Dekmantel:We caught up with MCDE ... | CAHIER DE CHOCOLAT

Dekmantel:We caught up with MCDE ...

8 August at 22:54 ·
We caught up with Motor City Drum Ensemble right after his radiant set. Such a humble guy he is.

8月8日 22:54
Motor City Drum Ensemble、その輝くようなセットの直後に彼をつかまえた。彼の謙虚さには驚かされる。


ええと、Dekmantelにはすごく感謝しないといけなくて。というのも、Dekmantelの人たちとは一緒に育ってきたようなものだから。そもそも、2009年にオランダでDJとして最初にブッキングしてくれたのが彼らだった。そこから一緒に成長してきてるんだけど、それは相互作用的なもので、彼らは毎年大きくなっていってて、僕もちょっと大きくなっていって。お互いがお互いの経歴に挑戦することをちょっと楽しんでるみたいな。だから、つまり、見てよ、これ。ふつうじゃないよね? 今、僕たちがいるところ。それは僕自身に関しても同じで、こんなポジションにいるなんて考えてもいなかった。地下でプレイして、レコードをかけて、誰も僕らのことを知ってる人はいなくて、そういうふうにしてやってきた。で、今これだよ、7年後に。なんか変な感じだけど、でも素晴らしい。だから、「ビッグな」、ファミリーみたいなものだからね。大変なことだし、それに、すごいたくさんの人がきてくれるから僕も何年も連続でこれてて。そう、僕がだいなしにしてしまっていなくてよかった、って思うよ。

――そう言ってもらえて嬉しいです。昨年はメインステージのクロージング、そして、今年はSELECTORSステージのオープニングでした。どんな感じでしたか? お客さんはまったく違った体験ができたのではないかと思うのですが、あなたにとってはですか?





うーん、前にブリストルだったか、ブライトンだったかで一度見たことがあるけど。でも今回を入れてもたった2回。「みんな、それ臭くない? やめといたら?」って思うよ。

――予想できるとしたら、きのう始まったちょっとしたネタのようなものだと思います。BOILER ROOMでPeggy Gouがプレイしていた時に、ある男の人がカメラの前だったか、その辺りに入ってきたんですけど、彼が靴を脱いで、「Peggy Shoe! Peggy Shoe!」って言ってたんです。


――ブリッツたちとは、きのうチキンナゲットのもあったんですよ。カメラでフェスティバルを撮影していたら、彼らがきて、「こっそり持ち込んだ! フェスティバルにチキンナゲットを! ほら!」っていいながら、ナゲットをカメラにくっつけてきたんです。みんなすごく楽しそうにそれをやってましたね。靴に、チキンナゲットに……




――北アメリカのツアーから帰ってきたばかりでしたよね? 何かおみやげに持ってきてくれたものはありますか?



ほんとうに世界で一番大きい倉庫なんだよ。Craig Moerer Records By Mailっていって、ポートランドにあるところ。300万枚のレコードがある。信じられない。2日間そこで宝探しをして過ごしたんだけど、間違いなくそれだけやる価値があったね。

――金曜日にはTony AllenとJeff Milsもここにきました。ドラムや909をプレイすること、さまざまなスタイルを取り入れることについてなど話したのですが、Tony Allenはあなたのラジオ番組にも出演していましたね。

Tonyはパリに住んでいて、ほんとかなりおかしいことなんだけど、僕が時々ランチを食べにいくオフィスがあって、すごく仲のいい友達のところ、で、Tonyはそのオフィスをまた別の人とシェアしてて、Comet Recordsっていうのをやってるんだよね。だから、実際、Tonyは時々その辺にいる。すごいちょっとあまりない感じだよ、70歳……いや78歳の人が、ウイスキーを飲んで、たばこ吸って、「よお、どうだい?」って言ってて、僕は「あー、うん、いい感じだよ」って答える、みたいなんだから。もっと年をとったら、僕もあんな感じになりたいね。彼みたいな人たちがパリにはたくさんいる。パリは19世紀や20世紀の間、黒人の人たちにとって、特にアメリカだけじゃなく、アフリカの人たちにとっても、安全な避難場所のようだったからだと思う。これに関しては、人種的なことだけじゃなくて。そこにくれば、文化を作ることができて、なんでもやってみることができる。尊重されてる。文化的なものがたくさんあるし。そういうのが僕がパリを好きな理由のひとつでもある。


6歳の時にドラムを演奏し始めたんだけど、この話には続きがあって。16歳の時、スタジオモニター、プロ仕様のスタジオスピーカーみたいなものを買うためにドラムキットを売ってしまった。僕の両親は「これが欲しいんだったら、じゃあ、何かを売らないといけないよ」みたいな感じだったから。それで……うん、今はまた持ってるけど、何年も経ってるから、だいぶ忘れちゃってる。でも、まだファンキーなドラムはできるよ、わかんないけど、James Brownとか。



- And we have Danilo here. You posted earlier this week on the facebook That is "Dekmantel on Sunday, 'The Big One'". I have no idea what you mean with "The Big One".

Well, you know, I have to be very grateful for Dekmantel, because it's the big one, because I grew up with these boys. Basically they were the first one to ever book me as a DJ in Holland back in 2009 something like that. And we've been both growing but it's a mutual kind of thing, you know, like every year they got bigger, I got a bit bigger. And you know, like it's a kind of fascinating how each you kind of try to all profile of each other a little bit, so I mean, look at this is insane where we are right now. This is the same for me , like I never expect to be at this position. We grew up playing in basements, playing records, being like nobody cares, you know. And now it's this, It's seven years later. It's bizarre but it's beautiful. So, that's why it's "The Big One", because, you know, like the... it's the family, it's the hard and then so many people here that I've come for years in consequence, and now, yeah, better than fuck up this one.

- Great to hear. And last year you were closing the main stage.


- And this year you were starting the selector stage.


- How was the experience for you? I mean I can imagine for the audiences completely different experience but for you...?

Well, the thing is, you know, when I did the main stage, I was actually, I was really like kind of scared. I was coming there and played the night before, I think, in Sweden festival. And then I came there and I was like "Okay, whatever. It's just another gig", but it wasn't, of course. So you know, I came on stage the first thirty minutes I was warming up but once I got into a groove, I realized, like doesn't matter if it's 700 or 7000 people because it's Dekmantel and they all still share the spirit no matter if it's selectors or the main stage because, you know, they all educated and they wanna a party not some kind of random music but like actual good music. Once I realize I can have just what I want and people were still like, I was like "Okay, let's go for it." And I need to have this kind of feedback from crowds as well. For me if there's no reaction, I'm like "Oh, something's wrong."

- Today you had an amazing reaction with people holding their shoe.

Yeah, what is this about?

- You have no idea?

Well, it's I saw it before in Bristol, Briton or something. But it's like only the second time like "Guys, it's a kind of smells bad". Like "Just leave it", you know.

- I can make a guess.


- I think it's a little gimmick that's maybe started yesterday.


- At Boiler Room.


- Ah, we had Peggy Gou playing there.


- And a guy just dropped in front of the camera or somewhere around and took his shoe off and he was saying Peggy Shoe, Peggy Shoe.

I've seen that, it's cool, that's a good twist but I've seen that before, it's a UK thing. I had a gig in Bristol maybe 5 month ago. Everybody maybe it's coming out of something like that, but who knows? I mean, these Brits style is weird. I love them but they are weird. So it's the shoe thing, I know, like "Oh my god. It's always the result for a special kind of moment". I don't remember what I was playing but "Ah, it's the shoe time again", you know. But it's cute but I'm like "Why?"

- We had a chicken nugget thing yesterday with the Brits. We were working on the festival with our camera and then a group of Brits stubbed and they said "We smuggled! Chicken nuggets here in the festival! "And then they were like all of them loved about it.


- Shoes, chicken nuggets...

And there was also a guy with a burger king crown who wanted to crown me and I'm like "Dude, I'm not gonna be a fucking king of burger king, please", I mean, you know, it's cute and I respected everyone but please burger king, you can't be serious, you know, like, so I don't know, maybe it's a culture thing, I don't know, but...

- All people just have fun.

People just have fun at the end of the day.

- You just came back from a tour in North America?


- Did you bring some souvenir?

What I brought is 240 pounds of records, a lot of which I played today. And... I brought a berry, you know, it's growing. Erm... what else... lots of memories.

- I saw a picture you were post on the facebook from a huge record store.

Actually it's the biggest ware house in the world. It's a Craig Moerer (from) Records By Mail. It's in Portland. It has million records, ridiculous, I spent there 2 days there hunting for treasures and then, yeah it was definitely worth while.

- We had a Tony Allen on Friday here.

Yeah, with Jeff.

- Together with Jeff Mills.

Okay, cool.

- And we also had a little chat and spoke about playing drums and 909 and using all the genres together and I saw that you actually had Tony Allen also on your radio show.

Tony is living in Paris. It's actually quite funny. The office where I sometimes have lunch, it's very good friends of mine. And Tony shares an office with another guy. They are doing Comet Records. So Tony is actually just arounds sometimes. It's so bizarre because this is like 70 years old... 78 years old dude, being there, having whiskey, smoking cigarette, and he's like "What's up, dude?" "Ah... All right, okay". So that's what I wanna be when I grow older, you know, so yeah. A lot of these people have been up in Paris, because I think Paris has been through out the 19th or 20th century a bit of safe haven for black people especially from America but also Africa. To not be racially and this regarded, you know. Like to come there, if you can, actually make it for culture or you try do anything. You could have respect, you know, yeah. And a bit, a lot of culture. That's one of the reasons I love this place.

- Do you actually play the drums? Because you have had instrumental backgrounds?

I started playing the drums when I was 6. And story goes, I sold my drum kit to buy studio monitors, you know, like professional studio speakers when I was 16. And my parents, they were like, "Now, If you have this, you need to sell something". So I sold my drum kit. And... yeah. I have one now again but, of course I lost quite a bit over the years, but I can still do a funky drummer, or I don't know, play some James Brown.

We are happy that you come here and play some funky records for us.

Thank you. Every year it's a pleasure. So hope to see you next year again and...yeah.

Dekmantelのfacebookページのダニロのインタビュー。色んなアーティストへのインタビューがアップされていたので、ダニロのもアップされないかなあと思っていました。嬉しい! しかも、7分弱と結構長い。わーい。投稿の説明文にも「なんて謙虚な」とありますが、ほんとうに。いつもながら。そして、シューズタイムとバーガーキングガイは私もSNSなどを見て「???」と思っていましたが、ダニロ本人もややびみょうな反応。ま、そりゃあそうですよね。宝探しツアーの様子は今月のState of Rhythmのほうにも収録されております。ゴスペルなど、ふだんのセットやミックスではあまり聴かない感じの曲も流れるし、そしてそれがまた良いし、番組の後半の、レコードナード友だちのDiggin Dave氏のゲストmixも良いです。ダニロ自身の小型テスカムで録音された部分もあり、「ロークオリティで申し訳ない……」とのことですが、いえいえ、3週間のアメリカ横断ツアーダイアリー、めっちゃ嬉しいですヨ。いつか日本にも宝探しツアーにきて下さいませ、ぜひに!

State of Rhythm: Danilo Plessow (Motor City Drum Ensemble) // 09-08-17
by Worldwide FM

No copyright infringement intended.