This focus of today's English section of the Chibi no Bi class was "Seashells." First we watched and listened to the Cocomelon "Beach Song." Here there was a lot of attention paid to activities to do on the beach (make sand castles, swim, play volleyball) as well as actions (bounce the ball, fly a kite, etc.). 

Then we looked at some pictures of seashells and read the book "It's a Seashell Day!" In this book, there was practice with counting, designs (swirl, curve, etc.), sizes (big and small), and colors (white, brown, black, etc.). After that, we did a Paper Plate Seashell Craft. The children practiced their fine motor skills by cutting the plate and also by coloring the plate to make their own, unique Paper Plate Seashells.


Next week will be the last week of August and we will wrap up the Chibi no Bi class this month with a few more summer related topics.