皆さん、こんにちは!今日は音楽について話したい。ほとんどの人と同じように俺も音楽が大好き。俺はギターとピアノを弾いても。音楽は俺の魂を癒して、毎日一日中聞きながら色々なことをしている。俺は「Life is a better with a soundtrack. -人生はサウンドトラックと良くなるよ!」とよく冗談している。今でも音楽を聞いている。最近、たくさんのマスロック(Math Rock)を聞いているけど色々な音楽が大好き。そして、日本語を勉強になるのために日本の音楽を聞いているけど俺はまだ理解しない。よく分からなくても本当に好き!俺は聞く音楽が多くて色々な国の音楽を聞いていてもよ!ドイツとかスペイン語が話すの国とか、韓国とか、ロシアでも。



英語でこの例文をくれた:「Since I loved western music, I decided to learn English.-私は洋楽が大好きになったのをきっかけに英語を勉強のようになりたかった」とおっしゃった。(そういう感じだったけど本物の言ったことが全然違ったと思う。そしてはい、日本語の通訳者になりたいですから敬語を使ってみた)


俺は「ええー??本当に?マジですか?」って。俺はそれがちょっと変だと思ったから丸でがある。英語で「western music」と日本語で洋楽は同じじゃない。日本語では色々な洋国の音楽だけどアメリカ人にとって全然違う。


[Western Music アメリカにとって洋楽」とは…例えばゼルダの伝説時のオカリナを遊んだらロンロン牧場の音楽はアメリカ人によると"Western Musicー洋楽"だ。(俺としてそのゲームの音楽にとても懐かしすぎから泣かれる)彼がそう言った後で「えー?何?カウボーイの音楽が好き?本当に面白いですね。」と言った。






面白いね?懐かしくなる感じがある。ちょっと寂しいそうね。昔アメリカの西は探検したときにアメリカが広いから探検者は寂しくなったかもしれないな?でも、勿論冒険だったな ?カウボーイの生活だなあ。その感じをきっかけにこういう音楽を作ったわけだ。




Hi everyone, today I'd like to talk about music. Like most people, I love music. I even play the guitar and piano. Music heals the soul, I listen to music every day all day while doing everything. I often joke that "life is better with a soundtrack". Even now as I type this I'm listening to music. Recently, I've been listening to a lot of Math Rock, but I like all types of music. In order to help learn Japanese I listen to a lot of Japanese music but can't really understand it. Even though I can't really understand it, I really love it, it's great! I listen to a lot of music, I even listen to music from other countries such as German, Spanish speaking countries, Korea and even Russia.


Last week, my Japanese instructor and I were discussing [をきっかけに」and its grammar. He gave me this example sentence in English first: "「Since I loved western music, I decided to learn English.」 (He said something along those lines but I think what he actually said was quite different. And yeah I just tried using Keigo there. I'm trying to be an interpreter later in life.)


I was like, "What?? Really? For real?". I thought that was a little strange so I was quite surprised! In English, "Western Music" does not mean the same thing in Japanese. In Japanese, it's more like any Western Country's music. To Americans it means something very different.


Let's see, to Americans Western Music is... For example, if you've ever played the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Lon Lon Ranch's music is an example of what Americans would deem "Western Music". (The game's music is so nostalgic it makes me tear up a bit.) After he said that, I was like "Really, you like cowboy music? That's interesting!"


I posted a Youtube link below if you want to listen to other examples of Western Cowboy Music.


Pretty interesting, huh? It has a bit of a nostalgic feeling, a bit lonely even. That's because, long ago when we were exploring the American West, since it was such a huge place, explorers were probably lonely. But of course, it was an adventure and exciting I'm sure. The cowboy's lifestyle... It was made for those type of people.


It's so interesting that Americans, Japanese and people all over the world have their own versions genres. Anyway, please recommend me any Japanese music, I'd love to hear it! See ya later!