Do you literally believe Donald Trump is literally Hitler?Do you think, What is a woman? is a trick question?If you believe men are paid 30 more than women for the same job, you8217re an idiot If you think women with penises have the same problem, you8217re a Liberal Are you bewildered as Joe Biden choosing between sniffing an ice cream cone and licking a little girl8217s head to find that the most obvious election theft in history was even more obvious than when Kim Jong Un got 100 of the vote?Are you as baffled as Tony Fauci8217s investment broker to learn that vaccines that don8217t vaccinate and occasionally blow up the hearts of soccer stars with 004 body fat are still a great investment, since Liberals are lining up for more?Are you perplexed as Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Al Gore putting their large empty heads together to learn climate models are 100 capricious and corrupt, as actual data shows carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have never been lower, and if cut that in half, all plant life would die? (Although there8217s good news, so would all vegans ) Liberals believe the dumbest lies as long as the lies sound smart, might save the planet, or scare the sht out of them The deeper reasons why are even bigger and even dumber than believing 5 masks provide 5x protection from anything but stupid