In the Wednesday afternoon Chibi no Bi class we read a book about this girl to the children:

Here name is Madeline. She's a very famous children's book character. The books were written in America, but she is from France. There is a cartoon series and a live action movie about her too. Both are very good - please check them out if you have the chance. 

In this book it not only touched on important things like not lying or stealing, but also on the importance of caring for animals - specifically cats. The children also got to learn a bit about Europe too, like how Paris is a city in France, Rome is a city in Italy, and that there are mountains called The Alps in-between them.

Since the book was set in Rome, there were a lot of famous places mentioned too, like the Sistine Chapel. There was also some Italian in the book too. Such as Signor (sir), per favor (please), and ciao (good-bye). The students learned a lot.

Ciao, everyone!