For this week's ESL 3 class at the Scarsdale Office, we focused on a variety of different topics, from logic and math based topics surrounding long addition, bar graphs, and graphing, to English grammar focused topics on adverbs vs. adjectives, singular vs. plural, and subject vs. object. We even practiced some spelling with a round of English Shiritori.

Students learned the names of different kinds of settlements (city / urban, country / rural, town / suburban) and got to practice their reading and writing skills. They practiced both reading and writing skills when they learned about various different kinds of plants, and the things those plants provide us with (ex. "Bamboo provides flooring material for houses.") When they had to write about other plants that provide things for us, these were the answers they came up with:

(Sunflowers - provide seeds for us to eat, Mint - provides nice smells and flavor in ice cream). They drew nice pictures to go along with them too.


Another writing activity that they did, was write a bit about themselves, from their name, age, favorite food, color, and also what their hobby is:

Starting this upcoming term in August, we will have ESL 3, which will cover many similar topics such as these, at the Scarsdale Office on Tuesdays from 5:30 - 6:10 PM EST.