My Australia Comedy/Adventure Quiz (ep.13) | 辻堂駅前カリフォルニアベア英会話クラブ生徒のブログ



Second Life in Australia


BGM  “I am Australian”


Good day, mate!!! I went to Melbourne and Sydney for 10 days in April, 2016.

I retired last year, and am now enjoying my second life. Here’s my story:


Arrival at Sydney Airport

Sydney Passport control introduced a facial recognition system, called SmartGate.

I was worried about it because I stopped dyeing my hair after retirement and lost weight and my face is different from the passport photo. I stood in front of the gate and looked at the camera but the gate didn’t open. I tried many times, until finally the gate opened, I shouted “Yes!!!”.

After that I transferred to Qantas Airlines for Melbourne.




Melbourne was named the “world’s most livable city” by the Economist.

There are many parks and gardens so it’s called the garden city.

I went to the State Library of Victoria. It was selected one of the “Top 15 Libraries to visit before you die by Trip Advisor.”

This library is very spacious and beautiful and displays many artworks.



Melbourne is also known as the gourmet city. There are many ethnic cuisines including Italian, Greek, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese … and JAPANESE!!

I ate the local dish at an old pub, the kangaroo burger!!

It’s Kangaroo meat and tastes delicious like teriyaki chicken.




Australian Coffee

I’m a big fan of coffee (see ep.4 Shanghai Sharks). Australia coffee culture is very unique. Can you tell the differences between Australian Coffees? (see the Australian coffee guide.)


It’s very complex, so I was very confused and always ordered Cappuccino.

I drank many cappuccinos.



I enjoyed my stay in Sydney. Sydney has 2 historical structures: the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.


This is the famous Harbour Bridge.



Oh! Is there something on top of the bridge?


Oh my gosh! People are walking on the top of the bridge!!!

I went to a seafood restaurant. It is located on a cape near downtown Sydney.

We have to take a ferry to get to the beachside restaurant.

I walked around the many beautiful points, beaches, and luxury houses.

I think reading signs is useful for learning English.

I always read signs in shops and sightseeing spots.

For example:


But, I didn’t understand this beach’s sign.


Todd, Can I ask you?

What does “Nudity permitted on beach only” mean?

Todd’s reply: The sign means you can walk around the beach without any clothes on, but don’t forget to put them on after leaving the beach. (unless you want to be arrested.)


Departing Sydney Airport

At the Departure gate I encountered the SmartGate again. I tried again many times but the gate didn’t open. This time, I was taken to a manned gate.

A Very beautiful young woman officer compared my face with the passport photo, gave a little chuckle and opened the gate.

My Australia trip was over….


Ending music..

“I still call Australia home” from Qantas.

I’ve been to cities that never close down,

From New York to Rio and old London town, 

But no matter how far or how wide I roam,

I still call Australia home.

I’m always trav’lin’, And I love being free, 

And so I keep leaving the sun and the sea, 

But my heart lies waiting over the foam. 

I still call Australia home. 

All the sons and daughters spinning ’round the world,

Away from their families and friends, 

But as the world gets older and colder and colder 

It’s good to know where your journey ends. 

But someday we’ll all be together once more,

When all of the ships come back to the shore, 

I realize something I’ve always known, 

I still call Australia home. 
