スター・ウォーズ ep3 /シスの復讐|ヘイデン・クリステンセン&ジョージ・ルーカスインタビュー | CAHIER DE CHOCOLAT

スター・ウォーズ ep3 /シスの復讐|ヘイデン・クリステンセン&ジョージ・ルーカスインタビュー

Star Wars: Episode 3 Revenge of Sith | Unscripted
Hayden Christensen, George Lucas

『スター・ウォーズ エピソード3/シスの復讐』ヘイデン・クリステンセン&ジョージ・ルーカス インタビュー

H(ヘイデン・クリステンセン):ハイ、ヘイデン・クリステンセンです。Moviefone Unscriptedへようこそ。今日は唯一無二の存在、ジョージ・ルーカスと一緒に、みなさんからいただいた質問でお互いにインタビューしたいと思います。さあ、準備はいい? ジョージ。









G:「初めてダース・ベイダーの衣装を着たときは、どんな気持ちでしたか?」 あと、パンツはきつかった? それとも、だいじょうぶだった? 教えてよ、これは僕も知らない謎だから。ダース・ベイダーが履いているのはブリーフ? トランクス?

H:知りたいんだね? 実は、ダース・ベイダーは下に何も履いてないんだよ(笑)











『スター・ウォーズ』を撮り終えたとき、これで完成だと思った。『スター・ウォーズ エピソード6/ジェダイの帰還』を終えたときには、まさか戻ってきて背景の物語の映画を作るとは思ってもいなかった。でも時が経つにつれて、悪の象徴としてのダース・ベイダーがもともとのキャラクターを圧倒するくらいになっていたんだ。もともとは彼は悲劇的なキャラクターだった。そこにいるけど、失われている、そんなヤツなんだ。だから、それがちょっと圧倒されていた、と言わなければならないだろうね。それで、戻ってきて、ダース・ベイダーの物語を語ろう、一番最初からすべての物語を語ろう、そうすれば、どういうことなのか、すべてはどうつながっているのかを全部伝えられる、と思ったんだよ。


G:Bay Guyからの質問、「『スター・ウォーズ』の世界から現実の世界に何かひとつ持ってこられるとしたら、何にしますか?」









H:これはYoda 43015から。ジョージ、「ヨーダの種と映画には出てこない歴史について教えてもらえますか?」






G:僕が制作したいと思っている映画は、より実験的でちょっと説明するのが難しい。ある種の抽象的な映画をゴッドフリー・レジオっていう制作者と一緒に作ったことがあって、僕が制作を手伝ったものの中に『 POWAQQATSI (life in transformation)』という作品があるんだけど。僕はここ、サンフランシスコで育って、キャニオン・シネマ(*サンフランシスコに拠点を置く実験映画の配給組織)が大好きだった。アンダーグラウンド映画のようなものとか、ジョーダン・ベルソンスコット・バートレット、そういった人たちが。映画学校に行っていたときは、彼らがフィルムモンタージュ(*複数の映像の断片を組み合わせてひとつの連続したシーンを作る方法)を僕たちに教えてくれた。僕が入学する直前に学部長に就任した(スラヴコ・)ヴルカピッチという人がいて、(セルゲイ・)エイゼンシュタインと一緒に制作をしていた人なんだけど、彼は、サイレント映画の感覚とモンタージュを用いて、物語や映画の中のできごとを直接的にそのまま語るのではない、純粋な芸術的表現を持つ映画を作っていたんだ。だから、僕はそういった映画作りに戻ろうと思ってる。それがどういうものなのかを説明するのは難しいと思う、正直なところ、今はそういうものはあまりないからね。






H:こういう映画に出て、こんなアイコニックな役を演じたことで、これから同じような役柄にばかりキャスティングさせるようになったら、どうしていくかっていう質問をたくさん聞かれる、というのは間違いなくあるね。正直言って、もうじゅうぶんなくらい聞かれたよ(笑) 僕が答えられる質問じゃないと思うんだ。答えられないよね……



H:「『スター・ウォーズ』のどのキャラクターが自分に一番近いと思いますか? それはなぜですか?」


















*(* )の部分は追加しています。




ノン・ナラティヴ映画、おそらく実現していないですよね? 私が情報を見つけられていないだけ? 話に出ていた人々の映像はとりあえず動画を見ましたが、どれも興味深いものでした。特に、監督が制作に関わったという『Powaqqatsi (Life in transformation)』とそのほか2本で三部作となっている『The Qatsi Trilogy』はすごく気になるので、なんとかして観てみたい。

「インディペンデント」の定義の話もとても素晴らしかった。この話は心に深く刻み込んでおこうと思う。私はプリクエルがあってよかったと思うし、ヘイデンがアナキンでよかったと思う。実は、批評や口コミ以前に、友人から「Prequel is sh*t」と聞かされていたのが少し自分の見方に影響を与えていたのかもしれないと、今になってみると感じています。個人のちょっとしたひとことでも誰かの心理に影響を与えることもある、映画に限らず、無責任な作品の批判は絶対にしないようにしようと改めて思いました(意見や感想と無責任な批判は同じではありません)。

そういえば、今日、オビ=ワンのスピンオフに出てほしい人という質問でヘイデンの名前があがっていました(USのIGNのTwitterで。『スター・ウォーズ』の同時再生会をやっていたらしい)。回想シーンで出てほしいと。確かに……! それは私もめちゃくちゃ見たい!


Star Wars: Episode 3 Revenge of Sith | Unscripted
Hayden Christensen, George Lucas

H (Hayden Christensen): Hi, I'm Hayden Christensen and welcome to Moviefone Unscripted. I'm here with the one and only George Lucas and we're gonna interview each other using your questions. Let's get started. Are you ready, George?

G (George Lucas): I am ready. Let's go.

H: "At what point in planning Star Wars did you decide that Darth Vader was going to be the central character?"

G: Well, to be very honest with you, when I wrote the very very first script, it was about Anakin Starkiller and his two kids.

H: Starkiller?

G: Starkiller, And he was a rogue jedi and there were remnants of that sort of found its way into the final Star Wars. So I would say right from the very beginning, Darth Vader was a central character.

H: I see, I see...very interesting.

G: You didn't know that?

H: I didn't know that.

G: "How did it feel to wear the Darth Vader costume for the first time?"
And were the shorts tight or were they okay? Tell me. This is the question I don't know. Does Darth Vader wear briefs or does he wear shorts?

H: You'd like to know, wouldn't you? He actually goes commando.
Um, it was exhilarating, yeah, and being given the task of playing the connective tissue into Darth Vader. To get to actually put on the costume meant a lot of finality and closure and that was very emotional experience for me, so though it was very empowering and all that good stuff, there was a certain hint of sadness as well.

G: It was a lot of fun to watch you get back up there and storm around on the set.

H: Yeah.

G: It could be a long time since that happened.

H: Yeah, it was good, fun. I mean, what was most fun actually was to watch other people take in Vader for the first time, because you could see excitement in their eyes, and that aw, a tinge of fears as well.

H: "Why did you start in the middle of the Star Wars story and then go back to the beginning?"

G: Well, originally, Star Wars was one simple little movie based on Saturday Matinee scenario. The idea was that you came in, you saw episode 4, you know what happened before, you know what happened after. The original script, it was one script. It started with Darth Vader coming in the front door and it ends with Darth Vader throwing the emperor down the tube. So you got a much better picture of the tragedy of Darth Vader, which is what it was really about.

When I started writing, it got too big, and I didn't have the money, I would never get a studio to do it. So I just took the first third and decided I'd make that into a movie, and I would come back to the other two parts later, which is why I ended up with sequel rights because I was determined to see it that all got finished, that movie that I started with. I started in the middle, it was episode 4 right from the beginning because I don't like beginnings. I like to cut right into the middle of the action. That's kind of what we do on "Indiana Jones", it's kind of what I do on "American Graffiti". It's just, I don't like the exposition part.

But if you start in episode 4, you still have to write the backstory, the exposition in order to know where are you going. You do a little profile on each of characters, who they are, where they came from, what their feelings are about things. And in this case, the sort of political atmosphere of the Republic and the Empire. How did the Republic become the Empire and everybody's role in that, and that's really what was the backstory.

When I finished Star Wars, I figured that was it. Once I finished "Return of the Jedi" and I never really expected to go back and turn the backstory into a movie. But as time went on, I realised that the icon of the evil, Darth Vader so sort of overwhelmed his character, that the idea that he is actually a tragic character. Kind of guy, it's there, but it got lost. A little bit overwhelmed I should say. So by going back and telling Darth Vader's story, telling the whole story right from the very beginning, I was able to get the full range of all things we're going on and how everything fits together.

H: I see...

G: This is from Bay Guy, "If you could bring one thing from Star Wars world into the real world, what would it be?"

H: Oh, that's an easy one, definitely the lightsaber. I gotta say it was one of the real pleasures of putting on a costume every day, (it) was to attach that lightsaber on the belt and just know that it was there. I believe your son, Jett has an interest in, maybe working on it, but I mean, there's a great line in this last film where Obi-Wan uses a gun and he's like "It's so uncivilized". There's something elegant about the lightsaber and the noise it makes and just a glow, it's uh..

G: It's fun to thrash around.

H: It's fun to thrash around with absolutely.

H: This one's from Yoda 43015. George, "What can you tell us about Yoda's species and the character's off screen history?"

G: Well, Yoda. You should know better than I do. I mean, the truth about Yoda is that in the original movie, Obi-Wan went to the very end of the film and Yoda didn't exist. So as I got through, starting to shoot the movie, episode where I realised that when I came to the... in battle Obi-Wan had nothing to do but sit around and watch the battle like Princess Leia and then in the next film, he basically sat around and taught Luke how to use the Force and things. I felt that his character had become so strong, the way Alec Guiness presented it that I really couldn't do that. He was too noble, so I had to kill him off. So when I killed him off, I had to replace him when I got the second movie and I could do certain things by having him come back as a ghost from the Force because I had decided to kill him off in a metaphysical way rather than a physical way. But I couldn't do everything, I needed a physical body there to do things. So I needed something and I created Yoda, who is 2 feet tall, large with green ears, but to be honest with you, I never really figured out where he came from, what his specie is called, it doesn't even have a name, maybe it's somewhere but I don't know what it is so he is a mystery character. He is a magical character. He has no background. He comes and he goes. He is the subversive secret mysterious stranger that enters the film and then exits at the end.

G: This is from Rayden12, "How did you feel when you first saw yourself edited into the end of 'Return of the Jedi'?"

H: Well, I got a really kick out of it. I wouldn't have otherwise, had the opportunity to see myself standing next to Alec Guiness and that was neat for me. It allowed me to be in the original trilogy as well and I feel just more embedded in the saga. So I really, I really liked it.

G: Well, I'm glad. You, it was added in, because it's a way of finishing off the entire series. The idea was that your inner person would go back to where we left it off, when it turned to the dark side. When you got burned up and everything, but before you got burned up. So when you come back to the good side of the Force, it's your former persona that survives, not the Darth Vader persona.

H: "I read an article that says you want to make non-narrative films, what kind of films do you mean?"

G: Well, films that I'll work on are more experimental and a little hard to describe. I worked with a film maker, Godfrey Reggio on kind of abstract films. One of them that I helped produce was called "Powaqqatsi (Life in transformation)". When I grew up in San Fransisco here, I was a big fan of the Canyon Cinema, sort of underground films, Jordan Belson, Scott Bartlet, people like that, and when I went to film school, they taught us film montage. The head of the department had been right before I got there, a man named (Slavko) Vorkapich, who had worked with (Sergei) Eisenstein, who really dealt with pure film in the silent movie sense and montage and how you tell stories and things without being linear and literal about it. So I'm gonna go back to that kind of film making. I think it's hard to describe now what that is because quite frankly, there's not much of it out there.

H: I look forward to it.

H: "What is your favourite scene from the entire Star Wars saga?"

G: That's a very tough question.There's a lot of scenes I like. I would say I'm still partial to the end battle in episode 4. It's a lot of fun. It's very exiting and still for me it has the same energy that I had when I first made it.

H: It's a favourite of mine as well.

G: This is from Ashley and she says, Hayden, I've been a fan of yours for a long time, and it always seems like you get asked the same questions and interviews. "What question have you grown the most tired of answering?"

H: I have to say, one that I get a lot is how I'm gonna deal with the possible type casting that I might encounter in the future from being in a film like this, from playing such an iconic role, and quite frankly, I've had enough of it. It's not a question I can really answer. I can't. I can't..

G: Say, I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making blockbuster movies and billions of dollars, I mean, somebody's gotta do it.

H: I'm sure that'll go over well.

H: "Which of the Star Wars characters do you most identify with and why?"

G: Well, I think originally identified with Luke, when I started the whole series as I got into the new series. I think I began to identity with Yoda since I got a lot older, I'm 743 years old now, so I could identify with him more than when I was young and Luke's age, when I started out this whole thing.

G: I"f you didn't play Anakin, what other character from Star Wars would you want to be?"

H: I have to say that I've always been a big Boba Fett fan.

G: Ah.

H: I don't know, there's something about being a bounty hunter. That just is innately cool and just look of a character's great, and the voice resonates well.

H: "I say your film is an independent film. My friend says it's too big of a movie to be independent. Who is right?"

G: Well, it all depends on what you classify as independent. Some people have sort of got in their mind that the budget determines whether you are independent or not, which I'm not sure that is what the idea means. I classify independent as being independent from outside forces or influences or corporate pressure to do things that are against your nature as an artist.

I've been extremely lucky, I have been pretty much independent from the very first time I started making movies, part of it was because I was up here of the way in San Fransisco and nobody bothered to worry about the movies because they were so small and then, by the time I got to Star Wars, I was working in England and that was too far away for them to dealt with. They did come in and cause a huge amount of trouble. But at the end, after films were finished, but by the time, I got the DVDs, I was able to put them back the way I wanted them. So I have managed to keep my original visions of all my films intact. And once I did Star Wars, the main reason that I stepped down from directing and became kind of the overall executive producer was that I also at the same time had to build up the companies and get a financial paradigm working that would allow me to not have to go back to the studios anymore, that I could be free of begging money and so I've never had to go back to the studio. I've been able to make the movies exactly that I want, the way I want.

When I did episode 1, there were a lot of people around in various departments that were very upset. They said that I was gonna destroy the series because nobody wanted to see a movie about a 9 year-old boy. I'm sure that (if I) had been in the studio, they wouldn't let me do that. I'm sure a lot of the fans appreciated that. But I wanted to tell the story of Anakin. I wanted to start with him as a 9 year-old boy. And even though it wasn't the most popular decision, it was my decision, and it was the way I wanted to do it, and that I think is what determines what independent means.

H: "What's next for the Star Wars mythology," George?

G: Well, the saga is now finished. As I said, it starts with Anakin as an 8 year-old (boy) and it ends when Anakin dies. And the story is really about Anakin. We're going to do a TV series, then it's been out in a little bits and pieces as the Clone Wars. It'll continue as the Clone Wars. It's gonna be a 3D animated series about a half an hour long. It'll deal with all heroes and Yoda, and everybody and villains during the period of the Clone Wars. We're doing another live action show, which involves incidental characters, very minor characters in the Star Wars saga.

H: That's a wrap. Thanks y'all and Moviefone. Just remember the movie opens May 19th and hopefully we'll see you all there. Goodbye!

G: Bye.

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