Good morning.

Here is a today's message from Divine Source.

- translated by Yuki - 


* Please mind this is not 'official' or 'certified' translation by Divine Source, but rather, a translation done for my  own spiritual study purpose.





『School Refusal』


When people don't like something, they tend to only seek for the reasons.

For example, what is happening in case of those children who cannot go to school, even though they want to - is that in opposite to their "want to go to school" thought/feeling, their mind only look for the reasons why they cannot go.


In such situation, if they repeat forcing themselves to go to school, then the suffering in their heart will only increase as they are lying to their heart.


So how can this be avoided?  Let them think - think about what will happen if he/she never goes back to school.  Also, let them think about both of the merit and demerit of "not going to school."


The important thing, when asking these questions, is that their parents should not guide/lead in the direction of their (parents') desire.


The children have their own "thoughts" like they are supposed to.  They might not be able to express that verbally everytime.  And, to read ahead of what the children might be thinking is none of your business.


It is said that a number of thoughts  human create can be 30,000 - 90,000 times per day.  Its scientific background, whether those thoughts which human create unconsciously were counted in,  is not clear, however, in either case, we can say clearly that human create considerable number of thoughts.  And, it is said that 80% of those thoughts are negative. 


In addition, 95% of what we think about today is said to be same as what we thought about yesterday, a day before yesterday, or 2 days before yesterday.  This means, unless you change your thoughts that have become part of your daily routine, you will continue to soak yourself in approximately 45,000 negative thoughts in days to come.


When a researcher at the National Institute of Health Science compared the blood flow in the brain and the behavior patterns, it became clear that negative thoughts will stimulate the brain area that are related to anxiety and depression, and it will give a harmful effect to the brain system.


The most efficient way for children to feel happiness is for their parents to have such habbit.  For childrent to witness their parents facing any difficult/troublesome situation, it is easy to imagine how their parents react to / cope with such situation will make a big difference in the childrent' future.  Imagine if there are two types of parents - one with a habbit to behave with  "What if .....(with anxiety)" thought,   and another with a habbit to seek for any positive aspect of any unfavorable situation almost with a sound of whistle.


Any parent would wish for their child(ren) to go to school (like everyone else.)

However, to think "it is better for them to go" and "they must go" are different.


If you stick to any thought, then you tend to force to achive  the result.


The positive prospects, such as "Maybe there is a better way" or "This could be a chance", could expand your perception and also help to use your imagination to make the miracle to happen - if you did not have such view, then you will think that you are powerless and let the situation take root.


If the adult can show how he/she can accept the disappointment about his/herself instead of keep grieving, then the child(ren) will be able to imagine his/herself to stay in control/calm in any life's difficult situations.


The true happiness is calm and  has deep meanings.  It will not be affected by any situation around it.  It is not something that can be gained by any long-waited events and/or its achievements.

Happiness is our being, at this moment, now.  So it is not about being an ordinary day or special day - because it gives such deep joy in each & every moment in everyday life.


Nothing nor noone apart from yourself can decide what Happiness is.  It has been here in your heart all along.  Therefore, regardless of what might be happening outside you, you can pull the happiness out of yourself.


You can tell children that the Happiness is, actually, something your heart can decide.  So, one of the wonderful performances parents can show to their child(ren) is to be grateful for everything you are given in this very moment, by opening your heart.




 Enjoy Your Life! Divine Source