



大学院に入学のためにとてもいい成績が必要。それは明らかだけど俺の大学時代に成績は平気だ。めちゃくちゃ中位だった!日本の大学の成績規模かよく分からないけどアメリカには4.0 GPA Scale 「4.0成績規模」もし4.0の4.0が当てたら、完璧な成績だ。俺の成績は物理学で3.1だった。75パーセントだろう。(もし日本の大学は同じなら許してお願いします!)陸軍将校になる途中だったからその時に普通の大学生以外義務が持っていた。複雑な宿題があっても陸軍が知らなかった。翌朝、必要なトレーニングのためまだ朝早く起きなきゃった。”さ、今日も寝られないか?よし4kmを走ろう!”その感じでした。なぜしたの?俺は人を守たがったのために。失敗しないよ!グラサン でも、時々クラスを失敗するのが近いかったけどストレスが高かったのに楽しかったよ。


How to Take the Guesswork out of Army Basic Training | Military.com「はい、これは本当に俺だった。」- Yeah, that's actually me.








Alright! I barely made it into graduate school but I was succesful!


Honestly, I wasn't so sure I was going to be accepted but I'm so glad I did. Are you wondering why that is?


In order to get into graduate school you need really good grades. That's pretty obvious but my grades in university were average at best. I mean like super average! I'm not sure how Japanese Universities' grade scale is, but in the US it is usually on a 4.0 GPA scale. Meaning 4.0 out of 4.0 is a perfect grade. Mine was a 3.1 which is barely 75%. (Maybe Japanese universities are the same, if so please forgive my ignorance!) During that time, I was also trying to become an Army officer, so I had a lot more responsibilities outside of being a normal college student. Even if I had complicated homework, the Army didn't care. I still had to wake up early for mandatory training. "Ah, so I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight too, huh? Alright, let's run 4km anyway!" "Why would you do that?", you might wonder. Well, that's because I wanted to protect people and I refused to fail. グラサン. However, I almost failed a few classes everynow and then. Even though it was very stressful, I had fun.


Since I want to study Aeronautical Engineering, if you want to get into that type of school, you usually need a 3.8 or higher GPA. I think my life expereince definitely helped me get accepted. 


It's been 6 years since I've studied Physics, so this is going to be quite difficult but I won't back down! I'm going to start studying my old Physics text books to prepare. This time, I'm aiming for a perfect grade. I've got this, I'll win!