There's a big problem in Japan right now with Japanese people- both old, young and child, having little to no interest in going abroad. This is a problem because companies such as Rakuten and Uniqlo are expanding overseas but are finding that no one is willing to work in their new offices, even for a short period of time. On the flip side, this may be a good thing, since Japan's seriously low birth rate means that there are less workers to help support the growing number of old people. Also, it means that there might be more jobs for bi-lingual people like myself ★ yey. But it is a problem- what is making all these Japanese people not like the "foreign"? And as these people feel pressured to go abroad against their will, will they grow to be more resistant against foreigners in their country, making Japan even more of a difficult place to live for us?

I, along with all the other ALTs in my prefecture, spend Thursday and Friday of last week in conferences, listening to people (myself being one of them) trying to advise us on how to be better teachers. One teacher, a professor from Shizuoka, complained about how textbooks always have conversations similar to this:

Girl 1: Hello, can I help you?
Girl 2: Yes, I'm looking for a sweater.
G1: How about this one?
G2: Oh, that is too big.
G1: Ok, how about this one?
G2: Great. I'll take it. How much is it?
G1: $20.
G2: Here you are.
G1: Thank you, here is your change.

He disagreed with this because many Japanese people are conned when they go overseas. They are seen as rich and ignorant tourists who will give away too much money because they don't have the language ability to say otherwise. He said that textbooks should include situations where the customer is over charged, and argues back with the shop assistant.

Now, this would be great, but, if there were conversations like this in the textbook, wouldn't that make Japanese children fear foreigner places and foreigners even more? Who would want to leave the safety of their own country knowing that people are waiting to dupe them?

It's a big problem I think, and one that I don't have so many answers for. Perhaps my readers would like to give their opinions (via comments, mixi, facebook, twitter.. snail mail?!) on this topic?