"READ [PDF]  Foods That Heal: A Guide to Understanding and Using the Healing Powers of Natural Foods


In Foods That Heal, Dr. Bernard Jensen uses the teachings of Hippocrates and VG Rocine, as well as his own research and theories, to offer compelling evidence that what we ingest has a profound effect on our health and wellbeing.Part One may change the way you look at your next meal. The section contains a host of helpful troubleshooting advice health cocktails for common ailments, herbal teas, tonics, vitamin- and mineral-packed food combinations, and detailed data on the roles foods play in the optimum efficiency of specific bodily systems, functions, and overall health.Part Two provides an easy-to-understand guide to fruits and vegetables. Each listing in this section presents a history of use, a buyer&#8217s guide, therapeutic benefits, and nutrient information.Part three contains easy-to-prepare recipes utilizing the &#8220Foods That Heal.&#8221 Each recipe makes use of the freshest and most natural ingredients &#8211 ingredients that are not processed or altered by chemical 