Good morning.

Here is a today's message from Divine Source.

- translated by Yuki - 


* Please mind this is not 'official' or 'certified' translation by Divine Source, but rather, a translation done for my  own spiritual study purpose.




『Who is my true-self?』




Karma is the experience in the past.  Those choices we made in the past consciously or unconsciously.


And as a result of those choices, the memory and hope, nature, temperament are established which will then create our life stories - most of people are doing so unconsciously.  That is because such tendency, nature, hope exist in our subconscious mind.


The impulse existing in the subconscious mind does not get checked.  However, it affects everything that happens in our conscious mind. 

If you want to make life your way, then you will need to become more conscious - to be more awere of your thoughts.

Before anything manifests, it already exists in this world as an invisible energy.  You will need to become aware  of this invisible world which  you passed by unconsciously.


If you come to truely understand what "People will become what you imagine to be" means, then you will know that everything happening is routed to your own thoughts.

That also means that, in a good way, you learn to be responsible for your own actions.


Many people are unaware of their thoughts, so they will attract those unwanted and/or unhappy situations.  But, if you blame that on someone else, you could not solve any of those situations.

If you could understand everything is routed to what you have started, then you will gain a wonderful power.

Opposite to this, if you blame everything on outside of yourself, then you will only lose your power.

You are waiving to take a control of your own life.

Your life will depend on how other people will react.

If you want to make life your way, becoming independent is the major premise.


If you think the cause of the unwanted situation are on other people, then you will not be able to make life your way until those "other people" change their thoughts.

People make judgements based on their sense of values they have established - such judgement will be a base when they create the life.

In many cases, there is no free will for those with unawaken minds.  That is because we are dominated by the Karma from the past.


People always think based on the conditioned memories and/or wishes that were made happened by people around them or environment they exist.

Every moment in our life is the reflection of our conditioned mind - be it our experience in certain environment, situation, events, relationships.

Once you are freed from those, then you can reach to the level of higher mind.

To awaken the conditioned mind, the healing is a great help.  And quitely reach out to the subconscious mind.  It becomes only possible when you go beyond any thoughts.


Once you go beyond the thought and enter the pure conscious area, you will be able to reach to the field that is of unlimited possibility beyond human knowledge, synchronicity,  love and creation.


Only when you enter there, you will know your true-self.

In order to become aware of your thoughts, it will be good to observe what are the thoughts which come up in your mind most often.

Try and pay attention to how many times you are holding any negative thoughts each day.

It could be fun to make your own rule, such as "if you hold any negative thoughts toward any incident and/or other people, then it is  game-over."

Spirituality is to find (see) the God in everything, everywhere - when we say "God", we mean True Love.

To be neutral without judging anything.

If you can sincerely think each and every moment is to meet the God, then you will exit from the cycle of Karma and obtain the true freedom.




 Enjoy Your Life! Divine Source