Good morning.

As you guys alredy know I came back to JP for 2 weeks. I was really tired and wasn’t mood to write anything on blog so I couldn’t write it down.

I’m still so sleepy and having headache and don’t really know what to write.

Anyway, lots of things are going on at the same time and I’m pretty confused.

My sister is getting bully and didn’t got school for a week and saying something that similar to who has depression. I was so sad when I see her like that. Because I never wanted this to happen. However, she is the one can talk her feelings to others. That’s the one thing I’m relieved.

I also went to visit my grandma’s house.
I could tell smt is going on.
I went to see my grandpa and he was sleeping. They were fighting and he was out of control.

I couldn’t do anything but from what I hear from my grandma and grandpa, the cause of the problem is WORD.

Even my sister’s case is same.

For me it is the same.

People say random stuff out of nowhere.
They don’t know how that effect others.
Words are really strong, it can change their life by saying little word.
Also when u said it you can never take it back.

In this blog I wanna tell that WORDS ARE IMPORTANT.

via Sun will rise
Your own website,
Ameba Ownd

Good evening.

I'm at the airport and waiting for my flight to Japan.

There is so much anxiety inside of me because I'm scared and feels like it the last chance to talk about my problems to my parents. 

they never understood before, I know that they were concerned and worried and didn't know what to say. But they cant just yelled at me or tell me to stop doing whatever I'm doing. this is because I'm powerless to fix my problems and struggling because I don't know how to deal with it. 

Even I'm getting better what I missed the most is LOVE, ACCEPTANCE from my parents. 

but now I made my mind up.

I cant go like this anymore, cant beat my self up because of someone. At one point I need to make a strong decision. For me, it is never ever trying to get something I can't even get it. Because I know if I kept doing that I end up with depression and all of the sadness and beat my self up in different ways.

So, even my plan did not go well I will stay strong and believe my higher power. Most importantly and now I have such amazing friends who care about me and boyfriend actually loves me. Therefore there is nothing I should be worried. I'm surrounded by the people who are really nice. at this point, I'm very lucky. 

I'm not alone.

also, you are not alone because I'm HERE.

Everyone, every human being cant life without other peoples care.

It's okay to accept I'm asking for help, support. 

who ask for support will win.

If I wanna keep going in this dark side of the world, "YES I OBVIOUSLY CAN".

But I decided I don't wanna be on this side anymore.

I'm sure there is UP and DOWN as always.


If you don't have anyone, just believe it, hope it. In the future, there is always someone who will care about you. So don't give up. JUST HOLD ON THERE.

I promise and I know all the things will be okay.

The reason why you are struggling is that because you can deal with it and you can be stronger than anyone that's why we always suffer. I know you think its only you. BUT, it's not true. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, SO DO I ....?????

via Sun will rise
Your own website,
Ameba Ownd
Good morning.
Sun is not rising yet.

These days I’m feeling tired, no power. depressed especially night time.

I get tired of my self last night.
There is huge disappointment inside of me.

I’m going back japan for 10days today.

I need to focus on my problems and focus on recovery.
I can’t fix my self I need the support.

But when I came back I’m hoping I can do better.
Only i can make  choices either o get worth or keep fighting.

If you were me which one do u chose ???

via Sun will rise
Your own website,
Ameba Ownd