Around the second year of my detention in North Korea, the prosecutor in charge came to me and said things like, "No one from the U.S. government is coming for you. You've been forgotten." He repeated the same words every Saturday, all 52 weeks of the year, for a whole year. I started calling him 'Mr. Disappointment'. No matter how much I read the Bible, prayed, and worshiped, hearing Mr. Disappointment's words always left me feeling discouraged. Eventually, I could see myself falling into depression.

北朝鮮に拘束されて2年目を迎える頃、担当の検事がやってきて、こんなことを言いました。「アメリカ政府からは誰も君のために来ないし、君は忘れ去られたんだ」と。彼は1年の52週、毎週土曜日に同じことを繰り返し言いました。私は彼のことをMr. Disappointmentと呼ぶようになりました。どれだけ聖書を読んで祈り、礼拝をしても、彼の言葉を聞くたびに本当に落胆しました。ついには、うつ病になりそうだと感じました。



When I felt like I was losing sight of who I was, I thought I might truly break down and lose my mind. I kept praying and wrestling with myself. Then, one Monday morning, I woke up, and the Lord spoke to me in English, telling me to read a specific verse in Zephaniah. So, I opened the NIV Bible I had with me, and there was the verse: "I will bring you home." That was Monday. On Friday, a special envoy arrived, and on Saturday, I was on my way home. The U.S. Director of National Intelligence, a cabinet-level official, came with about 20 others to take me back.



On the plane, I thanked them and shared this story with them, and they were shocked. They told me they had left Washington, D.C., on Monday. So, while President Obama may have known my name, what truly moved me was knowing that God knew my name. Through suffering, the Lord taught me to look to Him. Through trials, He taught me to trust Him, to love Him more, and to obey Him.



Now, with the hope that I might contribute, even just a little, to the rebuilding of North Korea once reunification happens, I continue the work I’m doing. There will be many people I will meet again in Pyongyang someday. While I was imprisoned in North Korea, the Lord gave me a vision. I saw people from both the North and the South, overseas Koreans, and even foreigners, all gathered in Kim Il-sung Square, holding hands and praising the Lord.



I long for that day to come quickly, and when we finally meet again, some might ask, "Why did you take so long to come back?" On that day, I want to tell them that we remembered them, that we prayed for them, and that we stood with them. I believe the Lord will be pleased. With that heart, we are currently conducting the Nehemiah Prayer Movement, where about 6,000 prayer warriors from 78 countries have signed up and continue to send prayer letters online. God has also raised a prayer movement in North Korea, where people pray with the same prayer points, and it is ongoing.



When we find ourselves in situations we don't want to be in, it's easy to think, "I shouldn't be here." But God prepares new encounters and works out His greater purpose through these encounters.



-Evg. KB