









We now have our own School-Based Clinic with a full time nurse on staff to provide services:
CIP staff and students
Our aim is to improve the health and academic success of our staff and students by providing health services in our school.
Too many staff and students come to school every day that could be suffering from conditions that could impact their ability to learn and succeed. Healthy staff and students miss fewer classes, are less likely to drop out and have a better chance of success in school and beyond. CIP’s school-based health center offers services in a place that is familiar, trusted, age-appropriate, and convenient for all students and staff – in school.
Services available at our school-based clinic:
• Wellness care center
• Bed for rest and comfort of patients
• Adult over the counter medicine
• Once a month we offer Dental services– We screen for dental problems and refer you to a dentist.


CIP is the No. 1 English School in the Philippines!


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