またまた。。。 | ☆


       海外で 俳優に なる!!!☆ powered by interpretation


  またまた blog 更新 し忘れ。。。 俺の わるい癖。。。 反省。 最近は ずーっと

  なにか ぼーっとしていた 時間が 長かった。 中身のあるような ないような。。。

  みんなの blog を 見る ばかりが 専門に なっていた(笑 

  不思議なのが 自分の 心の中が ずーっと このところ  波の まったくない

  穏やかな 波のような。。。。   気分的には 落ち着いているけど 

  また 反対に 刺激もない。。。  ここんところ 恒例になっている バイクの整備。

  やはく この バイクの ように 可愛がる 人が ほしい この頃。。。

  again and again i forgot to write something to my diary again...

this is very bad my conventional thing.

recent days has been kind of vacant time for long time.

it seemd like the time had to be ordinary day or was nothing to my life.

actually so far i have been sort of person who has always been looking

for another kind of person's blog . that was also enjoyable moment for me

ofcourse. ^^

my mind like that was very strange feeling in my mind. because

it seemed to be that there were lot of very calm wave in my mind

but that made me not to be motivated to everything of my life.

this kind of photo is my motor cycle again . this kind of conventional

thing got be frequent moment in my life.

i wanna have a person who is always loved by mlself like my motor cycle

as soons as possible...

なんか 疲れてるなぁー 俺の顔。。。

my atmosphere of my face seems to be tired ...