久しぶり にひひ

I've finally got a new outfit post! It's been a while, I got a bit sick.
This time I wanted to wear Moi Meme Moitié's Church Gate JSK, with matching socks.
They're really frustrating to wear プンプン I made a matching headdress to go with the dress
and socks - I think I will sell the set.

The headdress has a big flower, feathers and a really long veil.
It was so annoying to sew, I never want to make anything like that again, but I know I will むっ

It took forever to find the right wig, I wanted a blonde but this one ended up working really well -
actually this wig is one of my favorites, and I want to restock it on Lockshop again very soon!

I didn't realize my petticoat made my dress bunched up, I got dressed
without a mirror (that explains the socks, they look so bad しょぼん )

JSK: Moi Meme Moitié
Blouse: Alice and the Pirates
Socks: Moi Meme Moitié
Headdress: Handmade
Shoes: Yosuke
Jewelry: Vivienne Westwood, offbrand

BONUS - I tried my hair like Midori always has. It's so cute and youthful! I'll try it more often :)