Third Boy


Between The Beats: Motor City Drum Ensemble

Motor City Drum Ensembleというproducer /DJのショートドキュメンタリー。見てみたら、これが!もう!大変! 彼自身の音楽も、DJ setも、見た目も、めちゃくちゃ好みなんですけど!! 動画やら音源やらインタビューやらあさりまくってしまった。インタビューを聞いたり読んだりすると、音楽やSNSや色々なことに対する考え方もとても好きだな、と。あ、画像検索(お約束)もしましたよー。もうファッションのテイストもめっちゃ好みですよー。おうちのインテリアまでそうとう好きですよー。あとですね、声、特に英語の発音がなんていうかもう可愛い! たまらんです。ドイツ人ということなので、母国語はドイツ語でしょうね。ドイツ語で話してるインタビューもありました(もちろん何言ってるのかまったくわかりません)。ドイツ語と英語、両方ネイティヴの可能性もあるけど。しかしまあやはり手がけた作品やインターネット上にあるDJ setの音源がものすごく多い(やっぱり別名義もいくつもあるし)。全部を把握はムリそう…… でもさっそく彼自身の作品のCDやiTunesでのリリースはいくつか購入しました。どれもすごく良いです。かっこいい。ジャケットもまた素敵だったり。来日したこともあるみたいですが、調子を悪くしてお休みしたときよりも前までのよう。ぜひまた日本にきてほしいな。ぜっったい行きたいし! いや行くし! それまでは(来日あると信じる)、リリースとか音源アップとかの新しい情報を楽しみにしつつ、古い音源も掘って楽しもうーっと。彼のおすすめの曲を紹介したサイトや動画もいっぱいあるし、あー、忙しいワ~。楽しいワ~。


It was like maybe two and half years ago that I started to get a bit anxious before travelling and I didn't know where this comes from and what it actually was. So I thought, 'OK. It's just performance anxiety or maybe you're afraid that planes will crash because now you're travelling so much.' But I didn't really deeply go into it.

It would increase and increase and get more and more. I'd made mistakes not to really care about it you know. I thought well 'Maybe that's something you just have to live with it' you know. But at one point after a pretty exhausting tour I came back and it just wouldn't stop the excited state. That's when I figured out, 'OK. There's seriously wrong.'

  We're a bit late because I left my headphones at a hotel.
  What happens if you're late for Boiler Room you know a bit?
  I don't want to be late on this gig actually.
  It's a bit of an important one I think.

I obvious embraced the hedonistic aspect of my life you know and still I like liberty that is in there that you are able to do whatever you want.

I never went to after parties to get fuck but it was more like there was so much positiveness with people surrounding me and said, 'I loved your set and don't you wanna come and play a bit more at my place?' That's what is tempting.

  Are you going back to a hotel right now?
  I am, because actually at 8 o'clock in the morning I'm going to a record fair.
  Somewhere in London I don't know I have to look it up again.
  But you can stay up till then!

It's love discipline to show the people that you actually care about them and I honestly do you know and that you appreciate all the nice words and the goodwill.

  I loved that rewind, was so gangster mood you know? Fuck you. I need to your ...
  You needed to be inside, for the crowds, one set...I'm gonna go.
  That's cool.
  Thank you so much.

I'm mad with records. For me, there's, that's another thing that really calms my mind. That's almost like swimming you know. It's not physical but it's the also where for all over faults just go away.

  I've been looking for this for a long time.
  It's an original copy, right?

  So what's all the commotion?
  Fuckin' hell man. It's like a ...

  Dive over, back in there.
  Say, like a... like a... yes reputation for... ? Let him things loose?
  Sparky, sparky.

If you like to look for certain records and you finally find them after years of looking for them. You will always remember that you know and you can't replace that feeling.
Let's say like that I haven't gotten into four figures yet but there's one record I'm after right now. If I see this ever for sale, I'm definitely gonna spend four figures.

  It's not a discount sale.
  Thank you very much.
  If you want it, you gonna have to pay your fortune...
  Otherwise put them back.

I was never like super shy toward guy, always liked a party not like super excessively but you know like I had a few beers too much and then the next day I had to go on a plane and play on the gig. 'Can I have still minutes ?' you know. But I'm these days a bit gone you know, I mean I try to really watch it.

I would say when I was like eighteen years or nineteen years old that it was also touring intensely and it was the first time that I experienced like a lot of flying and airports and hang over, when I was young I was really going for it and loved it.
I mean I've worked my whole life to get to the point being able to tour that much and you know make the living with music and spread my music and make people happy you know.

At one point there was something happening to me that I couldn't really put a finger on you know.
For somebody that hears 'anxiety', it sounds a bit you know, 'OK. You are anxious. What's the big deal?'
But it came to a level where I couldn't sleep any more you know.
That's when I figured it out too much you know.
That's, I can't perform.
I can't basically live like this you know.

It would always be that the anxiety comes before the travelling and then goes away.
As soon as I came back home it was gone. Well, one day it basically just stayed you know and wouldn't go away at all you know. Some people have panic attacks, where it also comes very sudden and then it's away like this again. But the general anxiety, it can stay, it's the feeling that you are about to get a panic attack but it never really comes. But you are always on the edge. You can't sleep. You are not hungry any more and it's really intense. That was really like the hardest months of my life I guess.

Amarantha, she really helped me full of the time, in a sense, you don't really want to go out with your friends, staffs like this because you feel a little bit ashamed about it you know. It's still something that's not really easy to understand for most people. To live together and have this kind of shelter or home whatever you want to call it that definitely will help me most.

'It's very scary to see somebody in a way fall and especially somebody that you love.
The whole club scene is a kind of dangerous environment and it's easy to get lost in there. '

Traveling intensely, I took it off half a year you know. You never know what happens if you cancel so much shows you know. It could be that people say 'OK, so what's happening with this guy?' you know.

'I could tell him all the time that he should take it easy and slow down a little bit but in the end after this experience, it's something that he learned himself.'

The first time that I started to think like a really long tour was what I had burned out you know. I would not think too much about 'Can I make a living out of this in the next 10 years?' or 'Is this really what I want to do?' and to burn out just like was a trigger for me to really reflect on my life in general you know. Where I want to be, what I want to be and how I want to do certain things.

But what I learned is, it's really physical thing you know. If you don't take care of your body, then you will get these kind of problems. I do like five kilometres a week usually swimming. I've always been too lazy to do sports. Now I have to really kick my ass to do it.

I try to pick shows now that I really really want to do and I don't really want to go back to doing 8 or 9 shows a month. I don't necessarily need to see it all you know.

  That's the buy for sure. I love this.

  Ten percent because you're an activist.
  OK, I'm an activist, yeah.
  I play these record to people, make them buy more records.

  Yeah, this is there's like one truck on which you gonna love, Faded Ladies. It's like
  super African groovy or like more like Roy Ayers, kind of...
  Sounds good.

There's nothing in the world that comes closer to having this kind of moment you know, like just having your endorphin. So just set a level that there's nothing as exciting as this. It's quite hard you know. Like, you don't have gigs like this in a certain period and you're like fuck I really miss it you know. There's something elementary missing.

  The last 30 minutes there, fuckin' hell!

A moment like this, sharing a moment like this and it's about music and everybody is having fun and everybody is honest about it. It's definitely addictive you know. It's a drug but music is a drug in general you know. Once you're into music, there's no way out. If you're in it for real, if you're in it for the right reasons, you will never lose this. This is always gonna stick around with you.

I started so young you know. For me, there's always music. That's all I know you know.

If I would stop doing this now, I had no idea whatever do you know. It's my whole purpose in life.

  I heard that you have taken things a bit slowly.
  Yeah, yeah, definitely.
  That's good.
  I do like 3 or 4 shows a month and it's so much better.
  That's good.

Some of my closer or the people that I know a bit better or that I consider friends like Todd. They know what happened and then knew I had to stop for a while and that I now play less.

  Are you gonna keep on with that?
  Yeah, I don't really wanna change it and again like...
  I do like last weekend I played 2 shows this weekend play 2 but that's it for a while
  now I have two weeks off then so much looking forward to it.

The issue like this, it's not like going to be away 100%. It's something that I have to live with probably my whole life and then also in just retrospect heads, basically lived with my whole life but I just didn't know that is actually anxiety, just the odd thing that would happen from time to time.

  I didn't know you could play that well!
  Did you have lessons or?

I would have never never imagined to be on the same line up with guys like these a couple of years back. Being able to do DJ sets while guys like Todd playing a live show you know. So it's special.

This is what I've... all the years for 10 or longer even 12, 13 years
that I've made music and produced music in my small basement let up to this point of standing here today. I'm super grateful to stand here today.