突然ですが・・・ sorry for this kind of sudden thing...☆ | ☆

突然ですが・・・ sorry for this kind of sudden thing...☆

  突然ですが、 オーケストラなんか嫌いだぁーーーーっ! 嫌いだぁーーーーっ! 嫌いだぁーーーっ!

  (猪木風) ><! ^^   一身上の私情により 出た 叫びでございます。 お許しください。。。

  It's sudden thing but i really dislike orchestra ------! i really dislike

orchestra -----! i really dislike orchestra----! ( in sort of atmosphere

of antonio inoki ) >

this bought from my private feeling to my Christel , so please excuse me.

^^ ☆