since some trash does not easily disintegrate and may even harm animal and plant life.

In conclusion, an increased purchasing power may be beneficial in the short-run but might be harmful in the future. People might settle on the idea that they can buy happiness and may even turn greedy just to have more of the ability to buy. The trash produced is also harmful to the environment. People nowadays must be very cautious with this new development.


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