皆さん、こんにちは!俺の名前はチャルズだけどチャリーもと呼んでくださいね。日本語を勉強アメリカ人ですよ。今日本語を勉強は趣味ばかりだけど、いつか専門家になるかもしれません。でも、それか分からない. もし俺のブログを分かったら、俺の脳をわかりますね!頑張ってみましょう!爆  笑









たいてい「Duolingo」を使ったり、「lingq」を使ったり、「 Busuu」を使っています。そして、会話の練習のために「Amazing Talker」を使っています。「Amazing Talker」ではめちゃうすごい先生がいると思います。もし他の言語を習いたいなら、是非チェックしてみてください。


ブログでお金を得たくないです。これは単に楽しくて面白いですよ。俺は日本の文化が大好きので、日本人と友達になりたい。特に侍がかっこいいと思い  すごく優しくて怖いくないだよ!






Hi everyone, my name is Charles but you can call me Charlie. I'm an American studying Japanese. Currently, I learn Japanese as a hobby, but maybe I'll become an expert someday! I'm not too sure yet! If you can understand my blog maybe you can understand my brain. Let's give it our best shot!


Hmmm... I guess I'll start by writing about myself. This is my self-introduction!


*I know ”俺” is more of a casual thing to say around friends and can be a little disrespectful. However, I think it's the best fit for my personality, please forgive me for writing in a causal way I mean no offense and I hope you find it funny at the very least.*


Anyway, I'm 28 years old and I used to be an American soldier I was a Tank officer a short while ago. Currently, I'm applying to graduate school for a PhD in physics but I have not been accepted or started yet. 2 years ago in July I decided to learn Japanese, and yes, my grammar is still AWFUL! I'm still a novice you know! LOL. However, for the past 606 days, I've studied Japanese everyday, and tomorrow I will study some more!


Typically, I use Duolingo, Linq, and Busuu Apps to study (I teach myself this way). I also use Amazing Talker for conversational practice, the site has a lot of amazing teachers on it. If you want to learn another language please check it out!


I don't really want to make money with blogging. This is simply fun and interesting to me and I think it will be good practice as I continue to learn! I love Japanese culture, so I'd like to make Japanese friends too. I especially like Samurai culture, it's so cool! If you want to become friends, comment and help me with my Japanese that would be awesome but no pressure! I'm very kind and not scary.


Anyway that's all, until tomorrow!