6/23 Sun ♦︎ Ballet performance for everyone ❤︎ | バレエがすべてを教えてくれる❤︎アレクサンダー ヒサコのブログ♡Blog by Hisako Alexander

バレエがすべてを教えてくれる❤︎アレクサンダー ヒサコのブログ♡Blog by Hisako Alexander


6/23 Sun♢ 

The 25th Le Soleil Brillant 

Ballet Concert * été 2024 ♪

For ticket reservations(free),

Email contact@le-soleil-brillant.com


call 080-2373-4088✨✨

You can also receive the ticket on the day!

This time, 

in addition to the various ballet highlights,

you can enjoy 2 works 

《Les Patineurs 〜the Skaters》



Les Patineur has turned to

heartwarming work 

danced by professional dancers, 

teachers, and students

 from adults to children 

all together.

On the other hand, 

JEWELS Emeralds is an adult world 

that expresses the beauty 

of glittering jewellery.

 I hope that 

something will touch your heart, 

graceful ballet movement, 

the beautiful music, 

splendour of the mind 


body of dancers, 


the magnificent ballet techniques

Please come and enjoy our showラブ

I would be so happy 

if ballet could become 

a more familiar entertainment 

for you❤︎

The 25th

Le Soleil Brillant Ballet* Concert*été 2024

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Opens at 3.30pm

Starts at 4.00pm 

At Kawasaki Asao Civic Centre Cultural Hall