



米国に色々な文化と色々な民族性があるので、たくさん別の言語が話しています。スペイン語とか、中国語とか、イタリア語とか、インド語など、毎日人々が話しています。多い人は移民なんですね。例えば、父はペルー出身、1984年ごろに米国へ移りました。彼は17歳だった。彼はめちゃめちゃ若者でしたね。彼は「絶対にアメリカの夢を取るぞ!」と信じた。とにかく、「ペルー人がスペイン語が話しているのでなぜスペイン語を勉強したらどうですか?」と思っているかもしれないね?そうね、もうスペイン語が話せているんだよ。てへぺろ Puedo hablar tres idomas! Pero mi lengua nativa es ingles! *俺は三つの言語が話せるけど俺の母国語は英語です。*













Hi everyone! This is my second blog post. After yesterday's post, I thought of a lot of interesting things to right about, but completely forgot about them today! Whoops!ガーン


However, I suppose the most logical thing to do is talk about my reason to study Japanese. I am American afterall! I wonder, do most Japanese people wonder why an American would learn Japanese? I think it's a good question.


In the US, beacause there are many different cultures and ethnicities many different langauges are spoken. Langauges like Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Hindi, etc are spoken by people every day. That's beacuase there are many immigrants here. For example, my father is from Peru and came here in 1984. He was 17 years old, that's super young right? He believed he could make the American dream come true. Anyway, you must be thinking, "Peruvians speak Spanish, so why not learn Spanish?" Well that's because I already know Spanish LOL. I more or less speak 3 langauges and English is my native tongue.


Alright, so my reasons for learning Japanese are many, however I'd say these are the most important.


1. Japanese is a very different language when compared to English which is very challenging and I love challenges!

2. I love anime, Samurai and the Japanese way of life. I also love the culture in general.

3. When I was a soldier, I met another Japanese officer and since none of our colleagues could speak Japanese I wanted to learn so that I could exchange culture and language with him.


These reasons are probably strange to you I'm sure. But for whatever reason, I feel a strong connection with Japan. When I think of Japan, the first thing I think about is the Samurai. To me the Samurai is a symbol of humble strength and honor. I have this image of a Samurai meditating in a grassy meadow. The wind blows weakly as the Samurai contemplates war and peace in his mind. Meditating on the previous battle and preparing for the next. Is the Samurai thinking "How should I protect my family?" I wonder. Only he know I suppose. As a fellow warrior, I've thought about things like that. But I'm not a Samurai and I've never meditated in a meadow. Because of this I try to live life like a Samurai every day with honor and strength. I want to protect my friends, family and even people I don't know and I want to keep my promises too.When I think of Japan and Samurai this sort of feeling wells up inside of me.


Alright, that's all! See you next time!