I think it's the quarter life crisis thing. Sigh... I haven't been sleeping well these few days.

I've always thought (or fantasize wtf) of working overseas.. y'know.. the stepping out of your comfort zone n being independent shit all... and was constantly joking about moving abroad n starting anew.. but.. now that I'm asked to seriously consider about it,  I don't know why but I'm scared.

When I heard about the news my heart beat so damn fast I was actually shaking omg super throw face. I always thought Imma true blue optimist. But I guess I'm wrong.

I don't think much and I don't plan. I always play by the ear. To ask me to sit down and think about what I wanna do with my life, my career, my future... it's too much for me. I always thought I can be strong, but I guess I'm wrong again.

Gahhhhhh!!! To take the leap or to stay put? To take the risk or to stay in my comfort zone? To brave the journey ahead alone or to stay with my family & friends? I've been living here for 26 years. Everything I have.. they're here. Should I give them up.. would this opportunity change my life for the better or will I end up returning home empty handed?? All the uncertainties vs the desire is killing me!!

But the thought of being in a foreign land all alone, halfway across the globe, just makes my tummy churn :(

Then the bro said something which actually made me wanna tear wtf. I blame the hormones...

"aiya doesn't matter the outcome la.. you know that your family will always be behind you and will support your decision ma.."

"Sekali you bring one 老外 back lei??"

(I know. The last sentence anti climax.)
I forgot the reason why, but I got us checked in to one of the rooms in MBS for the weekend! I remembered it was the weekend that Minah was supposed to fly back to indo. I didn't see her off in the end but I treated her farewell dinner the week before! sigh. I miss my chore-free life :(

两个酒鬼 lolololol

half of the bathroom

view from our corridor

view from our room

as I was going through the pics in Ringo-san, I was wondering how come the camera suddenly damn lousy, most of the pics are a blur! then I remembered, when we were in MBS, it was during the haze saga. got so suay anot.
this was the view in late noon. no edit.

and from the skypark

sigh. our suayness really #win

then we had some chillax time at the sky park at night


and coincidentally it was NDP rehearsal. we had fireworks display! omg so romantic!! 可惜......

it's the first time I'm sooooo close to the fireworks. felt as though it's within reach!

drank the night away in our pjs and make up off. that's the shiokest way to drink! gone were the days of clubbing & pubbing with the loud music and all. 岁月不饶人啊~~~



reluctantly washing up the next morning

and sissy's so sweet. she made us all a drink :))))))

and then for the first time I stepped foot into Gardens By The Bay. we went for lunch at some cafe. Hell no I'm ever going back. it was so damn hot I almost melted. really.

I'm in midst of bleaching my hair as I'm typing this. guess the best way to kill time while doing hair is to actually update this space teehee.

So I was in Shanghai for a week for business. Was a little skeptical before I went to Shanghai, but it wasn't really that bad. it kinda felt as though I never really left SG. but then again I guess that's because I was always in the city centre. My office was located right smack in the middle of Nanjing Road, which was also where I stayed for the entire week.

Catching a noon flight after sleeping for 2hours the night before. not really fun.

Warm Bodies. how apt. the scene was in an airplane cabin fml.

somehow it has become a habit that I always request for additional bun. cos usually the main is quite sucky. but I still appreciate SQ's food, after tasting KLM's.

chasing the noon sun.

the horrendous endless taxi q at the airport FOL. sadly the start of the q was behind us. which meant the q u see in this picture is in the shape of an "U". M and I were at the other end :(

Finally checked into our rooms. washed up a little.

my crib for the week.

t'was around 9pm already and we were famished! wandered around our vicinity before we settled for crab roe xlb and some beer.

in the morn I finally got to see the surroundings of my hotel clearly. view from my room.

because M is an early-breakfast-at-a-cafe-before-work kinda guy, I had to wake up gan early every morn to visit Starbucks for morning coffee and breakkie. doesn't help that it's forever drizzling and cold. but it's nice, the morning walk and talks at the breakfast table :)

view from the office. the famous Jing An Temple.

On one of the days my SHA colleagues brought us for Korean BBQ lunch!

my virgin gyutan experience. and I fell in love with it ever since....

speaking about my SHA colleagues, Joyce and Iris!

Where my office was. super prominent skyscraper.

and then my ever sweet sissy flew to Shanghai to meet me!! awwwwwwww

our awesome dinner.

took a walk at The Bund. such a romantic place. but then again I have a thing for old European-ish buildings u know what I mean...






We walked into Peace Hotel and had a couple of drinks in the Old Jazz Bar which my coll recommended. which is really old. I mean the band. all the band members were old man. so cute one!




during one of the dinners with sissy, we ordered this dumpling in lobster bisque. Lobster bisque. I'm not a fan of it but this totally knock me off balance. it was soooooo good until now when we mentioned lobster bisque we will both sigh out loud while thinking of this awesome dish in SHA.

a last picture with sissy before she flew back.

I had a few hours to spare before my flight. so glad the hotel extended my check out till 3pm. so I just nua-ed in my room till 3.

and took a last glimpse of my reddie.

after checking out I still had some hours to spare since my flight was 7 in the evening. I randomly went into a massage parlor near my hotel (it was te only one in sight) which apparently is a lup sup one (I think. cos the masseurs were all clad in body hugging white blouse, abit translucent, top buttons undone, with mini skirts and killer heels. which kinda masseurs dress like that I ask u?).

and I bought a pair of Alexander McQueen slippers. for 4bucks tyvm.
