Happy Holidays Everyoneスター





P.S: ....we may actually meet in Japan in 2024ウインク

We almost came to the end of another year.


So far this was the worst year for me. It had some amazing highlights, but it was pretty rough.


However life goes on and the new year brings a promise of a fresh start.


Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season.スター



Since yesterday I started living in Germany, in Selm. 

It's not big like the close Dortmund, but it is a perfect one for me.

I traveled a lot and I was so tired, but I went for a long walk today to get a bit familiar with the city.

I was surprised how much German language I remembered from school. I hope that by the end of the year I will know quite a lot.


I will not work as a security officer anymore, but as a kitchen assistant at Gasthaus Suer.....for now....until I learn the language.

My husband is here too, but in Berlin. Won't go into the details but this is ok with us.


I will do my absolute best from here on. 照れ


I won't promise a regular update, but if you would like you can see phots on my Instagram where I will upload more often (@ladyoftheopera), or to TikTok (@lady_of_the_opera).


In case you ever come to visit Selm, come to the restaurant for coffee or beer, or for dinner.照れ


It has been the best 5-5,5 years of my life. It wasn't always sunshine, but they were my 2nd family, and that's how it goes with family.

I learned a lot and I met people I would never meet otherwise.

Today I wore my uniform for the last time....my heart broke while I had to say my goodbies, but life goes on. I'm looking forward to the new adventures that are ahead of me. The best is yet to come 照れ

Happy New Year Everyone 🎉🥂

Please stay happy and healthy no matter what this new year brings 🙏❤