This week we continue with our main focus on science experiments and learning how to write about them. This week's science experiment involved a cup of water and a drawing. We drew two arrows facing the same direction, but other drawings are possible.

The students predicted what they thought would happen next, then we did the experiment. The result was this:

The image of the arrow that was placed behind the water, changed directions. The students learned about how water can change how we view and see something.


Before we did the experiment, at the start of class, the students went up to the white board and wrote down the answers to their homework.

Then after the experiment, we took a look at more grammar (whose vs. who's), vocabulary (compound words), and writing based activities (writing about anywhere in the world you would like to travel to). We had a variety of answers, with the example answer of Europe, some saying France, and yet another saying Mexico. How exciting and fun!